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 Post subject: This deck sucks right?
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:02 pm 
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2 x priest of Iroas
1 x satyr hoplite
1 x satry firedrinker
1 x nyxborn shieldmate
1 x akroan skyguard
1 x lagonna-band elder
1 x spearpoint oread
1 x hundred-handed one
1 x bladetusk boar
1 x cyclops of one-eyed pass
1 x ornitharch
1 x supply-line cranes
1 x pharagax giant

1 x magma spray
1 x dragon mantle
1 x titan’s strength
1 x ajani’s presence
1 x glimpse the sun god
1 x chosen by heliod
1 x rouse the mob
1 x font of ire
1 x armament of nyx

9 x plains
8 x mountain

1 x revoke existence
1 x decorated griffin
1 x riddle of lightning
1 x rise to the challenge

Gotta love the old 5-1-2-3-3 curve.

Of course, the whole draft was a train wreck. Probably 4 people (maybe 5) in white and 3 in red. The black cards were awful and green didn't show up until Theros.

Guy to my right was RU (I first picked War-Wing Siren... I think over the Centaur Lord which might have been an error).
Guy to my left started in RB but shifted to WB. I was going to go green after P1 but I cracked Ornitharch and was passed Akroan Skyguard, so I said screw it and took every RW card shipped my way no matter how bad it was.


"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:08 pm 
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Dude. This deck is fine. It's more like an M14 deck... but that's OK. The reign of weird OP heroic decks is, for the most part, over. Creature curve and playables are as important as enablers again. Huzzah. Huzzah. Huzzah.

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:15 pm 
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This deck is cool. I'd like to try it out. You have at least four bombs (Ornitarch, Skyguard, Presence, Glimpse). And a beautiful curve.

Heh. I looked at the spoiler now. Guessed it. Congrats. And I know the feeling; I'm almost always disappointed with the drafts I win before the games start.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:29 pm 
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Well I figured I would be fine if I got to . I just thought it had like 4 23rd cards and 1 2-drop and very little removal. I assumed someone built a real deck, but everyone's deck sucked and I had 1 drops.

Oh I forgot a hilarious moment: Match 2 game 3 opponent plays time to feed on his firedrinker targeting my firedrinker.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:34 pm 
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Not great, not terrible.

Definitely average.

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:37 pm 
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Buried in my #humblebrag was actual questions:
Final game was very odd. Playing A Uw deck against someone who had skills but it was his first Theros experience -- hadn't played since Innistrad.

I am up 1-0.
We both mull to 6.
He groans and says, I guess I keep (on the draw)
I keep: Plains, Mountain, Ornitharch, Supply-Line Cranes, Ajani's Presence, Armament of Nyx. **

I draw a land, we both do nothing for 2 turns.
He plays War-Wing Siren.
I play Armament of Nyx on it, nerfing it. **

He does nothing turn 4 and 5.
I play Ornitharch, he pays tribute.
He plays Silent Artisan.
At this point I have 5 lands out, Supply-Line Cranes, Ajani's Presence, Font of Ire, Spearpoint Oread, Satyr Hoplite in hand.

I swing for 5, he chumps with his 0/3 flyer.
I play Cranes, put the counter on Ornitharch (I think my thought process was that I could make it indestructible in response to removal with AP)… but still not sure why I put the counter there**

He excoriates my 6/6 flyer (probably should have seen that coming).

I play Font of Ire and Hoplite (I draw Glimpse the Sun God).

He bestows Crystallaine Nautilus on Silent Artisan, swings for 7.
I tank and play Ajani's Presence on his Artisan, killing it (I only have 3 mana open, otherwise I could get a counter on Hoplite).**

I draw a land, and bestow Oread on Cranes, making a 4/6 flying first striker, I swing for 4 (he goes to 11)

Nautilus hits me for 4 (to 16). He plays Bronze Sable.

I draw Cyclops of One-Eyed pass and play it.

He attacks with Sable and Nautilus??? I have 9 power on the board, 16 life and Lava Axe.

I tank for a a short while, finally figuring that theoretically he might have some death ray and tap Nautilus to kill it with Glimpse and take 2.**

He concedes. I guess he just attacked rather than conceded? But he can live another turn by blocking Cyclops (he doesn't know I have Glimpse)

I marked 5 of my questionable plays with ** - starting with a kind of loose keep. Still not sure what happened in this game? Maybe he just has an awful hand and I have 2 flyers?

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 3:37 am 
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What happened? The guy who made the last mistake lost :evil:

You kept a bad hand, and then topdecked like mad. He kept a bad hand and didn't. Just look at your sig. Everything looks nice when opponent does nothing four turns in a row (copyright rstnme). And he got unlucky in that you were able to kill his Nautilus twice very quickly.

