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[Freeform] Call of cthulhu
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Author:  deadpoet [ Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  [Freeform] Call of cthulhu

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It was summer,but you couldn't tell that from the rain. Instead of being one of those nice cool refreshingly welcomed rainstorms; it was one of those middle of winter rainstorms that makes you feel depressed. You couldn't even tell that was the afternoon due to how dark the clouds appeared to be. The bus seemed to groan in protest of the weather as it moved down the street slowly. The bus then pulled up to the next stop to let those who weren't going to let the weather get in the way of plans on board.

Author:  Tequilasaurus [ Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Freeform] Call of cthulhu

As the bus pulls up, a young man in a fitted straight-billed hat hastily boards it, flashing his bus pass, making minimal eye contact with the driver. He looks for a window seat and quickly sits down. Electronic music is buzzing from his name brand headphones, and a lime green iPod can be seen tucked into his now damp flannel grey jacket. He stares absently out at the rain, then around at the other passengers. Aaron makes a face of disappointment unconsciously to himself. He didn't like the rain. It made him feel isolated.

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