No Goblins Allowed

Boardgame Idea
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Author:  UselessCommon [ Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Boardgame Idea

A version/fusion of games like Sultans of Karaya, Stay Away, and Mafia: One Night.

Basic idea: It's a "hidden roles" game, where your objective is either to trigger a victory or to be a part of a winning team.

Specifics: There are two teams, A and B. At the start of the game, one of the players (determined randomly and secretly) gains a temporary role of a "traitor", having his hand full of "B Conversion" cards (aside from other cards drawn from the common deck, if any). Each other player gains a starting hand with a lot of normal cards from a common deck plus a "Shard of Power" card. Players with a "B-Conversion" card in their hand are cosidered to be members of a B team, while players with none of those cards are considered to be on an A team. There are numerious ways of changing or exchanging cards in hands, and therefore teams; even a "traitor" can change teams by getting rid of all "B-conversion" cards. When a player has a certain amount of "Shard of Power" cards in their hand, they can win the game as a full-turn action. Each of their teammates wins as well.

Turn progression, 1.0
1) Draw a card.
2) Play a card.
3) Exchange a card with a random player's card. (Used by "traitor" to recruit, by unwilling B-players to leave the team, by everyone to trade cards, by everyone to move around/delegate "Shards of Power"...)

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