The first is that you assume that it's okay to stop caring. From what I can tell, town is not actually close to losing, and we've only lost a few townies. It's only Day 2, and you're already acting like the game is over. What makes you so certain?
I've got nothing. I'm just posting to fill dead air. Though thus far this is playing out exactly the same every other game played out and we lost all them. If you want I can just lurk in the back until it's all over?
Secondly, even if you're right, that doesn't excuse your behavior. Town always has a nonzero chance of winning the game, for as long as the gaming is going on, and the more players who stop caring, the less likely town is to win(unless those players are mafia, in which case it doesn't tell us anything).
Wait really? Really really? You are telling me my behavior is inexcusable because I'm ceasing to contribute a metaphorical 10 minutes from the deadline? This coming from a guy who has contributed less then Scarlet (who, ya know, died two minutes in?). I think this little exchange is the most you've posted in the past two days at it's all for nothing.
Third, you're assuming that reads are the determinant of thoughts towards players. They are not. Reads are simply how a person FEELS to you, and in many cases how a person feels to you and what you think they are are different. Envision a scenario where we have a player who is said to be Town by a dead cop. That player is not 100% confirmed, but is still mostly confirmed town. That player can still read as scum, even though evidence says that they are town. Saying it may not be of huge significance, but it's not irrelevant either.
But he just flat out said his reads are always the same. I get why you'd post reads every now and again but why bother if they never change?
Oh and for the record I'm just messing around right now. I'll be back to posting however it was I was posting come day three. I'm just having a little fun.