Actually option 1 is the best play and the play I made.
Option 1 means he has a 2/1 creature (having cast BSZ for 3). My 3/3 is lethal on his next turn so he needs to topdeck burn to win (but that wins no matter what the option) or pump either to trade or win.
Option 2 gives him 3 turns to draw a win con as the Anatmoist only has one power.
I went with one and he topdecked a +1/+1 pump so we traded.
I drew an
Oculus and he drew
Burn the Impure.
I attack him to 2.
I draw a blank and he draws a land (which he plays).
I attack him to 1.
I draw
Vapor Snag and attack for the win. He burns the Oculus and I draw a creature (can't remember what). He draws a creature.
I win.
One of the most epic finishes to a game that I have played.
As it happens, I would have one with option 2 although my anatomist would have died instantly to the burn spell my opponent drew.