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Looking for some creative ideas for character plot hooks
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Author:  ArmyFreedom [ Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for some creative ideas for character plot hooks

Any ideas welcome!! Id like some ideas that incorporate the characters backstory and some that don't.

Here are the classes/rough backstories.

Paladin. Backstory - was a soldier, their town/family was destroyed whilst they were away on duty. (i think i may let someone from their family survive that they find out at a much later date)

Ranger. Backstory - Wants to make a name for himself/ become rich and find true friends. Caught stealing, choose military over jail. military treated him poorly because of his hideous appearance, sent him to guard the swamp as a joke and he mistook Shrek for an orc and killed him. (its going to be a juicy/weird campaign i know lol)

Druid. Backstory - outlander. small clan was overprotective and she ran away for freedom and to find herself. wants revenge on people who have attacked her clan.

Rogue. But no backstory on him. I want to incorporate them into the thieves guild either willingly or by a blackmail/choice.

Fighter. No backstory.

Maybe a Cleric. not sure but no backstory on him either.

Please and thank you for any ideas!!!

Author:  TPmanW [ Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for some creative ideas for character plot hooks

I'm not really sure what you mean by "character plot hooks". Are you looking for adventure hooks with potential to tie into your characters, or potential character traits/stories?

Here's a thread full of short adventure hooks, some usaeful, some just funny- viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5257

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