As for your actual mistakes:

That hand was a mulligan. It worked out this time, and there's no telling how good a six-card hand would be, but you had no critters to play for the first four turns, and no lands to play your five-drops with.

Armament on Siren was OK. You needed the mana later on for other things. I think he would have bestowed Nautilus on Siren turn five, possibly when you were tapped out from playing Ornitarch, and that would have hurt. No way you could have known that, but it was clear you will finally be playing things on turn five.

Killing the Artisan was OK.

Putting the counter on Ornitarch was a mistake. But I had to learn this the hard way too.

When he attacked for the last time, you should do nothing. He can't target Nautilus with anything anyway. Just keep the Glimpse for any blockers he might play post combat. After that attack he's dead anyway, unless he has something really good, and you should just wait to see what it is. You have lethal on board and a bomb in hand.

He might have had a tempo play in hand which might make it possible for him to race, if you didn't kill the Nautilus. And he conceded because you killed it.

Kinda nasty of me, but you wanted to know. Nice to see you winning drafts.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:50 am 
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I kept the hand only because I "read" that his hand was terrible and I was up 1 game. I still think it was a mistake though.

I usually do OK when a new set is released because I study it. But people who play more catch up and pass me.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:12 pm 
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Being up a game is never a good excuse to make a play.

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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 12:47 pm 
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I think you are right... the exception would be if you had a play that was value ~neutral but decreased variance. But if anything a marginal keep is the opposite of that.

Well, wait a minute. The key info here is that he mulled once, groaned and rolled his eyes. This is information - possibly false information, but information nonetheless.

My decision is: What are the odds of me beating a (probably) hand with my (definitely) bad hand, as compared to a generic mull to 5 against that same (probably) bad hand. My (probably) incorrect thinking was that I could afford to game on my read because if he was acting I still had a game to play.

We need to maximize our chance of winning the match. Let's assume deck/players are equally matched (there isn't a whole lot of information to decide otherwise - other than I won game 1).

Assuming equal hands, my chance of winning is 50%+25% = 75%. Both of us mulling to 6 "blind" doesn't change that... although me being on the play game 2 might make a slight difference (in the long run it matters very little because I will be on the play in game 3 if I lose, so the edge roughly cancels, although maybe it drops my match % to 73% or something.

But the mulls aren't blind. My 6 card hand is bad. Actually it's quite awful. I need to hit 3 lands and an 8 outer low drop in 4 draw steps. Or running low drops.

OK, forget all that - I realize why this is such a bad keep. Him going to 6 makes my 5 BETTER not worse. That dominates all the blah de blah about tells and variance.

I seem to have gone from mulling 2 land 7 card hands to keeping them to keeping 2 land _6_ card hands that are not otherwise playable.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:43 pm 

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I'm not sure why you played armament of nyx. With few enchantment creatures. you don't have its versatility, and the creature it enchant can still be a good blocker. You played it while leaving rise to the challenge AND revoke existence in the SB. Which is madness.

Alo, I think I would have played decorated griffin over cyclops on one eyed pass. You'd have no double red in the deck more evasion and a relevant ability. (late game, you can just attack an ignore your opponent)

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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:02 pm 
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Armament is removal that hits non-enchantment creatures, I have plenty of stuff to kill enchantments. Vs. a heavy enchantment deck it comes out for revoke. Rise is fine but it's the worst enabler of the lot.

Cyclops over Griffin just because of having way too many 5 drops.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 8:27 am 
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How did double priest work?

I remember that card not being so good in TTT and having two of them in the same deck seems to be the weakest part of the deck, is sort of acceptable now?

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:32 pm 
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I never sac'd a priest to disenchant, but it was nice knowing I had the option. I would have rather had pikers in this deck but it was not to be. I think one of them became a 2/3 on turn 2 thanks to shield mate, and the other trAded with a 2/1.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:14 pm 

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Zenbitz wrote:
Armament is removal that hits non-enchantment creatures, I have plenty of stuff to kill enchantments. Vs. a heavy enchantment deck it comes out for revoke. Rise is fine but it's the worst enabler of the lot.

Cyclops over Griffin just because of having way too many 5 drops.

I'd prefer rise to the challenge to armamament of nyx because:

1. It's an instant
2. It lets you kill a creature instead of creating a blocker
3. It's cheaper.

The cyclops is cheaper than the griffin, but the double red could stop it from actually being a 4 drop. And it gets blocked and killed by everything.

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