thanks Ruwin'!
lol the wardrobe is pretty basic.... how do you dress a snake, anyhow? I like how i hid where the arms connect behind the hat. I think the middler part of the body is best but it would be cool to do a four+ armed rattler with tentacles behind his head.
Here's the same piece after adjusting the luminance-curve-
Interesting- I can see how the right edge of the paper is smoother and the upper left corner is very textural. Maybe it's because i am right handed and smudged the lead into the paper on the right side more or else the light on the picture i took was coming from the left.
Ok and next i loaded this next piece (which appears first, here...) which i blurred the background, adjusted the bloom, did some focal sharpening on the nose, backlit once, and then sharpened overall.