Game has ended, mafia(Cardinal dreven,Aaarrrgh) has won, Duskyblue also won because reasons.
1 mafia:dreven
2 mafia:aaarrrgh
1 town:skystone
2 town:rag
3 town:rubik
4 town:kod
5 town:neo
6 town:dusky
Last to be extracted bonus:
Neo: if you voted mafia for most of the last day, and town lost, you win
dusky:if a mafia player died during the game, you won.
Rag:one shot nested watcher+neighbor
Dreven:mafia aligned bodyguard neighbor
Neo:even night unblockable statistical analyst
Rubik:two shot early day neighborizer
Skystone:insomniac tracker
Duskyblue:perfectly average neighbor
Aaarrrgh:tiebreaker neighbor
KoD:Mylo only monty hall problem vigilante and night 1 reroller. neighbor mafia chat
Hi ragnarokio
You always liked staring at the outside world from your appartamennt's windows, but as more and more murders started happening in the town, people found you creepy and you decided to move to another quarter to keep watch, your new home is in one of the most crowded quarters of the city, and from there it would be trivial to quickly reach an hiding spots to surveil the various entries to the houses of the most influential members left in the town, albeit passing a night awake is probably something you can't pull out for multiple nights in a row.
One shot nested watcher: once per game you may learn the name of all players that targeted one random player that targeted you that night.
Mafia points:11
and a
Neighbor :You will receive a link to a neighbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:-1
The link to the neighborhood is:
Hi Rubik
You are but an humble working for the complex, a company decided to leave to building recently and you found yourself to be the only person with the keys to their offices still frequently entering the building, you planned to use it as a safe spot to chat with trusted people, but getting the key copies commissioned may take some time and asking for too many copies might be suspicious.
Two shots early day: you have two shots of your ability(this replaces any base limitation on the number of shots), But you have to use them during the first 24 hours of each day phase and only one each day, if the action only makes sense at night, it will happen the following night
Mafia points modifier:+3
One shot neightbourizer: Once per game, during the night, you may target a player, if this action is succesful, you will create a quicktopic between you and them.
Mafia points:18
Hi duskyblue
You are a perfectly average citizen, anybody that knows you thinks you are the most average person they know,
to think that you are secretly a member of a criminal organization is impossible... or at least it would be if
you didn't pick up any peculiar hobby that clashes with that image of perfection.
Luckily you mostly haven't, sure you choosing to move to neightborhood quite far from work raised some eyebrowns from your acquaitances, but to link that to criminal activity...
Perfectly average:you pick up zero mafia point from your modifier, but if a role would grant you a decrease of mafia points, it instead gives you that many mafia points.
Mafia points:0
neighbor:You will receive a link to a neightbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:+1
The link to the neighborhood is:
Hi skystone
You always had some trouble sleeping, and the fear of these murderer walking free in the town was the last straw, you decided to pass your night walking around to get more tired and maybe see if you can see something shady going on. However you don't expect to see any murder, the modus operandi of these thugs seems to be killing people close to dawn, and by that time you usually have managed to fall asleep.
Tracker that can't see the night kill
Mafia points:17
Insomniac: you can post at night in the thread.
Mafia points modifier:+2
Hi Cod, did you know that in some places cod is an omonym with caught?
You were always unsure about what to do with your life, especially since these thugs murdered many of the people you most care about. To tell the truth, you were planning something terrible:to take advantage of the panic to kill a certain corrupt judge, but you are pretty sure that some would be hero would just trowh themselv in the way to save him, and you still aren't unsure they deserved that anyway, maybe you'll get some better ideas later...
Night 1 reroller: you can reroll your whole role on day 2 picking a new choice from both the choice 1 and the choice 2 lists among those not already chosen or the default ones (you will be given 2 choices for each) .
Mafia points:22
Mylo only monty hall problem vigilante:before your first post during the first 24 hours of mylo, you activate this power, if you do, a random town aligned player dies and the vote is reset.
Mafia Points modifier:+0
HI neosilk
YOu are quite good at searching online info on people, if given enought time, and intend using that to figure out who might be implicated on the recent murders, you don't expect to find compromising evidence, but maybe you can still help everyone.
Statistic analyst: target a player to learn if they were one of the two most likely players to become mafia, one of the two least likely or neither
Mafia Points:15
Even night unblockable: if you have a role, you can only use it on even nights, but you can't be blocked during these.
Mafia points modifier:-3
Hi commander dreven
You are the bodyguard of an important politic, that has started to sell info about him to various criminals for some quick money, unfortunately they are now extorting you into giving them an hand in scaring some wannabe heroes out of this town, with the help of aaarrrgh, a quite nasty enforcer that moved to your neighborhood.
Your partner is aaarrrgh, you can talk to him here a player each night, if they would die that night, you die instead.
Mafia Points:12
Neighbor:You will receive a link to a neighbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:-5
You can find a link to the neighbor chat here, you can also talk to aaarrrgh in that place, but there might be other people listening... neighbor chat.
