Name: Amah al-Hazid
Full Name: Amah ash-Shahid bint-Fahima al-Hazid
Author: Tevish Szat
Status: Public
Classification: Female Human (?) Planeswalker
Appears in: Refer to
the wiki page or the
Index thread for a full list of works.
Physical DescriptionAmah is a woman in her mid twenties, with dark olive skin, wavy to curly shoulder-length black hair, and vivid dark green eyes. She is of average height and a light to average build. She has a somewhat small slightly hooked nose, very high forehead, high cheekbones, and narrow chin and jaw. Her fingers are long and slender. Her hips are somewhat narrow.
For all intents and purposes, Amah appears to be an ordinary human. Though her forest-green eyes are somewhat out of the expected canon of Rabian appearance, it was suspected that her father was a Sahir and used the aid of a djinn to sire her upon her mother with her mother largely unaware of what was transpiring. It is possible, however, that there might have been no mortal man, and that Amah’s father was himself a Djinn.
In town or for light travel, especially in regions of less oppressive heat and sun than her native region of Rabiah, or in town, Amah wears a modest dress of airy dark blue silk trimmed in gold, belted around the waist with a black lace sash, and black silken slippers. For heavy travel, or travel in hotter regions, she wears a drab, middle-grey abaya – a flowing garment of linen cloth that covers her entire body except for the face, feet, and hands – and with it a veil that shields all but her eyes, long heavy leather gloves, and high leather boots. She also keeps a pair of goggles with lenses of deeply tinted glass for protection against sun, wind-driven sand, or (in the wider multiverse) the glare from snow.
PersonalityThere is no such thing as bad knowledge. Amah is a student of arcane lore and scholarly pursuits, and feels very strongly that “forbidden” lore and “dark” secrets are things that she has no reason to fear. In fact, she goes out of her way to seek out the most dire bits of knowledge, since those less dreaded and suppressed are sure to be easier to come by, and she can learn them at her leisure. Even beyond this, Amah is totally fearless, never having felt even the slightest twinge of existential dread in the face of terrible secrets, nor anything but curiosity when faced with even the most vile of Horrors. She has very few compunctions when it comes to obtaining knowledge and has some difficulty empathizing with other people, particularly anyone who annoys her.
That said, if you aren’t keeping her from what she wants, Amah is a decent person to be around, and becomes particularly open and gregarious should she find someone even close to an intellectual equal, talking very openly about academic subjects as long as no one attempts to tell her that something shouldn’t be done.
Other than intellectual discourse, though, Amah is rather asocial. She doesn’t understand or engage in small talk, currently feels no interest in forming any lasting romantic relationships or even in making friends rather than simply useful acquaintances, and rapidly becomes hostile should anyone suggest she ‘loosen up’. She has a strict, philosophical objection to alcohol, depressants, hallucinogens, and likely to stimulants as well (though ones as mild as the caffeine found in tea and similar drinks don’t seem to bother her)
HistoryAmah was born on one of the Thousand Refractions of Rabiah. Her father is an unknown entity of some magical power, and her mother learned that Amah, too, would possess the potential for great magical power, as well as the potential to become a Planeswalker, though the significance of the latter fact was lost on the common woman.
At the age of eight, Amah was apprenticed in the great cabal of sorcerers that established prominence on her refraction, and spent most of her time growing up learning magic and scholarly lore. Compared to her peers, she had a natural gift but was considered a trouble-maker, acting outside the bounds of what many considered appropriate. Because of this latter reputation, many less skilled mages were promoted through the ranks ahead of her, a fact which infuriated Amah.
In her seventeenth year, Amah convinced one of her peers, newly raised to a new rank, to let her in to the vault where the most potent and dangerous tomes of magic and knowledge were held. There, she pursued the books until she came to the
The Book of Impossible Names, an ancient tome that recorded the names, histories, and fates of Planeswalkers. Upon reaching the last page, Amah cut her finger on one of the corners, and watched in amazement as the book absorbed the drop of blood that fell on it, and her own name appeared in the blank space. In that moment, she ascended.
Since then, Amah has traveled the planes, hunting the secret histories of demons, the lies of angels, and just about any other piece of information someone wanted buried and forgotten.
NotesAmah carries a heavy satchel with writing materials and several large tomes. Some are the books she had picked from the library in her academy to pursue at her leisure, but others have further significance
The Book of Impossible Names: a magical artifact, once this book is “introduced” to a planeswalker (by touching them, or having some basic facts about them – name and plane of birth – inscribed in the book), it is somehow able to keep tabs on the Planeswalker in question. Important events in the subject’s life will be recorded in the same dry, scholarly style of the rest of the book, and their current location will often but not always be noted, though unless the planeswalker is recorded dead there seems to be some inaccuracy in this.
The Book of Worlds Undreamed Of: Amah’s own creation, a combination record and scrapbook relating the important facts of worlds Amah has visited.
The Forbidden Volume: Amah’s masterpiece, an ironically titled tome in which she has recorded many of the facts she has learned, particularly the most heavily suppressed or those reported to be ruinous to be made aware of. If indeed knowledge can be hazardous to one’s health, reading the Forbidden Volume in full, even its current (and likely perpetually) incomplete state, would likely count as suicide. Amah herself seems unaffected.
Amah also possesses copies of
Alf Layah wa-Layah,
Voices of the Azif,
Relbin's "Reliquaries",
Mender and Sunder (original and translated), and
Unspeakable Histories.
Predictions About Amah: Several predictions were made about Amah. They should be considered technically accurate.
- If Amah becomes a sorceress, she will "wed herself to knowledge" never upon Rabiah wed any mortal man
Amah is indeed a sorceress. This does not preclude her marrying a man off of Rabiah, nor marrying someone who is not a man even on Rabiah, nor does it prevent her from marrying an immortal man even upon Rabiah. Her own proclivities (or lack thereof) would suggest the more general point of view might be accurate (that she will never marry), but it is possible that the phrasing suggests she will marry someone (or something) that is somehow representative of knowledge.
- If Amah becomes a Planeswalker, her mother will never see her again
Amah has become a planeswalker. If Amah ever returns to her refraction of Rabiah, then either she will not be able to encounter her mother, her mother will already be deceased, or her mother will be blind or their meeting and communication will be such that Amah does not enter her mother's vision, such as meeting in total darkness.
- Amah will, someday, be powerful enough to bind a Serendib Efreet to her service.
This does not say that she will do so, only that she will have the capability. However, given her mana affinity, home-world, and teachers, it is highly likely that Amah will bind and summon Djinni, possibly including one or more Serendib Efreet. She may have achieved this status already by M:EM present (several years after Night Voices)
Parsing Amah's Name: Amah's name consists of three parts. From back to front there is "al-Hazid", which is a family name, "bint-Fahima" which is a matronymic (meaning "Daughter of Fahima"), and finally her given name "Amah Ash-Shahid" which is an Islamic style theophoric name meaning "Servant of The Witness", in a form (Amah rather than Abd or Abdul) that indicates female. Calling her simply Amah would not be technically correct, but it works as a "pet name" that narration can refer to her by, since the full name is somewhat awkward to western sensibilities.