No Goblins Allowed |
Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
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Author: | Barinellos [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:44 am ] |
Post subject: | Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Alright, so we all should know if there is one thing I do, it's to generate this immense, intricate, and in-depth worlds. My problem is that I, quite frankly, suck at finishing them because I generate so much content that I manage to overwhelm myself and organization just completely **** breaks down. And then you end up combining that with my inability to resist tapping into the constantly renewing creative dynamo and... well, you get a whole buttload of unfinished worlds. However, that doesn't mean I've given up on said worlds, just that I have to put them on the backburner. So, with that in mind, I'm going to dump all of the world info from the defunct boards into this thread so that it doesn't get lost. I'll be updating this post with each new post as I place everything in here. For now, this is more a preservation project, but who knows, maybe one day I'll pick everything back up. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:51 am ] |
Post subject: | Ellysium |
The entire premise here was to manipulate the iconography and imagery found in religious texts, mostly shying away from the more generic pop culture interpretations of what an angel is and in general play around with a concept: Mono-colored Five color angels. Just to give an idea about the aesthetics that went into this world, a combination of Celtic and Roman, instead of the more classical middle centuries anglo-saxon imagery. Technologically they are about at a Renaissance level, but they've been in a Medieval Stasis for a long long time now. They plateaued. Without further ado I present Ellysium:
The Tree of Life
When the world was young, there were many on Ellysium. Many peoples, many races. For a time, it seemed peace would rule, but a heart of evil beat within the shadows of the world. Darkness rose and engulfed the plane. One by one, the lights of life were extinguished, swallowed by the darkness, as each tribe fell, entire peoples wiped from the world, their very memory lost to the darkness and time. From their blood and ashes, a tree grew. A tree of power that coursed with magic and purpose, grown from their loss and nourished by the souls of the fallen. The tree was tremendous and existed as much in the physical realm as that of the ethereal. Finally, its branches coursing with the souls of the lost, the tree bore five fruits. This was the rise of the angels. The fruit of Strength was the first to descend and the Flight Cherubim came into being, created to hunt in the darkness so no enemy could hide from them. The branch of Valor was next to drop its gift. The Host Seraphim rose, a shield so that peace may stand, a sword that would strike chaos down. The fruit of Passion bore the Ophanim Chorus, a magnificent force that shone light so brilliant that it burnt the dark places to nothing so that the shadows could find no rest. From the fruit of Wisdom, the Hashmallim Dominion drew their power. Their sight cast to the future so darkness would ever take root to rise again. And lastly... the Zabaniyahim fell from the branch of Devotion, given stewardship over the past so it would not destroy the present. -Excerpt from the First Book of Tanaphel, Verse 1:16
In the distant ashes of ages, Ellysium was a world torn by barbarism and dark sorceries. In those time immemorial, terrible forces threatened the birth of order and civilization upon the plane. Villages were burnt, and what few cities existed were ransacked endlessly, and at every turn, those who sought only to establish some form of order were beset. The raiders and hordes held sway upon the plane, speaking nothing of the terrible beasts that roamed the land. It was a haven of terror and chaos, the likes of which never knew peace. However, very suddenly, the balance of the world changed. People rose after death, turned into guardians through the magics wrought by a great meta-spell cast at the beginning of this new age. The natives of the plane call it... Mass Effect. (Wait, no sorry, wrong game.) The spell is known as “The Rapture.” The meta-enchantment recognizes the death of worthy beings, and according to a number of aspects, it forces the ascension of the soul to an angelic state. Each of the angels bear a different virtue, and those virtues determine what sort of angel a being becomes upon ascension. Valor for white, Strength for green, Passion for red, Wisdom for blue, and Devotion for black. The angels were designed to eliminate the destructive elements of the ancient barbaric cultures, and in some ways, they excelled at their purpose. This meant... genocide. Species were hunted to total extinction by the angels, all traces of their existences wiped away. However, this was all long long ago, and people have forgotten the being which cast the Rapture or even when. The purpose of the spell, to a great degree, has even been lost. People now cannot remember a time when the angels were not present, and so they believe the angels have always been there. They have lost their origins and society does not remember the time beset by the darkness. All the people of Ellysium now know is that the angels ruled peacefully for long ages. Ellysium knew prosperity and serenity until the balance of power changed irrevocably and the forces of the very heavens themselves turned upon each other, throwing the plane into a violent civil war. The Five Powers were torn apart after centuries of balance. The Angels make war upon themselves.
