1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?This is a 4th edition D&D game.
2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?I will be using the d20 system. The setting is a port town called Talcar. The populace is 60% Human, 20% Halflings, 10% Dwarves, and a smattering of other races from other planes. The town is
not very xenophobic.
3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?I like to keep an open enrollment, but will limit my adventures to 4 players. This means you can generate a character and be an alternate, but I won't be rotating in new PCs unless someone else drops mid-adventure.
4. What's the gaming medium (NGA Forums, chat, e-mail etc.)?I'll do this entirely on the NGA forums.
5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?Start at level one. I despise the experience system, however, so rather than handing out experience, all PCs will level up at the end of each adventure. Exploiting this system by not roleplaying and just tagging along will lead to expulsion from the group.
6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?100gp, no magic items.
7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?No psionics!
8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?All races allowed, but understand if you're a beetle with a mohawk and a British accent, NPCs might want to lynch you.
9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?Roll 4d6 and keep the highest 3, no rerolls. Assign your stats as you like.
10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?Yes. I use the 3.5 edition version of alignment. I have two restrictions: if you decide to be True Neutral and let your PC start acting passive when the tide turns in your favor, omg I hate you and die. If you decide to be Chaotic Evil and go around slaughtering innocents and killing players, please, go find another outlet for your cartoonish sadism.
11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?I allow multi-classing, of course! The weirder the characters, the better.
12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?I believe in the honor system. You can also use the die rolling thread, just point me in the right direction. When submitting moves, please align your actions with your die rolls.
13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.As stated above, there will be no encounter-based experience, just a general leveling up per adventure.
14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?A character background should be provided when you submit your character sheet. A simple paragraph detailing the character's goals and background will suffice. I would prefer if you also provided your OOC wants for the character, like how you want to level up, pimp them out, etc. It's just as fun for me to reward a well-roleplayed character as it is for you to be rewarded
15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?It's a combination of the above, though I often try to add in a moral dilemma. Since the characters are automatically leveled up, the hope is to not force the characters into encounters, and to give players the freedom to roleplay out of conflicts. That being said, I design dastardly battles, so if that's your thing, I dig it.
16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?I only have the core set of books, so if you're doing something bananas I don't know about, please discuss it via PM beforehand so I can look it up and understand it for myself.
17. Background:Talcar is a booming port town on the continent of Halcyonia. Its eastern-most walls face the ocean, separated from the sea by a mile of river a hundred yards wide and hedged in by forest. The river turns northward at the port, gliding along the base of the foothills of a orc-domesticated mountain range before plunging, some many miles westward, into the craggy Dwarven mountains. The city is controlled by a council of noblemen and women, with 13 council seats and a network of smaller and lesser lords and ladies vying for a coveted seat on the council. The majority of Talcarians are human, their wealth and station built upon the backs of a servant-class of halflings that occupy the slums in the south of the city. The general human population is very biased against non-humans, viewing them as inferior beings desirous of the humans' wealth and influence. The city does booming trade across the continent, exporting goods from the dwarven mines, or manufactured items also offered in the city's renowned bazaar.
You are a part of a low-level collective of mercenaries and adventurers stationed in a small, two-story tower outside of the city. There is a crumbling, ten-foot wall surrounding the property, and a rickety stables set inside—absent any horses. The ground floor of the tower is a larger, circular room, that serves as a dining/meeting area for the adventurers and potential clientele. A worn-smooth staircase leads up to a dozen cramped rooms above. However bleak The Tower looks, however, times were going well for your group—your leaders had garnered some notice and accolades, and you’d even become the preferred mercenaries for a minor Talcarian noble. However, your superiors recently accepted a commission to investigate something across the continent, and it has been many months since they have departed. You fear the worst. Money is tight. And while you have been ordered not to take on any commissions in your leaders’ absences, the bread in the pantry’s gone stale, the dried jerky hard, and your pockets light.
19. FrequencyI’ll post within 24 hours Monday through Friday and expect the same from my players, unless you PM me otherwise. Weekends are kinda shaky for me, so if I disappear over the weekend occasionally, know I haven’t been kidnapped or nothing.
18. StartingSend me a PM and I’ll send you my email address, and from there email me a pdf of your character sheet, the info requested above. Once I have four characters I’ll begin posting. When you send your character sheet, please let me know what your character would be doing in the tower at noon.