Another week another JBT draft... another UG deck. This time I actually did OK, 2-1 for 3rd place, losing to the best player/draft winning (sitting to my right in RG).
I P1P1 Hall of Triumph out of an empty pack (maybe there was a Hubris or a Skink or something). 1 P1P2 Golden Hind (Guy to my right took a hydra!). I didn't get much green besides some Leucocroctas... and there was some OK red, but nothing exciting.
P2P2 I was passed Courser of Kruphix so anything thoughts of jumping into red were dashed. There were probably 3 other green drafters so I didn't get much, but I had ALOT of blue bounce.
2 x
Deepwater Hypnotist1 x
Vaporkin1 x
Bronze Sable1 x
Golden Hind1 x
Noble Quarry1 x
Courser of Kruphix2 x
Ravenous Leucrocota1 x
Breaking Hippocamp1 x
Cloaked Siren1 x
Sphinx’s Disciple1 x
Nessian Demolok1 x
Vulpine Golaith2 x
Retraction Helix1 x
Mortals’ Resolve1 x
Pin to the Earth1 x
Voyage’s End1 x
Hubris1 x
Griptide1 x
Hall of Triumph//Sideboard
1 x
Thassa’s Ire1 x
Setassan Starbreaker1 x
Artisan’s Sorrow1 x
Shredding Winds1 x
Stratus WalkI was pretty worried about this deck, it was so think in the creature department. Still it actually had great spells and a good sideboard.
I definitely made use of the entire board (except starbreaker) - using Artisan's Sorrow to take out Nyx Weaver, Thassa's Ire against big monsters and Shredding Winds against flyers.
I won the first match easily against BG -- I just bounced all his guys and killed him with pikers. He had a
Nighthowler and
Nemesis of Mortals but lucky me he never got them. Match 2 I lost vs the draft winner. He just had more and better green dudes plus real removal. I did take game 2 easy and game 3 was stuck on 2 mana for a while.
Match 3 was one of my better matches. I was playing a RW deck piloted by a pretty good player -- at least way more experienced than me. I got beaten game 1 by loyal pegasus and an unenhanced skyguard - even after he mulled to 5 he curved out and I never drew a flier. Game 2 I don't really remember beyond using the Breaching Hippocamp/Retraction Helix for a double bounce to get ahead and beat him down.
Game 3 was all Courser of Kruphix. I drew it turn 2, played on 3, and it literally gained me 9 life and effectively drew me 6 cards. Not to mention holding off 3/3s for days. At one point I was down 18-4 before I got my fliers online. I also got 2 cards and 2 bounces off of retraction helix/hippocamp/Disciple (really 1 card and -2 damage since I could have beaten down for 2 instead of the 2nd bounce).
This was an extremely tense game because even when I had stabilized the board I was down to 5-6 life against Red. He also had a
Akroan Mastiff which was wreaking havoc with my helix, but eventually he tapped down vaporkin on my turn and I got through.
It was an especially weird game because he saw all my draws for at least 10 turns.
What I learned: If you have a couple good creatures, then what the UG deck needs is a critical mass of bounce. Also retraction helix is very annoying to play, and it's very easy to forget about a guy you have pinned to the earth.
Also, Noble Quarry was never a factor which surprised me. I only seem to have it in hand when I was way behind on board, so I just sat on it.