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[Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect
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Author:  Barinellos [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Yeah... helluva name, right?
I first off have to get something off my chest as far as this goes, in that I had been turning over the idea of the gempalms for Planechaser since he had been asking about them. Now even before that, I had been thinking of the fact that we didn't have an assassin that would more seamlessly fit into a larger world, and let's face it, for all his skills Huinn is **** crazy. War of the Wheel aside, his arc isn't actually tied INTO being an assassin. He doesn't take jobs.

But I felt like that left a hole that I just couldn't deal with not having someone to fill. Hence, the idea of Kallin started to take root. Combined with the idea that I wanted her to be, ultimately, a little more than just an assassin, the idea to expand her suite of skills ended up mirroring the traditional ninja. So that ended up raising another question, if an assassin has the skills, does that make her a ninja, even if the world doesn't have them?

Trigger warning wrote:
implied abuse


So, there's all she is that came out of Kallin. There are some... unpleasant aspects to her past that I hope don't bother people too much. I'm a little iffy on using those aspects myself, but it's what she wanted to be. That's what a lot of her boils down to, and quite frankly, I wasn't going to argue.

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

I like this character a lot. I only wish she was tied to some other character to give her motivation. It would be really cool to see her as the right hand of, say, Vasilias.

Author:  Barinellos [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

I had kind of seen her as a regular piece on the Chessmaster's board, but that was before she ended up coming across as somewhat flaky.
I think if I had to attach her to anyone at the moment, I think she would play off of Fisco most interestingly.

Author:  Heliosphoros [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

I refrained from giving my two cents given recent events, but I have to say that I really love this character. Pretty much the most original character I've seen in a while.

Author:  Barinellos [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Thanks Helio.
I won't lie that I find it interesting that she's had such a positive reaction so far since I felt like I was playing a little closer to tropes than normal, but I'm hoping there's still enough twists in her that makes her stand out as more than an application of cliche.
At the very least, I hope I've done a decent job of creating a :b: character whose traits are more about self-sufficiency than overblown ambition.

Author:  Heliosphoros [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

For all it's worth there's precedent in canon

Author:  Barinellos [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

For all it's worth there's precedent in canon

Not the only precedent. It's just not an approach that is usually taken with :b: characters for whatever reason.

Author:  Heliosphoros [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Probably because the "ruthless" shtick is sadly the first thing that comes to mind. Which is a shame, really, considering how large Black's slice is.

Author:  Barinellos [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Probably because the "ruthless" shtick is sadly the first thing that comes to mind. Which is a shame, really, considering how large Black's slice is.

It's a big problem with green too*. White ends up having the most variance in terms of depiction, with blue and red getting a little shine time.

*Arguably bigger than black.

Author:  Heliosphoros [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Indeed. In Green's case I think it's mostly because a general lack of understanding or interest, which is why I take the hipster route and am focusing more on Green lately.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Honestly, I didn't have a very strong reaction to her. I don't dislike her by any means, but there are cues in here that tell me she's going to be tricky to write for. You did the same sort of "off-putting air" thing with Huinn, and when I tried to write it, it was a major challenge, and I probably went overboard with it. Also, the whole dispassionate killer gimmick is going to make her hard to get into. At least the has the kids/animal thing going for her to give her some heart.

The person who jumps out to me as having a potentially interesting interaction with her is Kahr. They have some really interesting points of opposition that I think would make it a fun little conflict.

Not that I would expect you to nail this down specifically, but in light of our power-level discussion a while back, where do you see Kallin in terms of physical combat skill compared to some of our other melee warriors? How would she stand against, say, Raef?

Author:  Barinellos [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Not that I would expect you to nail this down specifically, but in light of our power-level discussion a while back, where do you see Kallin in terms of physical combat skill compared to some of our other melee warriors? How would she stand against, say, Raef?

Raef is tricky for a couple of reasons.
Skill wise, she probably has an edge on him because her form is probably more efficient.
But Raef doesn't have baseline human strength and reflexes anymore. Raef would probably beat her because of that.

About the offputting air, it's a different sort of aura than Huinn. Huinn is... crazy. Kallin is just universally apathetic. Closest sort of comparison I can draw is probably Rei from Evangelion, now that I think on it.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect

Barinellos wrote:
Closest sort of comparison I can draw is probably Rei from Evangelion, now that I think on it.


Author:  chinkeeyong [ Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Planeswalker] Kallin of the Crystal Sect


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