It is important because you were in error saying what you said concerning my statement.
Obviously I can't tell someone how to play a game if I'm not currently playing a game. Not so obvious is that it is purely a statement as opposed to a command/instruction/what have you that orders a player.
You can't tell someone how to play a game if you're not currently playing a game? Have you like, never read the youtube or twitch comments on a gaming channel? What about any walkthrough? I'll even do it now: "Don't vote any mafia games you play."
I don't see a meaningful distinction between demanding behavior of players as opposed to making moral assertions about said behavior.
Also also, you're incorrect since you can't apply what I said to *any* game. I trust I don't have to construct an example to exemplify this (especially since it is erroneous in the first place to assume such an all encompassing idea as you did).
No instances come to mind where your statement could not be applicable, even if it might be a ridiculous statement. Not that it's relevant, since a context is to be assumed.
More baffling than not understanding why I wouldn't side with Rome?
A difference in morality is more easily accepted than one in rationality.
I'll stop drawing arbitrary lines as soon as you stop caring about said arbitrary lines.
Are you telling me that you only construe double standards when interacting with people who don't like them? Do you shape all your interactions with the intent of spite?
The game still operates despite players pursuing other goals. If you dislike it, then oh well.
The game never stated a particular path as to how players get to the goal. It only shows the goal. How the players get there is up to them. If you want more control in your game, impose more restrictions. Go so far as to even ban certain "types" of players from playing in games to prevent what you dislike so much.
"Dying was part of the plan" is a pretty far-fetched way to "get there".
Also, I believe in human's potential for betterment.
Mown's complaint is that some players are seeing the goal, and then completely ignoring it and walking three blocks in the opposite direction to get some ice cream, which he sees as poor sportsmanship during a race.
It's not that great of an analogue because the guy getting ice cream doesn't influence any of the other competitors.