I think it is important that for every "here is my 3-0 deck" for consideration to be given to decks that just outright fail. My first JOUx3 draft had gone 1-2 after I drafted a
Hour of Need deck that narrowly lost the two matches (both 2-1 and both to the wire). Not perturbed by this I jumped back on MTGO and opened a foil Prophetic Flamespeaker. After drafting what I thought was a stupidly powerful
deck I ended up with this:
Lands (17)
8 Mountains
9 Swamps
Creatures (14)
Pharika's Chosen
2 Bloodcrazed Hopilite
2 Sigiled Skink
2 Grim Guardian
Mogis's Warhounds
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Squelching Leeches
King Macar
Forgeborn Oreads
2x Deadbringer Lampads
Thoughtrender Lamia (this was a mistake)
Spells (8)
Magma Spray
Cruel Feeding
Flamespeaker's Will
Font of Return
2x Nyx Infusion
Riddle of Lightning
Spiteful Blow
I genuinely thought this was a 3-0 deck. 2-1 at the outside. In the end I went 0-3 (and 0-6 in games). While I can see arguments that cards like Font of Return (basically a constellation trigger) and Thoughtrender Lamia shouldn't have been played is this deck really that bad?
All comments gratefully received.