No Goblins Allowed

[World] Phostus
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Author:  Barinellos [ Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  [World] Phostus

Okay, so after long amounts of preparation, I am finally going to begin the long odyssey of showing you the fruits of my labor. This is the world I have been working on for the past month. I'll be releasing it in small little updates, which I shall also endeavor to collect in the first post as well, however the updates will happen in the thread. The total document as it stands right now is somewhere in the realm of 9000 words, so just taking it in little doses is the only way I can see of this not just overwhelming everybody, as well as making sure that they don't feel like they are getting behind with everyone else's stuff on the page.

In the many realms of the multiverse, there are oases where the light shines brightest, where a wanderer can take their ease and there are no hardships. Worlds whose inhabitants never know suffering and live lives filled with happiness, paradises and kingdoms of shining justice and mercy. There are worlds that would seem a heaven unspoken in tales, for words could not capture such sublime wonder.

But there is a balance to all things. Where there is light, there shall always be darkness, and in the darkness terrible things lurk. Where there is a heaven....

There shall always be hell.

Phostus is a world whose name is spoken of only in harsh whispers and cursed oaths. It is a blighted world, built upon suffering and terrible might. It is a darkness to balance out the light of other planes in the greater realms.

Phostus is a world ruled by demons.



Author:  Cateran [ Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Intriguing premise, and not to hijack your plans for the world, but it seems as if the harsh lands of Phostus could inspire great acts of heroism. Living under the rule of demon lords, I expect that mortals would grow to cherish one another's company and so immortalize those among them who stood against the day to day dangers of Phostus. In fact, I dare say that the deeds of the Phostusians (Phostusites?) would resemble those that you would expect from mortals dwelling in brighter, better realms.

Author:  Barinellos [ Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Cateran wrote:
Intriguing premise, and not to hijack your plans for the world, but it seems as if the harsh lands of Phostus could inspire great acts of heroism. Living under the rule of demon lords, I expect that mortals would grow to cherish one another's company and so immortalize those among them who stood against the day to day dangers of Phostus. In fact, I dare say that the deeds of the Phostusians (Phostusites?) would resemble those that you would expect from mortals dwelling in brighter, better realms.


Anyways, thanks! I worked pretty hard to put this one together, and I really hope that it clicks with people. Once we get further in to the world guide, you might see some of what you're thinking about, though naturally it's more complicated than that.

Author:  Arcades Sabboth [ Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Eark. That is a vivid image of the sky.

You wrote Dark Rabiah, too. Do you just love making hell worlds, Barinellos? Do you have some secret you're keeping from us?

By the way, what sunshine and happiness worlds do we have that the intro mentions?

Author:  Barinellos [ Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Eark. That is a vivid image of the sky.

You wrote Dark Rabiah, too. Do you just love making hell worlds, Barinellos? Do you have some secret you're keeping from us?
I'm homesick, alright?
By the way, what sunshine and happiness worlds do we have that the intro mentions?

Phostus is essentially meant to be a darkened mirror of Ellysium in theme if not direct execution.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Barinellos, I just wanted to let you know that I intended to read this tonight, but Rest for the Wicked took longer to read and comment on than I expected, and I found out earlier today that I have an 8:00 meeting tomorrow I should really be at. So, I'm going to have to table this for the time being and get to it tomorrow. But I will read what you've got and get back to you on it.

Author:  Barinellos [ Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Barinellos, I just wanted to let you know that I intended to read this tonight, but Rest for the Wicked took longer to read and comment on than I expected, and I found out earlier today that I have an 8:00 meeting tomorrow I should really be at. So, I'm going to have to table this for the time being and get to it tomorrow. But I will read what you've got and get back to you on it.

Luckily it isn't terribly long since it is just the introduction, but by all means, no rush. It'll keep.

See? This is why I'm doing the release in small bits. :D

Author:  Barinellos [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

I glanced down at this a moment ago and discovered that there had been 6 posts and 66 views.
I knew this was utterly ephemeral and must mention it at the time.

Anyways, I plan to post the next piece of information sometime later tomorrow.

Author:  Aaarrrgh [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

I like the concept, and I look forward to seeing more.

Author:  KeeperofManyNames [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

The sky is very... evocative. o_o I dig it and I'm excited to see where you're going with this.