Hi aaarrrgh
You are an enforcer for the local criminal bands and have been assigned by your bosses to break their morale, even if extreme means are needed, you are extorting cardinal dreven into helping you since he lives in your neighborhood and you know some nasty stuff about him.
Your partner is Cardinal Dreven, you can talk to him here are a MAFIA ALIGNED
Tie breaker: if the day ends with a tie and you are alive, you secretly decide who lives, if town doesn't stop mafia from winning in a 2 vs.2 or 1 vs.1 situation
Mafia points:17
Neighbor:You will receive a link to a neighbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:-5
You can find a link to the neighbor chat here, you can also talk to cardinal dreven in that place, but there might be other people listening... neighbor chat.
Sorry if it was unexciting, my reviewer disappeared when I relaunched it and I had to cut/remake roles on the fly.
All roles in the pool, the ones without a - near to them never got offered and therefore were never rewritten.
-1 Perfectly average:you pick up zero mafia point from your modifier, but if a role would grant you a decrease of mafia points, it instead gives you that many mafia points.
Mafia points:0
2 Macho even day chat checker:18
-3 Bodyguard:Target a player each night, if they would die that night, you die instead.
Mafia Points:12
-4 Jailkeeper on Mafia hammering: If you cast the vote that causes a mafia player to die, you will be able to imprison someone the following night, protecting them from harm and stopping them from using any action that night.
Mafia points:11
-5 One shot neightbourizer: Once per game, during the night, you may target a player, if this action is succesful, you will create a quicktopic between you and them.
Mafia points:18
-6 Vanilla
Mafia points:7
-7 Vanilla
Mafia points:24
-8 Tie breaker: if the day ends with a tie and you are alive, you secretly decide who lives, if town doesn't stop mafia from winning in a 2 vs.2 or 1 vs.1 situation
Mafia points:17
-9 Discarded role investigator: learns a random prefix and a random suffix the targeted player discarded, other than the default ones. You won't learn the associated mafia points.
Mafia points: 20
-10 Rummager:gets offered a choice between 3 choice 1 roles that weren't chosen at the end of the draft
Mafia Points:?
-11 Statistic analyst: target a player to learn if they were one of the two most likely players to become mafia, one of the two least likely or neither
Mafia Points:15
-12 Lover protector: if a group of one or more lovers, all of your alignment, would die, you die instead.
Mafia points:11
-13 One shot nested watcher: once per game you may learn the name of all players that targeted one random player that targeted you that night.
Mafia points:11
-14 Tracker that can't see the night kill
Mafia points:17
15 Loud doctor: you may target a player each day, that player is protected the following night, the mafia learns that the player is protected at the start of the night.
mafia points:14
-16 Night 1 reroller: you can reroll your whole role on day 2 picking a new choice from both the choice 1 and the choice 2 lists among those not already chosen or the default ones (you will be given 2 choices for each) .
Mafia points:22
-1 Concurrent Two shot:If you pick a role with an active action, you may perform that action only 2 times, but you will be able to perform it twice during the same phase.
Mafia Points modifier:+5
2 two shots:If you pick a role with an active action, you may perform that action only 2 times.
Mafia Points:-8
-3 Neighbor :You will receive a link to a neighbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:-1
-4 Neighbor:You will receive a link to a neighbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:-5
-5 neighbor:You will receive a link to a neightborr qt.
Mafia Points modifier:+5
-6 neighbor:You will receive a link to a neightbor qt.
Mafia points modifier:+1
-7 one shot miller:You will return an incriminating result on the first investigation on you and a non-incriminating one on all the following ones
Mafia points:-infinity.
-8 Insomniac you can post at night in the thread.
Mafia points modifier:+2
-9 Loved : it takes 1 more vote to lynch you outside lylo and mylo.
Mafia points modifier:-2
-10 Lover :If a lover would die, instead all lovers die.
Mafia points modifier:-10
-11 Vanilla
Mafia points modifier:+10
-12 Vanilla
Mafia points modifier:-7
-13 Even night unblockable: if you have a role, you can only use it on even nights, but you can't be blocked during these.
Mafia points modifier:-3
-14 One night delayer: actions targeting you happen at the beginning of the next night instead, the player that uses that action learns this, if you would be marked for dying the following night during mylo as town, it will be instead considered lylo.
Mafia points modifier:+1
-15 Mylo only monty hall problem vigilante:before your first post during the first 24 hours of mylo, you activate this power, if you do, a random town aligned player dies and the vote is reset.
Mafia Points modifier:+0
-16 Two shots early day: you have two shots of your ability(this replaces any base limitation on the number of shots), But you have to use them during the first 24 hours of each day phase and only one each day, if the action only makes sense at night, it will happen the following night
Mafia points modifier:+3
Kod picked rummager and then rerolled into n2 reroller with it.