Let me summon Ragrio, storyteller, and squinty from the abyss to get their opinions first.
/clears throat
Do you know how long it takes me to walk all the way out of the Nine Hells to be summoned? Oh sure, you lot get teleportation summons and the like, but I'm an old demon that has to walk, and let me tell you, it takes me ten days to march my happy ass out here for a summons. I left a perfectly good game of Monopoly to show up here. (Hey, being forced to play Monopoly is my version of Hell, dunno what you guys consider a punishment)
Anywho, I'm sorry for wandering off. I had a lot to do, work on, work out, and deal with. I won't be reclaiming my character right now because I may be wandering off again, I don't know. But maybe sometime in the next few weeks I'll be able to rejoin with some confidence. I just don't want to make more promises of participation I don't feel I can keep.