So, Tiny complied the info on who was in which circle
hereI was planning on doing both days here, but, with how long this is taking, there's no way I'm doing Canto 2 today.
First vote count:
NeoSilk (3): Shockwave07, altimis
altimis (1): NeoSilk
GobO_Scarlet (1): razorborne
razorborne (1):
1. Shockwave07 votes NeoSilk
2. NeoSilk votes altimis
3. altimis votes NeoSilk
4. razorborne votes GobO_Scarlet
So, Shock was in 7, so this is his first vote. I vote alt, he re-votes me, getting two votes, and razor gets the ghost vote for voting Scar.
But, I'm in 8, so, my vote should have been 0.5, not a full one.
2nd vote count:
NeoSilk (3): Shockwave07, altimis
razorborne (2): NeoSilk
seTiny (1.5): Hello World
GobO_Scarlet (1): razorborne
rstnme (1): rstnme
1. Shockwave07 votes NeoSilk
2. NeoSilk votes altimis
3. altimis votes NeoSilk
4. razorborne votes GobO_Scarlet
5. NeoSilk votes razorborne
6. Hello World votes seTiny
7. rstnme votes rstnme
I switch to Razor, still at a full vote. HW's vote counts for 1.5, as it should. Soup self votes, and should be at 2, since he should have gotten the ghost vote against him, but he doesn't.
3rd Vote Count
GobO_Scarlet (4): razorborne, seTiny
razorborne (2): NeoSilk
storyteller (1.5): Hello World
NeoSilk (1): Shockwave07
altimis (1): altimis
1. Shockwave07 votes NeoSilk
2. NeoSilk votes altimis
3. altimis votes NeoSilk
4. razorborne votes GobO_Scarlet
5. NeoSilk votes razorborne
6. Hello World votes seTiny
7. rstnme votes rstnme
8. seTiny votes GobO_Scarlet
9. storyteller votes Hello World
10. rstnme unvotes
11. altimis votes razorborne
12. altimis unvotes
13. altimis votes altimis
14. Hello World votes storyteller
So...Scar was at one, Tiny votes for him, and he jumps to 4. Tiny's vote is worth 1.5, so, somehow Scar has another 1.5 votes on him. I don't see how that can be. A vote to the mod would only be 1, with Razor/Tiny voting for Scar, that should be 2.5 votes. So, there has to be something else going on there.
Story votes for HW but it doesn't count. Alt moves around, ends up on himself for the single vote. HW votes for Story, which is correctly 1.5 votes.
Next count:
razorborne (3): NeoSilk
GobO_Scarlet (3): seTiny
Aaarrrgh (1.5): Hello World
NeoSilk (1): Shockwave07
altimis (1): altimis
seTiny (1): razorborne
15. razorborne votes seTiny
16. Hello World votes Aaarrrgh
Razor moves votes, gets a ghost vote against him, and his vote on tiny is worth 1. HW moves to Argh, with the correct 1.5 votes, and Scar is down to 3, with only Tiny (who's vote is worth 1.5) on him.
Next count
razorborne (3): NeoSilk
NeoSilk (2): Shockwave07, 15377
15377 (1.5): seTiny
Aaarrrgh (1.5): Hello World
altimis (1): altimis
Garren_Windspear (1): Aaarrrgh
17. razorborne unvotes
18. seTiny votes 15377
19. Hello World votes Aaarrrgh
20. Aaarrrgh votes Garren_Windspear
21. 15377 votes NeoSilk
Tiny moves his 1.5 vote over to numbers. Hello world moves his 1.5 vote over to Argh. Argh notes for garren (1), and numbers votes for me. And his vote is worth 1.
Next one:
razorborne (4): NeoSilk
NeoSilk (4): Shockwave07, 15377, razorborne, altimis
15377 (1.5): seTiny
Aaarrrgh (1.5): Hello World
Garren_Windspear (1): Aaarrrgh
22. razorborne votes NeoSilk
23. altimis unvotes
24. altimis votes NeoSilk
And the bandwagon on me. Razor votes me, increasing his count to 4. Alt votes for me, since I'm no longer voting for him, it's only 1.
And, the final vote, I vote for numbers, and it's worth 1.
So, what do we learn from this? First, we learn that I need another monitor at home, with all of the windows that are open...
Assuming what Scar said about the circles is correct, which, after writing this, I believe it to be.
Shockwave claimed 7, which is 2 votes, but only voted once, and pretty early on. It was worth one vote, so he could be telling the truth on where he was.
Story claimed 2, where votes don't count unless they are "no lynch" - he did vote once, and it didn't seem to count.
Garren claimed 9, where you PM in your vote, never openly voted, and, from what I saw from Canto 1, he might have voted for Scar. But that seems to be the only place where the votes didn't add up.
Argh claimed 3, +1 to your lynch threshold. He only ever voted for Garren, and it counted 1.
HW claimed 4, where votes count for 1.5. He voted a few times, and it always counted for 1.5
Tiny also claimed 4, where votes are 1.5, voted, and it always counted for 1.5
Fel - Fel never voted. At least, not openly. There was a point where Scar had an extra 1.5 votes on him. I'm thinking that Fel has a special ability to vote via PM, and he did it on Scar, and that was the extra 1.5 votes.
Soup claimed 6, where you get the ghost vote. He voted for himself, but only got 1 vote, which went away when he unvoted.
Razor claimed 6, and clearly got ghost votes whenever he voted.
Scar is of all circles. Or something like that. Scar never openly voted. But I'm guessing the mystery vote on Scar was not a self vote.
Numbers - never claimed. Voted for me, it was worth 1.
Silk claimed 8, where votes count for 0.5. When I voted, it was worth 1.
So, my breakdown:
NeoSilk - either I'm lying about the circle I'm in, or it didn't effect me
Razorborne - clearly telling the truth
Shockwave07 - voted for me early, and never swayed. Can't prove or disprove his circle.
15377 - no comment
Hello World - clearly telling the truth about his circle
GobO_Scarlet - well, it seems like the circle info is true
Altimis - clearly telling the truth
storyteller - clearly telling the truth.
felbatista - like I said, I think he's telling the truth, but can PM votes
seTiny - clearly telling the truth about his circle
Garren_Windspear - hidden votes, how did it come to this?
rstnme - either he's lying about the circle he's in, or it doesn't effect me
Argh - again, one vote, can't prove/disprove his circle. But, he's dead now anyway. Assuming Divine know each other (which is a stretch) might push HW a bit more inferno.
Since I know my alignment, this makes me believe rstnme is also inferno, since both he and I don't seem to be effected by the circles. I'm guessing that Scar is comedy, and has some type of hidden agenda, could be anything, maybe a win-con of getting all of the players into a specific or the same circle. Fel, I think can PM votes, but that doesn't tell me anything about the alignment. Those are pretty much the best reads I have right now. I still think that numbers is divine, or maybe some odd comedy alignment. I don't like that he's the only one not providing information, and I still really believe he's the best option to lynch right now.
I'll go through Canto 2 tomorrow and see if any of the reads change.
And, based on the circle stats, I'm thinking that 3 or 4 are the ones to be in, and I'll openly say that's where I'm headed. Since I can double move, I'll be in 4 next Canto (assuming I'm alive) and likely move to 3 the next one.