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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:08 am 
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It will be the 13th age campaign setting which it is very similar to the forgotten realms setting, with few differences, but with different maps and cities. We can use inclusive the same deities for this campaign, or if players prefer, we can use Egyptian, Greek, Nordic and Celtic gods.

For example, about drow society. Drows are not uniformly evil. It varies from entirely evil to merely cruel. If you think your paladin must be a drow, no problem for me.

Icon relationship is the hardest aspect to grasp and also to use. It measures the chance of the story be influenced by an important NPC (icon) depending of the characters relationship. Your character doesn't know the icon personally, but he shares some goals or morals with him/her. It is a good system to use at a multifaction campaign where you can use icon relationship to trigger random elements, but most of time it is hard to incorporate this concept into any game. I, for example, have no example to follow and so I don't know exactly how to use this feature. The simplest way is to think the icon relationship as a loose alignment system that can provide hooks for an adventure. For example your paladin has 3 points of positive relationship with the Great Gold Wyrm, so we know he is super lawful good. But if he has one positive with the Great Gold Wyrm, one conflicted with the Emperor and one positive with the crusader, we know he is a torn paladin between duty and doing what is necessary, and he hates something about the current situation of the empire.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:10 pm 
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Below is the map of the Dragon Empire. The campaign map for 13th Age.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:46 pm 
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Is there a list describing these icons? I can only find the sample ones on the SRD.

Also, yeah. Drow Paladin is in the character concept. Drow tendencies manifesting through tendency to overkill, and a complete lack of compassion for anything conventionally evil (especially undead).

"Any time doing the right thing is funny as hell, it's probably Chaotic Good."


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:14 pm 
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This is a list of the icons. But they are only a concept, they change from game to game. For example, I plan to make the emperor a woman; and the elf queen, a male elf.


They also have an alignment that can variate between some boundaries:

Lawful Good: Great Gold Wyrm
Neutral Good: Priestess
Chaotic Good: Elf Queen
Lawful Neutral: Emperor, Archmage, Dwarf King
True Neutral: High Druid
Chaotic Neutral: Prince of Shadows
Lawful Evil: Crusader, Lich King
Neutral Evil: The Three
Chaotic Evil: Diabolist, Orc Lord

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:55 am 
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The PD, MD, and chance to hit of your character is -1, because it is your level, but the first level doesn't get a point, so it is actually level -1. Your damage is 2d8 or 2d6 also. And your character has 9 background points, it is supposed to be 8 only.

And below a character that I had made, but not used. Now I converted him (still incomplete) to 13th Age rules, but I will use him only if needed.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:01 pm 
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It's in progress, but here is my character:
Welker One-Tusk

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:38 am 
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Sheets added to OP.


Your AC is -3, PD -1 and MD -1 with these scores. You also has one more recovery with 2d10 +1.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:25 am 
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My character will speak in this color.

John Doyle: Da house is burnin! I bleeve we shuld run.

Ludwing von Strickhausen: We should move out! There is a 100% chance of the situation get hot.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:27 pm 
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On behalf of anyone else that uses my skin, I can inform that you yellow is nearly unreadable.

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you're like the kind of person who would cast Necropotence irl

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:16 am 
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Unless you bring your bones here, you have no right to complain. :thbbbt:

But if that is really true, funny that, I thought about using John Doe as the name, but that would be too obvious, hence John Doyle.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:50 am 
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I'm tired of the core classes, they don't give me any inspiration. I could feasibly do a cleric, maybe.

The comment wasn't for my own sake, I'm enough of a computer wiz to be able to circumvent it.

[Warchief] Custom EDH Project
you're like the kind of person who would cast Necropotence irl

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:19 am 
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Again I cannot help you.


And just a little explanation of background points. In 13th age there are no predefined skills, so when the DM asks for a check it will be always: Make a strength check to break the door. You then can apply any background you think it can be used in that situation. For example, Shockwave's character has mercenary enforcer background, then he uses his STR + level + mercenary enforcer background to break the door. Also Shockwave can use the same background for dealing with mercenaries (CHA), noticing concealed weapons (WIS), intimidation (CHA), getting information on the streets (CHA or INT), and so on. Another example, Tequila's character has undead hunter. He can apply this background for knowledge about undead (INT), dealing with another undead hunter (CHA), tracking undead (WIS), resisting fear (WIS), and so on.

