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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:49 pm 

Joined: Sep 22, 2013
Posts: 889
Huinn, Last of the Darkwings
Author: Barinellos
Status: Public :diamond:

Classification: Male Aven Planeswalker :planeswalker:

Appears in: Refer to the wiki page or the Index thread for a full list of works.

Huinn is an Aven Planeswalker, a spy from the frozen plains of Kaldheim. The only thing darker than his plumage is his mind magic, which he uses to steal the secrets from all those who cross him.

Huinn and his brothers shared a special bond, ever since their times in the rookery, they possessed a unique mind to mind connection. Given their talent, they were raised to serve as the king's Darkwings, elite spies and assassins. They rose to become the most feared and infamous legend in the king's service. There were no secrets from their eyes and none safe from their talons. They served their king loyally, eliminating any threat to his iron-fisted rule.

The barbarian warlords of the wastes eventually became more aggressive, and the brothers spent more time away from the castle of their liege. Their own proficiency would be their undoing though, as more and more of them were caught and killed it only strengthened the bonds of those that were left. Finally, only Huinn and Muinn were left, their minds deeply entangled with each other, making them more dangerous a pair than ever.

Their last assignment was nothing out of the ordinary, but Huinn would never see his brother again. Huinn was captured and his spark ignited at the moment of his execution, flinging him away from the cold winds of his home plane. When he returned, he found no physical trace of his brother. Even while in the Blind Eternities, though, he could feel the mind of his last brother, and desperately he began to search. When he returned to the castle, his lord told him his brother had not returned, but Huinn refused to believe it, even going so far as to kill the man he served his entire life in outrage and denial.

With no trace of his brother on Kaldheim, Huinn is now convinced that his brother wanders the planes, the voice in his head urging him on. The only question is, is the voice in his mind that he speaks to so often his long lost brother, or just the last delusion of a shattering mind being consumed by its own power?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:39 pm 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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The barbarian warlords of the wastes eventually became more aggressive, and the brothers spent more time away from the castle of their liege. Their own proficiency would be their undoing though, as more and more of them were caught and killed it only strengthened the bonds of those that were left. Finally, only Huinn and Muinn were left, their minds deeply entangled with each other, making them more dangerous a pair than ever.

Since the first line has two subjects, it's unclear who the second line refers to. The third line make it clear that the second line refers to the Blackwings, but by that point the reading experience has already become somewhat jarring.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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