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NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]
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Author:  NeoSilk [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]

Guide for Duels of the Planeswalkes PbP

This is a work in progress that I'm working on for DotP play-by-post games.

Why does this exist?
We like playing tournaments over in DotP land. However, the game is spread out over 4 platforms. So, I've started the first (of many, I hope) tournaments which is cross platform. There's a bracket for each of the systems, and, the winner of each completes it via PbP. But I digress.

Why DotP? Why not all Magic?
Well...I do plan on expanding, but, I'm starting slow.

What will the players be responsible for?
For playing Magic. For knowing the rules. (Don't worry, there's more details below).

What will I be doing?
Basically, just running it through Cockatrice. I'll send the cards, and if there's issues with rulings, I'll (find someone who can) take care of it. I'll maintain an entry which will show the board state, and I'll maintain all of the "other" information. Life points, graveyard, exile zone and so on.

Before the game starts:
Each player will be responsible for sending me their decklist. It does not need to be autocarded, just the card names and quantities. Once that is complete, each player will roll a 6 sided die to determine who goes first.


Playing Random Games

I will then shuffle the decks and deal out 7 cards (via PM). The game will start with the mulligans and then turn 1.

Here's the format that I'm looking for from the players.
"Play: Island. Tap 2 lands. Play Lord of the Unreal."

That would put it on the stack. The next player would then either make their own play, or simply pass.


What I will do:
Deal starting hands and all card draws.

The first post of each game will be the board picture.
The second post of each game will be all other useful information.

That's pretty much all there is. The below post will be an example of a match in progress.

I'm open to any suggestions/comments on this; Areas to improve, things that are not clear enough.


Author:  NeoSilk [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]

Example match:

Player | Life | Hand
NeoSilk | 20 | 7
Someone Else | 20 | 7

Play by Play

NeoSilk's Graveyard

Someone Else's Graveyard

Author:  NeoSilk [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]

And, seriously - I'm looking for any and all suggestions here, especially if someone has played PbP Magic before.
All comments are welcome!

Author:  GobO_Sapper [ Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]

Posting here so I hopefully remember as well.

Let me know what needs to be done in integrating this into the PbP guide so that we can have stuff set up and ready via the guide and FaQ etc.


Author:  NeoSilk [ Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]

Well...I think the first thing would be seeing how it works. I know that others here have experience with Magic PbP - so, I'd really love to hear some suggestions about how I've laid this out from someone that's done it before.
It became clear to me when doing my test match that the way I was doing it was far from optimal.
I *think* what I've laid out here makes more sense (it does to me, at least), but, before I try and make this "official" in any way, I'd like to do another run through, or two, and see how it works in reality.
Hopefully, as my first DotP tourney gets closer to it's exciting PbP finish, I'll have more ideas, and, when I go through the next PbP games, I'll be able to further refine it, but, in the meantime, anyone who's already had experience with this type of thing, please feel free to comment on if you think this will work.

Author:  Insert_Witty_Name [ Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NeoSilk's DOTP PbP Guide [WIP]

Silky, this is insanely awesome. I've not yet grasped the many minute intricacies of the pbp system for dotp, but this is a comprehensive intro.

Thanks much, senor.

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