Wilson let Vance take the lead. Arguing with him would accomplish nothing. Well, he could probably vent a little, but there was always the staff shrink if he really had to let it all out. If he had the courage or foolishness to do so. You could never be so certain about confidentiality when loyalties were as fractured as they were. Director Claymoor's protection was vast, but if you stuck your neck out enough...
Better to just think about work. He took the proffered briefcase and considered opening it. Wilson wasn't fully briefed himself, however the orders he had made him certain he'd know most of it shortly. He decided to hand it off to the appropriate staff when he could. They strode down the halls swiftly. Vance took a smug lead, Wilson following a few feet behind, Miss Sidis and her escorts not far behind his own quick steps. The one good thing about being with Vance is they didn't stop at the first security point. Wilson considered halting anyway just to be irritating, but it would again accomplish nothing.
They took an uncomfortably long elevator ride down. Wilson managed to not quick tap his foot in impatience, but he didn't look quite so professional as he should've. They arrived in the usual amount of time and, once again letting Vance take charge, followed him out the elevator, down a hall, through a pair of austere doors, into one of the many briefing rooms.
It was fairly well lit for a change. Most of the agents preferred dimly lit rooms with monitors, but most of those were turned off for now. 4 long folding tables had been set up with roughly eight chairs behind each. And the room was only occupied by one other agent, probably an active field operative. That didn't last for long, though. One of the opposite doors opened.
And in glided Director Claymoor. Imposing Lillian Claymoor, eldest and head of the board of directors. Wilson relaxed as her smooth, honeyed voice cut at Vance.
"Richard, it's good to have you here. Most of the board prefers to hide away and send their little eyes and ears out to do the important work. Glad some of you still have the balls to put yourself in the same room as an old woman."
Lilian had stop caring about pleasantries after the first few serious assassination attempts. While she couldn't prove which little bitch was trying to do her in, she had no doubt in her mind that ambitious Dickie boy was one of those wouldn't hesitate to remove her. He wouldn't try anything in here, she was certain, not with the knowledge that her personal escorts would be within range. It pleased her to grind his gears, though. She turned her attention over to Agent Wilson.
"Good work, James. That could have gone wrong in any number of ways. You should really take some time off to train so you don't almost pass out every time you use it. It will have to wait until after the current operation, but take some vacation and trust one of the company experts to not be out to get you long enough to get a few sessions in."
The man was a little too paranoid. It would keep him alive, but successful training would do just as well, plus make him more invaluable to whoever eventually took over after she left. She'd probably have to retire after this, if all went well. The liberties she had taken were necessary, but the eventual politics of it all would force her to retire. At least I have one more threat to prevent she quipped.
Her eyes swept over Marc. She had nothing specific to tell him and no intent at attempting courtesy. His record and her network assured her that he was not currently aligned with any of the growing fractures led by a handful of directors. His neutrality was nearly observably perfect. A few might suspect he was her man now, but that was fine. She called out for a techie. One swiftly came in, she indicated the briefcase, he took it, and left. Turning to the girl and her guards.
"That should be good enough, gentlemen. You could have honestly left at the door, but I understand the nature of protecting things. Rest assured we will take excellent care of Sidis."
She didn't wait for their objections, but rather waved her hand. Four brutish men came in and politely walked out the confused escorts. This left her full attention toward Sidis.
"As much as I'd prefer to see to the other potential operative, we should get started. I know how busy Richard is and it would be a shame to keep him here for long. Sidis, come up to the front and have a seat. You too, James. Feel free to interrupt me with any questions. I'll answer most of them and those I won't you don't need to know the answers to. I'll start off with my own, in fact."
"Sidis, are you aware of the unique genetic trait you carry?"