You will never ask me if you can use a background or no, you just use it and if necessary make a case for the use, and I will judge if it is reasonable or not and apply the result to the check.

Last edited by True_Believer on Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:48 am 
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The PD, MD, and chance to hit of your character is -1, because it is your level, but the first level doesn't get a point, so it is actually level -1. Your damage is 2d8 or 2d6 also. And your character has 9 background points, it is supposed to be 8 only.

And below a character that I had made, but not used. Now I converted him (still incomplete) to 13th Age rules, but I will use him only if needed.

The SRD says "Add +1 at 1st level (and increase by +1 at each additional class level)." under PD and MD. Isn't that +2 for a level 2 character?

Also not seeing where I get another dice on my weapon attacks.

And fixed backgrounds points.

"Any time doing the right thing is funny as hell, it's probably Chaotic Good."


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:37 pm 
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It seems you are right. I am still deeply grasping to D&D conventions. I will revise everything later.

Dice are under combat rules.

Weapons are rated by how much damage they deal. In the hands of player characters, each weapon attack deals 1 die of damage per character level + ability modifier, notated as WEAPON + [Ability].

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:37 am 
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@For me

Basically I added +1 to everything at my sheet. :takei:


AC = 17 (with shield) + 1 ability score + 2 level + 1 from bastion = 21
Weapon = dice X level
Miss damage = level, so 2
Icon relationship
Magic item and Items

And I recommend using sheets Alpha. There is a space for background and powers there (not exactly).


+1 AC, +1 PD & +1 MD
- 1 Recovery
Icon relationship

Define your magic item and I don't understand the miss damage.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:28 pm 
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Updated my character sheet.

Not sure if I should have put the miss damage there as it is conditional, from both the Heavy Blows and Grim Intent maneuvers. The combination of the two make it to where I deal 1 weapon dice plus the escalation dice on a natural even miss. Might want to put that information under other perhaps.

Missed the bit about weapon description in the rules, but taking a look at them, thinking of going with greater striking.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:15 pm 
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Here goes the icons:

Aureum (Great Gold Wyrm): As description.

Samantha (Priestess): As description.

Lord Silvermane (Elf Queen): Son of the late elf queen. An elf of mixed origin, part high elf and drow. Because of his heritage he strives constantly to keep his place and to keep all differences between elves low. Will he succeed? He has a long silver hair and red eyes.

Jadice I, the Iron Lady (Emperor): Only daughter of the late emperor. People thought the empire would crumble in many kingdoms, but Jadice I proved them all wrong. She kept the empire united and showed even more determination than his father, quelling the starting rebellion with swiftness and rudeess, and not anticipated, personally. She gained the cognomen of the Iron Lady, a reputation that she takes pride in maintaining.

Merlin (Archmage): Elder mage of the dragon empire. He lived through many emperors and none knows his real age. Rumor is that his end is near, but that rumor is circulating for about one century, and yet he endures.

Durib Goldbiter (Dwarf King): As description.

Hazzah (High Druid): As description.

Lord Shadow (Prince of Shadows): The head of the thieves guild, a figure of legend. None knows his real name or his appearance, or even if he is the same person.

Beowulf (Crusader): As description.

Aegon, the Mad (Lich King): As description.

Sauron, Spellbind and Dark Hole (The Three): With the death of Smaug, Sauron joined the three in the place of dead dragon. He is stiil trying to bring his influence at Drakenhall to close to that of his peers.

Xena (Diabolist): As description.

? (Orc Lord): Nobody knows who is the new Orc Lord, but there is always one, or many. Only rarely one of them acquires enough power to threaten the empire. Until know the orcs remain deorganized, but for how long?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 7:38 pm 
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Let's try to finish the sheets, please. Otherwise we will never start this game.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:58 am 
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Just tell me what I need to fix still (Weapon description being one of them) and I'll get to it in the morning.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:35 am 
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Fill your background, the background points are tied to them; and +1 at initiative.

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