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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:32 pm 
YMtC Pro Tour Champion
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Lately, I've been thinking about creating a world with its roots in Old Frame Magic, and largely Ice Age and older magic at that. Obviously, I'm not talking about the Proper Nouns of the era (since most of those belong to Dominaria) but the look, the feel, and some particular old cards (particularly iconic ones like Moxen). There would, of course, be some modern twists on the matter, like a different understanding of what the pie means for personalities beyond "White good, black bad, red on fire angry" characterizations. Naturally, this means that the world will be divided into five(ish) and kind of color-tropey. A further idea I got for this was that there is certainly a set of Moxen on-plane. I know I used the conceit of a divided set before (In "The Ring") but while very rare and special the Moxen are not legendary/unique. I'm going to try to make this pitch quick, so there are no proper names yet, unless I luck into one that sounds right in my head. That doesn't mean that they won't exist.

Holy Lands, The Kingdom of Peace

The Great Fleet, Kingdom of Trade

Cursed Land, Kingdom of the Damned

"Enjoy your screams, Sarpadia - they will soon be muffled beneath snow and ice."

I have a blog. I review anime, and sometimes related media, with an analytical focus.

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The Accursed, a standalone young adult fantasy adventure.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:33 pm 
YMtC Pro Tour Champion
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Volcanic Domain, Kingdom of Fire

Eternal Forest, Kingdom of Beasts

Clockwork City, Kingdom of Machines

"Enjoy your screams, Sarpadia - they will soon be muffled beneath snow and ice."

I have a blog. I review anime, and sometimes related media, with an analytical focus.

I'm a (self) published author now! You can find my books on Amazon in Paperback or ebook!
The Accursed, a standalone young adult fantasy adventure.
Witch Hunters, book one of a young adult Scifi-fantasy trilogy.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:34 pm 
YMtC Pro Tour Champion
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The Ancient Kingdom

"Enjoy your screams, Sarpadia - they will soon be muffled beneath snow and ice."

I have a blog. I review anime, and sometimes related media, with an analytical focus.

I'm a (self) published author now! You can find my books on Amazon in Paperback or ebook!
The Accursed, a standalone young adult fantasy adventure.
Witch Hunters, book one of a young adult Scifi-fantasy trilogy.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:01 am 
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I apologize for the delay of this reply :sweat:

Being around MtG since the "Modern" sets, I'm fascinated by the weird and/or eerie art of many of the older cards; the art is great, and the descriptions match their old-style grittiness well. I have a few problems with naming things myself and because of my background I don't think I can be of help in polishing this kind of design, but I'm very interested in this. Thank you for sharing!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:33 am 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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A retro-flavoured plane sounds great. I think the colour pie is in a much better place than it once was, but a plane with "oldschool flavour interpretations" is cool as all get out. Are you riffing off the themes of oldschool canon, or going, "How I figured this stuff worked looking at it for the first time as a kid"?

A few points that demand making:
  • The people who used up all those great card names for lame cards and loose-fitting effects better not have gone free.
  • The whole church vs magic schtick is the worst fit anybody's ever tried to squeeze MTG into. Just to support it as the belief of a small faction in this blatantly magical multiverse of ours requires some serious backgrounding. I think may just have had the shortest of some scrawny straws back in the day. Something, something, straws, milkshake, blah, blah, "depth" in both the mechanical and literal sense. :lol:
  • I really like the blue faction, both as an old school spin and a whole product.
  • The rest of the factions need to double down hard on their things or become fleshed out before I can develop much of an opinion.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:57 pm 
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I like the Tal influences on your kingdom. I suggest adding some balance to keep the kingdom from becoming too cartoony. Keep the brainwashing tactics as a means of subduing threats and all, the fire-and-brimstone, but balance it out with townspeople and the like that genuinely benefit from the clerical hierarchy and their white magic.

Green needs carnivorous plants.

Otherwise, this looks to be one of the most intriguing worlds I've seen. Surpassed only by that dark demon world Barinellos was working on a while back.

Mordred: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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