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Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index
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Author:  M:EM Archivist [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

M:EM Archive Index

Welcome to the Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index! Here you will find all of the great work that has been uploaded to our Archives, organized by Author, by Character, and by Plane!

By Author

Author:  M:EM Archivist [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

By Character

Author:  M:EM Archivist [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

By Plane

Author:  Arcades Sabboth [ Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

I'm 80-90% certain that all Molcru's Mercy belongs to the plane Krathia, and 100% certain the others do too.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

I'm 80-90% certain that all of these belong to the plane Krathia.

Okay, cool. I'll make the change. I haven't actually read this, so any help I can get is good! A quick search does reveal that three of the stories mention this specifically, so that's good enough for me!

Author:  Lunar Mystic [ Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

I have a pile of stuff that was maybe swept away on the old boards.... like Kayin, Memento Mori, Acaru world Treee, Gruff and others.

What should i do?

Kayin.jpg [ 221.16 KiB | Viewed 49518 times ]

Author:  Lord LunaEquie is me [ Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

I have a pile of stuff that was maybe swept away on the old boards.... like Kayin, Memento Mori, Acaru world Treee, Gruff and others.

What should i do?

Put them up for vote.

Author:  Vega_Z27 [ Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

I know you guys put a lot of work into sorting by author and stuff but is it possible to sort works by associated works too? Like I really want to read war of the wheel but I feel like there are a lot of associated works and planeswalker dossiers I should read before hand but I don't know in what order, and I'm not sure if there are other works/stories like that and it's a bit intimidating.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

Vega_Z27 wrote:
I know you guys put a lot of work into sorting by author and stuff but is it possible to sort works by associated works too? Like I really want to read war of the wheel but I feel like there are a lot of associated works and planeswalker dossiers I should read before hand but I don't know in what order, and I'm not sure if there are other works/stories like that and it's a bit intimidating.

It's something we've talked about, and we're still trying to figure out the best way to make it happen. It gets pretty complicated when you get into multiple character arcs crossing paths.

As for War of the Wheel, I'll give you a quick run-down of the stories that came before it, in the order they were written (mostly):

"The Planes of the Dual-Walkers" --> "Dead Man 'Walking" --> "Deals and Devils" --> "How to Trade a Planeswalker" --> "Tears of the Djinn" --> "The Fallen Pharaoh" --> "Kiss of the Shorecerers" --> "The Cruel Finale" --> The War of the Wheel

Hopefully that helps, and thanks for the interest!

Author:  Lord LunaEquie is me [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

Vega_Z27 wrote:
I know you guys put a lot of work into sorting by author and stuff but is it possible to sort works by associated works too? Like I really want to read war of the wheel but I feel like there are a lot of associated works and planeswalker dossiers I should read before hand but I don't know in what order, and I'm not sure if there are other works/stories like that and it's a bit intimidating.

I am actually working to fill the wiki with a million and one pages for the M:EM, but it's limited by:
  • the time I have to work on the wiki
  • my understanding of wiki coding
  • my motivation to actually work on the wiki instead of something else
  • my familiarity with all the locations and characters in a work
That last one is important because it essentially means I am going to need to re-read all of the Archive predating when I started taking notes of the whos and whats. War of the Wheel is likely going to be some ways off due to its size and the recent nature of my reading.

Author:  Vega_Z27 [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

Raven-Thank you that actually helps a lot. I've only read are tears of the djinn and kiss of the shorecerers,and one or two of the dual-walker stories (and maybe how to trade a planeswalker?) but I'll likely read them all again. Some of the planeswalker said mentioned in your interview I'd never heard of.

Lord-Luna- That's a lot more work than I realized :takei: so thank you for all that you do. I hope I didn't come off as rude I was just curious if it had even been an idea.

Author:  KeeperofManyNames [ Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic: Expanded Multiverse Archive Index

I'm working on some introductory materials as well Vega. It's a problem a lot of us are bashing away at obviously haha, it's just kind of a difficult one. :P Keep an eye on the board, I'm sure we'll get things sorted out eventually.

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