We got any Shadowrunners here? I'm very new to the game, and I'm trying to build a drone rigger who'll be taking on hacking responsibilities.
I've piled points into Reactions, Intuition, and Logic; and raised my Pilot Ground Craft skill to 7 points, using the Aptitude quality, and also put points into Pilot (Aircraft and Anthroform), Aeronautics and Automotive Mech, Perception, Armourer, Gunnery, and the Cracking and Electronics sets.
I'll deal with knowledge skills, etc. later, so now I'm onto choosing equipment, and I suddenly feel right out of my depth. I've been looking all over internet forums for advice, but much of it may as well be in another language. I've got a commlink and OS sorted out, and I'm picking up the Ares Roadmaster (which will have personal armour and anti-theft system, and an enhanced rigger cocoon built in, with a couple of White Knight LMGs on the weapon mounts), and a workshop.
In terms of drones, I'm looking at a Shiawase Kanmushi; a couple of Dragonflies; a GMC Sandal (which I want to kit out as a portable water cannon, although I'm not sure if it's big enough for that); a Knight Errant, on which I'll put an oil-slck sprayer, and maybe a pain inducer; a Doberman with Ares Desert Fox sniper rifle on; a Crashcart AutoDoc; and a Steel Lynx, kitted with Enfield AS-7 shotgun. I'm also considering the Aztechnology Armadillo, but it's pretty expensive, and I'm wondering how useful it is and what its primary uses are.
Other than that, I have autosofts (do I just have to buy them once, or do I have to buy copies for each drone/vehicle?), a simrig, sim module, control rig, cerebral booster, armour jacket, datajack, AR gloves, and ammo.
Does this all look like good equipment? Is there anything I need that I'm missing? Should I get that Armadillo, or is the money best spent elsewhere? Do I have all the drone programmes I need? What cool modifications should I look in to? I have the Restricted Gear quality - any suggestions for something awesome to get with that? What gear should a hacker have?
Please heeeelp!