No Goblins Allowed

Random Idea
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Author:  squinty_eyes [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Random Idea

So, I've been watching the videos for Murdered: Soul Suspect, and I had an idea for a game. The DM would have to plan out an elaborate murder that the players had been investigating just before they were murdered. They are killed, but don't know how or why until they begin investigating it in the afterlife. They would have a clock of seven days to solve both murders while spirits wandering the world. Light on rules, and EXP is awarded and spent to gain abilities. The abilities I had are:


So, use your week's time as a resource, every time you use an ability that burns up your time you bring yourself closer to being taken out of the game. Free movement through walls in in any direction since you're not subject to physical walls, abilities to work with the physical world at a cost, and others to fight in the spirit plane.

So, just ideas, thoughts?


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