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Author:  trappedslider [ Mon May 19, 2014 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RAW vs RAI

We all know that RAW is Rules as written and for those of you who don't know RAI is Rules as intended.

A few years back during the hay day of d20 modern/future it was found that going by RAW you could break the wealth system, (which i showed in a thread along with the math behind it ) I also pointed out that the makers had gone with the hope that players would follow the RAI of the rules in question.

So, my question is what do you do when it's clear that RAW doesn't mash with RAI or the other way around?

Author:  Garren_Windspear [ Mon May 19, 2014 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RAW vs RAI

No one in D&D can see the sun.
A level 1 human commoner can't see a Tarrasque if it is more then a football fields distance away.
A level 1 human commoner can't successfully identify another human.
A level 1 human commoner can easily be killed by a house cat - like 9 times out of 10.
Two people stood 45ft apart holding torches in a pitch black room can't see each other.
Dunking the head of a man bleeding to death in a bucket of water will save him.
High enough skill ranks let you walk on water, climb clouds and fit through a 2" hole.

Basically RAW can go sit in the corner. I use it as a guideline and let RAI rule the day.

Author:  trappedslider [ Mon May 19, 2014 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RAW vs RAI

here's an example from the d20 future about RAW vs RAI ... /20050125a

While my friend and I were making d20 Future characters the other day, we came across a mean infinite loop involving the cybernetic device called a feat plexus. The problem lies in the Windfall and Cybertaker feats.

Windfall and Cybertaker cannot be incorporated into a feat plexus. Conceptually speaking, a feat plexus is a cybernetic implant that allows a character to add new information, skills, reflexes, and maneuvers -- in other words, benefits that could reasonably be learned or gained through training. Thus, the GM should disallow any feat that doesn't match this concept in a feat plexus. In general, if you spot a combination that looks like an unreasonable loophole in the rules, assume you can't use it.

The RAW about the feat plexus :

This unit, implanted in the recipient’s brain, allows multiple feat implants to function as a single cybernetic attachment (see Feat Implant, above).
Benefit: The recipient may have up to four feat implants attached to the feat plexus, and together they are treated as a single cybernetic attachment. However, if the feat plexus is destroyed, all of the attached feat implants are destroyed as well.

Author:  squinty_eyes [ Tue May 20, 2014 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RAW vs RAI

I mean, if RAW is gonna break the game in half, then yeah, it's time to step in. Otherwise, I dunno.


Author:  Arcturus [ Thu May 29, 2014 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RAW vs RAI

I prefer to lean towards RAI. Ive not delved into house rules just yet but I prefer to keep things running smoothly in favor of the story. Rules lawyering always bothered me because it tends to dissolve the game into a bunch of spreadsheets trying to reach a certain quota instead of a group of adventurers living a story.

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