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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:47 pm 
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Since I last posted this on the old crappy forum a while ago, and it needed some serious updating, here it is again!

Random Plane Tables
For when you(r character) planeswalk(s) blindly and you don’t have a Planechase deck handy.

Roll 20-sided dice.
Subtables let you find a random continent or other region on some large planes.
If you ever roll 18 three times in a row, go to the last table (Table 8).
Reroll whatever results don’t fit the story.

first roll

1-3: Table 1

4-6: Table 2

7-9: Table 3 (the Shard and neighbors)

10-12: Table 4 (M:EM planes)

13-15: Table 5 (M:EM plane drafts)

16-18: Table 6 (miscelaneous)(new planes would fit here)

Table 7: phenomena! (if you want to randomize them too)

Table 8: normally not reached at random:

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

Last edited by Arcades Sabboth on Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:56 pm 
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If some time opens up, I'll write a second planechase poem in celebration. Thanks, Arcades Sabboth!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:57 pm 

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Yeah if you want to take the time, this is basically the system used within my randomizer:


The different functions read from bottom to top, percentages are controlled with the percent signs (which determine how often the options appear within the list--so the one-off Planechase planes that we don't have much info on each appear one out of every three "rolls")

Subregions should follow the syntax that Dominaria follows.

EDIT: Whoops, I didn't realize you started a new thread for this. Sorry, that was kinda rude. I need to get some sleep...

Anyway, this is, obviously, great.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:04 pm 
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Keeper that's totally cool! I just have like no idea what program that runs in...

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:16 pm 
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Okay, I have written another Planechase poem based on this set of tables. All of the locations were genuine rolls. Enjoy!

My Path

Planechase II

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:59 pm 
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Wonderful! Your poetry is always fun to read Raven. :clap:

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:26 pm 
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Wonderful! Your poetry is always fun to read Raven. :clap:

I'm glad you liked it! I always enjoy hearing people's reactions to my poetry (particularly when it's positive!)

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