Aregano calls up a whirl of force daggers to blend up the poor sea-orc into a shushi slurry.
ACTION: Cast Cloud of Daggers on K15. Note, even if the attack misses, SH will still take 2 points of damage at the beginning of it's turn for starting it's turn in the zone.
SH vs Reflex
thaen rolled 1d20+5 and got a total of
thaen rolled 1d6+3 and got a total of
At-Will + Arcane, Evocation, Force, Implement, Zone
Standard Action + Area 1 square within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in square
Attack: +5 vs Reflex
Hit: 1d6+3 force damage
Description: You create a small cloud of whirling daggers of force that relentlessly attack creatures in the area.
Effect: The power's area becomes a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn or until you end it as a minor action. Any creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes force damage equal to your Wis modifier (+2) (minimum 1). A creature can take this damage only once per turn.