Author:  Barinellos [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Well, ask and ye shall! Though this one is a (forgive the pun) helluva lot larger than the first.

The Demon Lords of Phostus

Let me point out that numerology kind of screwed me here. There were no numbers safe for me to use between 4-10, so I finally had to settle with what I felt worked best. Any inherent meaning of the number as associated with demonology is, ultimately, basically unintentional. Damned numbers....

Author:  Aaarrrgh [ Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Good stuff. I've just skimmed it, but it looks solid. And yes, symbolism is a pain. I can imagine that choosing numbers for a demon court would be about as tricky as designing a set for a Christian allegory play, so I have an idea of how you feel...

Author:  KeeperofManyNames [ Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Really loving this so far. I don't have a lot to add, but yeah, this is a really interesting world, and you've done a good job of making the different demon kings and their holdings feel unique.

Author:  Barinellos [ Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

Aaarrrgh wrote:
Good stuff. I've just skimmed it, but it looks solid. And yes, symbolism is a pain. I can imagine that choosing numbers for a demon court would be about as tricky as designing a set for a Christian allegory play, so I have an idea of how you feel...
Yeah, there's pretty much some inherent meaning in EVERY number, so I decided to just roll with what I could.
Really loving this so far. I don't have a lot to add, but yeah, this is a really interesting world, and you've done a good job of making the different demon kings and their holdings feel unique.
One of the things that I really wanted to stretch myself with was the idea that each of the demon kings were influenced by different mythologies. There's this cultural amalgamation which has been really fun to work with and it's added a lot of breadth and diversity to the world.

Anyways, next update!
What do you get for a white icon on a world where angels would get eaten a live?
Gargoyles, the Last Protectors

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

I love gargoyles as white iconics. I don't think they should be mortal creatures though. Writing about their reproductive life cycle and clothing habits kind of takes away from the draw of gargoyles as the ultimate ageless protectors for me.

Author:  KeeperofManyNames [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus



I love the way you're slowly building references to various pieces of information and major events that we don't have access to yet.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

I like it so far. In a way, it reminds me of Helkavin, but the culture and cosmology are very unique. I really like the "Black Hole Sun" thing. The demons are fairly interesting, but what I really like is what you've done with the gargoyles. I've always been partial to gargoyles myself, and think they're extremely under-utilized in Magic, partly by being hemmed into an "artifact creature" stereotype. So seeing them developed as flesh and blood creatures is excellent. Though, I do assume the demons eat them, if they can ever catch them. I hear there's a good recipe for that...

Author:  Barinellos [ Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus


I love the way you're slowly building references to various pieces of information and major events that we don't have access to yet.

Yes, they were an inspiration there. At first I thought of changing things around a bit more, but going to the source mythologies, such as the Sheela na Gig, I ended up seeing where they drew their inspiration from which ended up drawing me to a lot of the same places they ended up in a lot of cases.

Anyways, yes, I'm hoping those little references pique intrigue so that the entire thing ends up more engaging to those who are coming in to see them

I like it so far. In a way, it reminds me of Helkavin, but the culture and cosmology are very unique. I really like the "Black Hole Sun" thing. The demons are fairly interesting, but what I really like is what you've done with the gargoyles. I've always been partial to gargoyles myself, and think they're extremely under-utilized in Magic, partly by being hemmed into an "artifact creature" stereotype. So seeing them developed as flesh and blood creatures is excellent. Though, I do assume the demons eat them, if they can ever catch them. I hear there's a good recipe for that...
Yeah, the trend they've forced in about gargoyles being artifacts rather than the older model such as granite gargoyle has really hurt the utilization of the type, I think.
Of course, these gargoyles are inherently different, and their magic is what changes a large part of that with spells like Gift of Granite.

Author:  Barinellos [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

So, next update, since I figure it's been a few days.
The 108 Human Tribes

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [World] Phostus

I'm not sold on Limus as the name of the Eighth City because it means "slime" in Latin, and makes me think of "lime" in English. I suggest dropping the name entirely.

The writeup on the humans is ok, but it feels very bare-bones. Never mind the history: what is day-to-day life like? What sets it apart from our world? This is the important part for anyone who wants to write a story set on this world.

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