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[PF] Building NPCs
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Author:  squinty_eyes [ Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  [PF] Building NPCs

So, what kind of guidelines do people use when building NPCs and enemies with class levels? My players are going into a new dungeon that is going to be filled with enemies and NPCs with class levels, and I need to figure out how to balance it for an adventure of four level three players. Any suggestions? (besides players in that campaign)


Author:  Tevish Szat [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [PF] Building NPCs

I'm a 3.x DM, but since that's quite close I'll give my system.

NPC Combat Block:

Full Attack:
Actions (Spells, action-needing special abilities, etc.):
Special Qualities:

Yeah, that's basically all you need for combat. I don't worry to much about the exacts of class and levels, which makes me pre-disposed to sorcerers, warlocks, warriors, etc. as the technical class of enemies. As such, my on-the-fly NPCs have "about" what you'd expect, but I don't do every step in creating a character.

Author:  squinty_eyes [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [PF] Building NPCs

That does cut my time down, so that works. Thanks.

But what about having four level three players? How many level "X" creatures should I throw their way at a single time for it to be difficult but have them survive? Can you try and have a single level 6 attack them, or will it overwhelm them? Would 8 level 1's be too much? These are the things I have little experience planning. What's an appropriate amount to toss their way and have a decent chance they'll survive?


Author:  Arcturus [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [PF] Building NPCs

To echo what Tevish said, dont expend too much effort building and NPC with classes and levels as you would a player charcter. Usually you know the general powerband of where you want the NPC to sit, so take that and work for there.

I'll go more in depth when I find myself at my desktop.

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