First the logic of Gobo_Scarlet hidden behind that name instead of JaC doesn't fit, because in all my games played/watched it was not JaC but Gobo_Scarlet playing. Shippo fits that standard more than scarlet because it was Lilan under another name.
Veiled Beryl might be the red herring, but it seems obvious that it indicates Scarlet. I'll give you all a second to figure out what color Beryl is.
I feel it is strange I was the first one to pick up Veiled Beryl since I sat down to think about it, googled what color Beryl is, and had it within 3 minutes. I haven't yet devoted much attention to this game, but it feels like people didn't actually bother. There we go, back to having a compelling need to throw down a vote on KoD.
Beryl comes in a variety of colors. Most precious of which is green (emerald). The first time I googled it, I used "veiled beryl" and came up with something about authors or some such stuff. I googled beryl later and got the results on the mineral, but I never connected the emerald color to Scar's name.
I'll admit though, that's a better clue than docks for Shippo and the laugh (after all, Zinger did write his own death post using the clues given to him).
I would agree that Veiled Beryl is almost certainly Scarlet (Veiled part can point towards the fact that hes using a more generic moderator account instead of his old name/account: JaC). HOWEVER, I just did a google search of my own and Beryl is indeed naturally green/green-blue, not red. It CAN be red, but just searching beryl doesn't come up with anything naturally red, so I doubt its a reference to Scarlet here.
WAIT. Actually, Scarlets NAME is green. and my reasoning about the Veiled part still holds true (perhaps even more so now). Ok, I'm sold on Veiled Beryl matching to Scarlet now.
All of these quotes came from just one page in regards to the conversation over veiled beryl.
I agree with the latest sentiments in regards to the references, the one towards myself included, however the placement of the clues within the story have no further bearing on alignment. The killed guy (Zinger) just got the clues after all, and no additional information. So why everyone jumps on me, I don't know. Even though votes in the thread don't matter anyway.
I probably do have (almost?) the most experience in these types of games. That, of course, can cut both ways.
Not to mention Scar's own agreement over the clue.
The logic concerning the GobO account in regards to hiding is sound and is what sold a lot of people on the clue referencing Scar up until HW's connection of 3311 to Arrgh which ended up causing a huge debate over what clue is the red herring.
It doesn't matter if you disagree with the logic. It doesn't matter that JaC mostly plays on his GobO account (note: he does so since it's easier as opposed to switching between accounts for activites). It's known (Scar hasn't been subtle with this information) that he's JaC. Again, the reasoning/logic is valid.
I will not do a 180 at this point. Let's pretend that you're absolutely right. The logic is horrible and it does not apply to Scar. Since it's a "hidden gem" reference we've (I've) constantly been linking to Scar, we'll just apply this to all references (veiled beryl, secret topaz, furtive quartz). Are you with me so far?
Since we've disregarded that as referring to Scar, we end up with the following situation:
Shippo's DP indicates Neo via the latin phrase "boys will be boys", but no one else is indicated (as we've eliminated Scar as being possible due to bad logic). Agreed? So with only Neo being mentioned, we have no one else to look at for the clues that is valid. Agreed? I ask this because I trust you've not going to say the topaz points to you someone else, right? Moving on.
We get D3 clues. Nothing apparently points to Neo. Ok, we strike him off as being scum for not being mentioned again. So as far as the D2 clues go we have nothing to indicate who was scum. Looking at the clues for D3 though we get furtive quartz which you attribute to yourself (we're neglecting Scar because of the bad logic) and Niklor due to the numbers for his join date. Are we on the same page?
So it's either you or Niklor that are scum. And if Niklor isn't scum, what then? Pursue you? Ignore you like we're ignoring Neo should you not be (possibly) mentioned in the next set of clues?
Edit while typing: I noticed where you said you connected Niklor to topaz/secret topaz via considering his join date (which is in November) and the birthstone for November being a topaz. I'll admit that it could indicate Niklor potentially although the secret part I do not find agreeable at all.
Now on to the gem clues. Your argument boils down to 15377 used a quote as a clue and since the first quote clue hinted at Mongoose ALL quote clues point to Mongoose. Why would 15377 use a quote again? Because each quote means something different to the others.
No. My argument boils down to the fact that each clue is independent of the others, and since secret topaz (since topazes can appear green) fits for being a clue that points to Scar (via the veiled beryl argument -- which means that the argument for applying secret topaz to Scar is similar to the argument for applying veiled beryl to Scar) it is likely Scar being mentioned. Same with furtive quartz for today pointing at Scar.
Let's look at the words veiled, secret, and furtive. They are ALL synonyms for hidden. Beryl, topaz, and quartz all gems. Therefore the category of this type of clue would be hidden gems, just like the category for the paragraph above was quotes. So while all of these clues can be considered hidden gems, they all mean something different. Beryl points to scarlet's name. Topaz points to Niklor's join date, and quartz points to my avatar. Also you will find that most gems will have a green version. Sapphires, Topazs, Quartz, Beryl, Garnet, Jade, Opal, etc..., so you will find green in almost any gem 15377 decides to use for this type of clue.
They don't necessarily mean something different. Yes, the different gems can be found in a green color in some form or another. Yes, that can be applied to Scar's name. They're not different in the context of viewing the clue. They're only different in just the words being used. Whether or not secret topaz points to Scar or Niklor is a coin toss as each is applicable given the perspectives.
I've shown that the veiled beryl actually has as strong connection to scarlet as the other two clues. There is no guarantee that the veiled beryl was the red herring. As I laid out here in my analysis of each days set of clues:
Incorrect. There is a measure of a gurantee that veiled beryl was the red herring. Since the rules state the clues point to people and Numbers clarified that the red herring does not point to any players we can take it as a fact that Goose was being referenced for sure (due to a direct quote of his words).
That's the town clue taken away. That leaves the scum clue and the red herring clue. Given that Arrgh (indicated by the 3311 clue) came up as scum in the lynch, it is more than likely true that 3311 was the scum clue. That leaves everything else (veiled beryl) as the red herring.
At this point it is simply a matter of perspective on the topaz. Either it points to Niklor like you said and since Niklor is mentioned today he is the scum. Or the topaz pointed to Scar and the quartz pointed to Scar meaning Scar is the scum.
I will be leaving my vote on Scar though.