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And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom
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Author:  theatog [ Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

I haven't actually gone through the complete game rule myself. I have a basic idea how it functions and is very curious if it could be fun doing it here.

Idea is there are two teams of equal number. Say for 10 people there will be 5 on "town" side and 5 on the other side.

1 of the 5 town is the President.

1 of the other alignment is the Bomber.

Game plays 3 rounds.

In the first round the 10 people is randomly divided into two groups (in two rooms). after the round ends, there will be a "Hostage exchange". Two players from each room will be sent to the other room.

At the end of the 3rd round, if the President and the Bomber is in the same room, terrorist wins. And vice versa.

The inquiry would be, since the discussion of the two sides should be completely isolated, is the only way to achieve that to be done on say outside chat like mafia/mason?
If so, would less people be interested say if people prefer the big 12 people all discuss in the same thread style?

Author:  Aaarrrgh [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

Question: does everyone know who is on which team, and who is the power role on their own team?

Author:  Lilan [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

interested regardless of how its run, but if the setup is more interesting than i am more interested

Author:  Mown [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

I'm skeptical to how well this plays out on a forum since the entire game is supposed to take 15 minutes, so it doesn't get as hectic. Not that I have played 2R&AB, but I have the impression that the time limit is part of the entertainment.

Author:  Niklor [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

It seems better suited to a fast paced party game, but I'd be willing to give it a try. Think it would be better suited to use a venue that allows for the two rooms rule to be in effect since I imagine a lot of the game might boil down to "X said Y in the other room." and being in the same room sort of defeats that basic level of intrigue.

Not against trying it, but pretty sure it won't be very entertaining if we are all in a forum thread just playing red rover without the chance to steal.

Author:  theatog [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

Aaarrrgh wrote:
Question: does everyone know who is on which team, and who is the power role on their own team?

that I have to read up on the rules. as i said i haven't gone on details. but i think mown has a point. it's probably not too fun in forums.

Author:  15377 [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: And execution inquiry - Two Rooms and a Boom

i wouldn't worry about time limits, mafia is supposed to be a quick party game too after all. But there is definitely a necessity to find a solution to the two rooms. Just snow balling off the top of my head i'd say you could create multiple quick topics and delete the whole thread between each round. this would prevent others from viewing current rooms and create more of the he said/she said when new rounds start. The thread here would be quite boring, being used for record keeping pretty much but what you gonna do?

As i advised True, you could see if the Gobo's feel this is different enough from mafia to run outside of the queue as well.

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