Well, I went to my real-life draft at my local games store for the first time since Gatecrash last night! Prior to this I've only done occasional real-life drafts as part of my international travels, and done virtual drafts through Magic Online. Magic 2015's really roped me back into playing more frequently though, and having 3 draft pods going last night felt great - a vast improvement back from 3 years ago when the same store on a similar night would only have 1 pod going!
I was able to run a great G/W deck that made it to a three-way tie for first place, having gone 3-0-1 (3 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie).
Here's my deck;
Ajani Steadfast1x
Spirit Bonds2x
Dauntless River Marshal1x
Oreskos Swiftclaw2x
Triplicate Spirits1x
Sanctified Charge1x
Selfless Cathar1x
Geist of the Moors1x
Seraph of the Masses1x
Runeclaw Bear1x
Charging Rhino3x
Hunt the Weak1x
Invasive Species2x
Netcaster Spider1x
Siege Wurm1x
Venom Sliver1x
Wall of Mulch1x
Ranger's Guile1x
Evolving Wilds2x
Mass Calcify1x
Solemn Offering1x
Ranger's Guile1x
Ephemeral Shields(plus other stuff that didn't matter)
I had opened Ajani Steadfast pick 1, pack 1, so wanted to force white. I was able to grab some white in packs 1 and 3, but I knew it was being cut by people nearby. Perhaps it was my local meta, but I still felt I was receiving great white cards, even though there were few. Most of my bomb-whites though came from pack 2, as I think the 4 people to that side were NOT in white, and I got both Triplicate Spirits that pack, and the Spirit Bonds. The people to my right weren't in Green though, so most of my green came in packs 1 and 3.
Round 1, vs Red/Blue artifact-aggro;Game 1 he was able to bring me down to 6 or so life using lots of Welkin Terns, but a turn 2 Spirit Bonds was able to eventually stop his motion, and then I just powered up while still making a Spirit every turn to grab the win.
Game 2 I again stabilized around 8 life, but then Ajani came down while I had a Siege Wurm and Geist of the Moors out, which allowed me to balloon back to 18 life and take the game again with hard-hitting threats.
Round 2, vs Red/Black removal;Game 1 my opponent drew almost no removal, and his few threats were quickly outpaced by mine. Game 2 he got more removal, but I sided in an extra Ranger's Guile to prevent a critical Stab Wounds from sticking. It's unfortunate, because these games would've been much more difficult against a more experienced opponent - this guy made a huge mistake in Game 1. He cast Stab Wound on Netcaster Spider, then attacked with Carrion Crow thinking it was safe. He 2-for-1'd himself after I blocked, due to Netcaster Spider's +2/+0 ability.
Round 3, vs Green/Red aggro/ramp;My most fun games in ages! Both my opponent and I were naturally smiling people, and we really just fed off each other's enthusiasm and good will to the point of hilarity. I'll definitely go next week if I can just in hopes of playing with this guy again.
Game 1 my opponent was able to ramp into big threats, but I had curved out my threats so by the time he cast on turn 5
Miner's Bane, I was responding with Triplicate Spirits and a dominant board presence.
Game 2 I mulligan down to FOUR cards - Invasive Species, Hunt the Weak, Forest + Forest, while he curved out Foundry-Street Denizen turn 1 & 2, turn 3 Krenko's Enforcer, turn 4 Goblin Roughrider, and turn 5 Krenko's Enforcer. I draw a Runeclaw Bear, then Forest, Ajani, and a Plains, and even though I lose tempo casting Invasive Species, it slows down his attacks with the Street-Denizens and Roughrider, due to Hunt the Weak eating one of his Enforcers. It buys me just enough time to put down Ajani and gain 4 life off the Species, but Ajani is taken out the next turn by an all-in attack. I am able to get down a Triplicate Spirits and a Selfless Cathar, followed by Seraph of the Masses, but each turn I'm being hit for 2 by the remaining Enforcer, and I know it's going to be a close race made ever more frightening by the prospect of a burn-spell off the top. After being brought down to 1 life, I'm able to attack and sac my Cathar to pump my team for the win.
What a game!
Round 4, vs Green/Blue tempo-ramp;Game 1 I have to mulligan down to 5. I get down some good early threats, but my opponent's turn 1 Mystic powers out double-Frost Lynxes, keeping my forces from applying pressure, and then puts out Ancient Silverback, Seige Wurm, and Hornet Queen. I lose swiftly after that.
Game 2 I side-in Mass Calcify, since my opponent's deck is trying to force a long game. I get a good start against his more rocky start, then get out Ajani and power through the air for the win. I have Mass Calcify in my hand the whole game, but never need it.
Game 3 starts out much like Game 1, but my opponent doesn't have the turn 1 Mystic to power out his Lynxes, allowing me to apply early pressure. He casts a Mind Sculpt (!) on me, and while he doesn't hit too much, he does remove Mass Calcify, which would have been my next draw! Things progress much like Game 1, but this we're much more even as I was able to apply the early pressure, and was able to ride that advantage into a matched board state. My opponent gets down Hornet Queen, and without a Hunt the Weak in my hand he follows that up with Invasive Species to bounce it and recast. That Mass Calcify would've been very useful now! However, despite being behind on board position, I'm able to provide enough defence to keep my opponent on guard - never letting him go all-in while we both draw through our decks for an edge. Time gets called and we're down to 5 turns and even though I was shuffling from cracking an Evolving Wilds at the end of his turn when time was called, we decided that my turn would be "turn 0", allowing him the last turn in the sequence. I don't mind though, and it doesn't end up mattering, because neither of us are dead at the end of the 5th turn.
At the end, even though my opponent and I were undefeated and no one else was, that tie lead to another player joining in on the tie for first place (I know he must've lost 1 game, because in Round 3 he was paired against my Round 2 opponent and they played their game beside us). Didn't realize a last-round tie would have affected us that much!