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A Day in the Life of an Obstinate Baloth [Microfiction][Public]
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Author:  M:EM Archivist [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  A Day in the Life of an Obstinate Baloth [Microfiction][Public]

A Day in the life of an Obstinate Baloth
by Stigma_Lasher
Status: Public :diamond:

A Day in the life of an Obstinate Baloth

Baloth walks.
Baloth walks into a giant rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth roars at rock.
Baloth lies down and sleep.

End of Day.

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