Aregano squints at the orcs, then brightens as if recognizing an old friend...
"Hey, Algotin, I think these are those orcs that our cleric friend abandoned ship for! I kind of wondered if they'd show up here at some point...and which side we should choose if they did...but I guess Spike already made that choice for us...I hope neither of these shushi are a favorite son of the orc chief...I was really hoping to get back to bathing and snacking..."
All this he spouts while hustling along the wall to a more defensible position...specifically with his back away from the open door...and the two allies between him and the two enemies.
As he moves he pulls out his orb, and upon stopping aims a streak of fire that explodes just past Algotin attempting to engulf one of the shushi.
MOVE: moves to K10.
MINOR: draw orb.
ACTION: casts Orbmaster's Incendiary centered on S14
Attack vs Reflex on S2
thaen rolled 1d20+5 and got a total of
thaen rolled 1d6+3 and got a total of
Encounter + Arcane, Evocation, Fire, Force, Implement, Zone
Standard Action + Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: +5 vs Reflex
Hit: 1d6+3 force damage, and you knock the target prone.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of licking flames that lasts until the end of your next turn. Each enemy that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 2 fire damage. An enemy can take this damage only once per turn.
Description: Gouts of flame pulse from your orb and explode amid your enemies, setting the area alight and roasting them as they attempt to escape.
Orb of Imposition: You can extend the duration of this effect, even though it is not an at-will power. If you do so, the area expands to burst 3 and doesn't affect you or your allies.
Prone: You grant combat advantage to enemies making melee attacks against you. You get a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from nonadjacent enemies. You're lying on the ground (if you're flying, you safely descend a distance equal to your fly speed. If you don't reach the ground, you fall.) You take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls.
Area: An area attack creates an area of effect, usually a burst or a wall, within range. An area attack affects certain targets within its area of effect, which has a certain size. You choose a square within an area attack's range as the attack's origin square, which is where you center or start the area of effect. You need line of effect from a square in your space to the origin square. For a target to be affected by an area attack, there needs to be line of effect from the origin square to the target. You don't have to be able to see the origin square or the target, and concealment between the origin square and the target doesn't apply. When you make an area attack, you make a separate attack roll against each target in the area of effect, but you make a single damage roll that affects all the targets. A Large or larger creature hit by an area attack is affected only once by the attack, even if multiple squares of the creature's space are in the area of effect. If you use an area power while adjacent to an enemy, that enemy can make an opportunity attack against you.
Opportunity Attack: An opportunity attack is a melee basic attack. You can take only one opportunity action during another combatant's turn, but you can take any number during a round. You can't make an opportunity attack unless you are able to make a melee basic attack and you can see your enemy. Interrupts Target's Action. An opportunity action taks place before the target finishes its action. After the opportunity attack, the creature resumes its action. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by the opportunity attack, it can't finish its action because it's dead or dying. Some creatures have an ability called threatening reach. This lets them make opportunity attacks against nonadjacent enemies. If an enemy leaves a square that's within the creature's reach, or if an enemy anywhere within the creature's reach makes a ranged attack or an area attack, the creature can make an opportunity attack against that enemy.
Areas of Effect: Burst: A burst starts in an origin square and extends in all directions to a specified number of squares from the origin square. For example, a burst 2 within 10 squares means the power originates in a square up to 10 squares away from you and affects the origin square and every square within 2 squares of it (a 5-square-by-5-square area). Unless a power description notes otherwise, a close burst you create does not affect you. A burst affects a target only if there is line of effect from the burst's origin square to the target.
Line of Effect: You can target a creature or a square if there's an unblocked path between it and you - that is, if you have line of effect to it. If every imaginary line you trace to a target passes through or touches a solid obstacle, you don't have line of effect to the target. Fog, darkness, and other types of obscured squares block vision, but they don't block line of effect. You need line of effect to any target you attack and to any space in which you wish to create an effect. When you make an area attack, you need line of effect to the attack's origin square. To hit a target with the attack, there must be line of effect from the origin square to the target.
Cover: Cover -2 to attack rolls. Superior Cover -5 to attack rolls. To determine if a target has cover, choose a corner of a square you occupy (or a corner of your attack's origin square) and trace imaginary lines from that corner to every corner of any one square the target occupies. If one or two of those lines are blocked by an obstacle or an enemy, the target has Cover (-2 to hit). (A line isn't blocked if it runs along the edge of an obstacle's or an enemy's square.) If three or four of those lines are blocked but you have line of effect, the target has Superior Cover (-5 to hit).