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PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:50 pm 

Joined: Sep 22, 2013
Posts: 889
Name: Denner Fabellian
Author: RavenoftheBlack
Status: Public :diamond:, In Use :passion:

Appears in: Refer to the wiki page or the Index thread for a full list of works.

Denner Fabellian is a self-described Delver, a constant seeker of things, places, people and especially knowledge. He is a mage who focuses on illusion and simple, short-lived enchantments of physical alteration, particularly levitation and similar abilities.

== Physical Appearance==

Denner is a man who falls just above mediocrity. He is slightly above average height for a human man, and his physical form is likewise just above average. He is not an unattractive man, nor is he a particularly remarkable one. He is not muscular, although he is fairly slim, a condition resulting from his frequently forgotten meals. He has short, brown hair and brown eyes, and usually goes clean-shaven except when he forgets to shave. He usually wears a loose-fitting blue tunic and simple trousers.

== Powers and Abilities==

Denner is a self-described Delver, a term he has selected for his absolutely unique ability. Although no one, not even Denner, really understands how, Denner is able to sense any object, location or person, even across the Blind Eternities, and find his way there. All he has to do is get a basic description of his target, and, given enough time, Denner can usually find it. He has often used this ability as a source of income, hiring out his services to those willing to pay. He also uses his innate Delver ability for his own unending search for knowledge.

Denner Fabellian has a permanent eidetic memory. He remembers with flawless precision everything he has ever heard or seen. He is, in fact, incapable of forgetting. Whether or not this ability led to his insatiable thirst for knowledge is unknown, although it has certainly helped him in it.

Denner is also practiced in the use of illusions, although he has never been a particularly powerful mage. Owing to his perfect memory, his illusions are usually visually flawless and virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. However, his lack of pure power typically means that his illusions do not last particularly long. Denner is also fond of levitation, waterbreathing and spells of that nature.


Denner Fabellian was born on Sula, a tropical island on a thus-far unnamed plane. The island of Sula was a peaceful, happy place where community and creativity were prized, but it was owned and ruled by bizarre and aloof wizards of terrible power collectively known as the Shorecerers, thus named because their Ivory Tower was located on the northern coast of Sula.

Denner's home town in Sula was a town called Saport, located on the southern end of the tropical island. In Saport, there was a simple library, where a young Denner spent much of his time. One night, while studying alone in the library, a fire was mysteriously started, and Denner would have been burned alive. This event caused his latent planeswalker spark to ignite, and Denner was cast from Sula into the Blind Eterinities. With his innate Delver ability, it did not take Denner long to learn the truth about planeswalkers and learn his true nature, and Denner settled into his new life easily, ever searching for new knowledge to gain.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:34 am 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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The diamond and passion smilies aren't working.
The first line under Physical Appearance makes no sense. Did you mean to say "above" rather than "about"?
"incapable to forgetting" to -> of
"young Denner spend much of his time" spend -> spent

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:02 am 
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Joined: Sep 22, 2013
Posts: 11080
TPmanW wrote:
The diamond and passion smilies aren't working.
The first line under Physical Appearance makes no sense. Did you mean to say "above" rather than "about"?
"incapable to forgetting" to -> of
"young Denner spend much of his time" spend -> spent

Thanks, TP!

I fixed the typos. It took me a little while to figure out why the smilies weren't working, and it turned out to be simpler than I was making it. Thanks for catching the errors!

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