Shock - I know that Day One is full of weirdness and all, but isn't that a weak reason to go after Confused? Can you elaborate on why you think Confused "doesn't look to be adding much" when he's said more than, say, me? And what he's said sure seems accurate to me? I know the idea is to try to make conversation - and I guess you succeeded at that, since I'm talking about it. But it just seems an odd vote to me...
Well, I know where he was coming from since in the last game only Hello World was actually an active member of the mafia. One of the other three went innactive and quit, and the other was barely ever posting. So... I know what he's angling for, even if it is a bad reason to vote.
Yep, that's all true. Except Confused's most recent post had something that contributed. Yet he chose to tag Confused instead of, say, me - somebody who hadn't posted at all at that point. I get that the idea of a day 1 vote is to stir conversation - and so Shock was successful in that. I'm just curious why he says Confused wasn't adding much.
This is a lot of day one activity. I'm not really seeing anything that should point me away from Shock though.
OK - and I'm not seeing anything that should point me
to Shock, either, beyond the general "pick somebody and cross your fingers" theory.
(apologies for any typos - phone posting sucks.)