This article's #4 pick also costs 7 mana (and he doesn't shy away from the high casting costs - of the top 9 picks, 5 cost 6+ and all 9 cost 5+). If the 'game's over before you can cast it' argument holds water with Garruk, why doesn't it hold with Hornet Queen?
Excellent point. And theoretically, Hornet Queen is more difficult to play than Garruk with a requirement of 3 Forests. I wasn't speaking from his perspective but from mine.
I understand the sentiment, but I find it silly to rank Rare/Mythics against other Rares. What I'm more interested in is the Commons and Uncommons that rank above certain Rares. With the extremely rare occasion of a Foil Rare, you're never going to be faced with a decision of Garruk vs Hornet Queen. But the commons and uncommons vs a middling rare comes up quite often in first picks. Also which Commons are better than Uncommons which comes up mostly during pick 2-4 but also happens Pick 1 when you open up crap like Rare Lands or Chained Veil or Grindclock.
Like he says in the article; IF faced with the option of Kird Chieftain vs Garruk or Hornet Queen, take the rare. Not for money. Not for chasing rares to build decks. But because those cards will be opened by you so rarely you will not often get the chance to play with them in limited. Everybody loves winning and I'm not telling you to sacrifice games so you can horse around with some janky mid-tier rare, but Kird Chieftains come up far more often than Garruk and Hornet Queen. This advice doesn't go for PTQs and GranPrixs, only FNMs or $10-$15 games at your LGS.
He also didn't rank charging rhino
Which is odd because I feel Charging Rhino sets the pace for the entire metagame. You better be able to deal with a 4/4 by turn 5 in any game, is how I see it. You can't gang block it so you have to actually be able to deal with it.