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Another another game idea
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Author:  UselessCommon [ Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Another another game idea

i want a 4x-ish game based on The Foundation
it would be really fun and unusual
a gigantic collapsing Space Empire
and all sorts of (initially) secret "seed" communes growing into new societies (one of which you play as)
conquering the degrading imperial remnants
and taking unique paths of progress
and eventually colliding
so in the beginning you have to maintain full secrecy about your plans and interact a lot with the ceentral government and nearby barely-staying-imperial colonies while growing in unsuspicious ways for an early edge
then when the empire loses control of and data connection with the outer rim, you can start trading with remnants and manipulating and conquering them
I don't think any of this is impossible or even that hard to make, just unorthodox
it's definitely less ambitious than Space Rangers or Spore

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