Seraphim, The White Host
Called “the Shining Ones” Seraphim have flawless skin, unmarred by age or injury. They were crafted to destroy the ancient demons and devastate armies as shock troopers and the main force of the angelic powers. They imbue their weaponry with mana, causing them to become far more destructive than normal and capable of acting like sorcery itself. The Seraphim are masters of form, creating armor and weaponry of brilliant ornamentation, however all other forms of art elude them. When they attempt sculpture or painting, their creations come out lifeless and dull. It is thought that the rapture does something to the way they perceive the world that prevents them from expressing themselves and is the one thing that they genuinely yearn to recapture from their former existence. Art commissions are the single major indulgence that the Seraphim pursue. The Seraph make their own armor, and it's the only form of bloodless art that they can indulge in (they are expert combatants after all, which is an art.) The blacksmiths are graced with some form of whatever creative drive the mortal possessed, but they can only seem to express it while creating objects like this. Not every Seraph is capable of this, but artists who rapture end up only able to work metal into coldly beautiful weapons/armor.The Seraphim symbols are recognizable throughout the world, the eagle and the serpent, and feature prominently in their work. The Seraph are the best weaponsmiths in the world. Silver, steel, and gold are forged together in ways that make the metal like cloth. Runes decorate their armor, which is often built to resemble half plate when in full battle regalia. The only armor that all Seraph wear are their helms, ornately carved half masks that obscure their blazing golden eyes, though it does nothing to impair their sight. Their physical features, such as hair and skin color, are as they were during life. Their title “Shining Ones” is derived from their wings, six white wings whose feathers are made of light itself. There are three ranks within the Seraph Host. Wardens and Soldiers make up the lowest Choir, Generals and Judges make up the second Choir, and The Sarim, the lords, make up the Highest. The lord of the Seraphim is called the Magnus. As a militant culture, the only way to ascend through the ranks is to earn that right by combat. Minor duels are common as a way to gain small degrees of influence, but it isn’t until an angel has claimed many victories that he may challenge a higher tier than himself. To rise, another must fall. Duels between two different ranks are an event of some import, and many witness these influential fights. The Sarim may not be challenged by a lower rank and only a duelist of sufficient notoriety can be appointed to the rank of the lords when a vacancy opens within their membership. The Seraph act as the governing body of the plains, with many of the Council of Lords that the Magnus surrounds himself acting as the lords in the individual kingdoms. The Judges act as judiciaries in criminal cases brought forwards to their attention and the Wardens contain what criminals the constabulary catch. The prisons are self sufficient, possessing only one rule: You must work for what you need to survive. The soldiery of The Legion beholden to the White Host is as follows: Soldiers, Knights, Archons, Angels. A branch of the Legion, soldiers known as the Order of Cano, act as a peacekeeping force. They are charged with policing the populace and upholding the laws given to the principalities by the seraphim.
Hashmalim, The Blue Sphere
Called “the Witnesses” They have no wings, but instead a halo of lightning that crackles around their heads at all times. The lightning springs from their glowing eyes and circles their head. They dress with shimmering cloth of flowing water which pools as wafting mists about their feet, and they are born aloft by clouds which carry them. In times of battle, their robes froth and turn to dark clouds which burn with their aura/halo. They have a series of glyphs that decorate their skin, and in the case of a moonfolk ascendant, they become the color of their eyes and replace the spots that line their necks and heads, as well as extending well down their body. They created the ancient glyphs which serve as the language of angelic magic, with which they cast spells and record their history. It is very common to see this language, used exclusively by the angelic, writ upon the armor of every type of angel. The Hashmalim are the seers of the angels, their Sphere charged with guiding the future as well as seeing the present. The Hashmalim don't just make predictions of the future, they determine how to manipulate events to bring the most desirable future to fruition. It's divination with a bloody edge. Their influence is limited though, but at the same time, they also don't have a perfect view of the coming events outside their control. They can kind of get a vague idea for enemy tactics, but there are far too many moving pieces for them to be able to decipher the full realization of what they desire. So how do the Hashmalim govern themselves? Not by merit, but by influence. How much can they manipulate events to their favor? They are very political animals, trading in backrooms and trying to manipulate the moonfolk. To do so, they have created tiny winged homunculi and shared the secret of their creation with the moonfolk, to mask the influence they exert. The first lord of the Hashmalim was known as (Metatron) Enochel. There are several powerful angels in the Sphere in the current time. Domiel, Azazel, Lahliel, and ???????? One of the major members of the current hasmalim is known as Azazel. From him the war sprang, as he was the one who saw the vision of the angel’s end. Secretly, he was a goldsighted moonfolk, but disguised this fact with magics.
Zabaniyahim, The Black Dominion
Called “the Wardens” The Zabaniyahim are grim figures bearing 8 enormous raven wings upon their backs. Their cloaks are made of the darkness itself and hoods obscure their heads completely. Ornate glistening scales armor their body like stars on the night sky and their robes prevent any sight of the being within, leading many to believe they have no flesh at all. They wield lances of shadow that pierce the ethereal. They control the catacombs, a series of rivers that flow throughout a system of caves that generate the darkest mana on Ellysium. The bodies of the honored dead were stored in catacombs near the surface in better times. The Zabaniyahim were originally sired to quell the restless dead. They bound the spirits and ran the strongest of them through the crucible that the rivers create, reshaping them into the fierce warriors known as specters. A secret sect of Moonfolk worships them as the “Cult of Night”, necromantic assassins that kill by binding the spirit of their victim and slaying the body. The current queen of the Zabaniyahim is known as Serazel.
Ophanim, The Red Chorus
Called “the Emissaries” they were created to destroy massive areas of the lands that resisted the new order. They are flaming angels whose bodies are almost entirely made of fire. At the center of the elemental angel's body is a great crystal bust, the only remnants of their mortal remains. While flamekin are obsidian, the ophan are made of pure beryl, their chest, shoulder, and face floating within the burning flame. They are swathed with hovering rings of the purest gold that bear verses of the Books of the Tree of Life in the angelic language. The rings wrap their bodies and a multitude of “eyes” decorate their twin wings, which resemble the tail of peafowl. The red gorgon who become Ophanim turn to stone under their own power, which burns from within and breaks, the crystal shattering the hard dull stone on the outside. They are notable ophan for retaining long tendrils of crystalline hair, very distinct from the almost masklike appearance of the flamekin ophanim's head. The ophanim leader is called the Voice of the Ophan and sits at the center of a great empathic link, a heartweft, which allows the Voice to read the feeling of every ophan in existence and determine the will of their kind by the consensus they reach. It's a direct and odd form of democracy, because every member’s vote is cast with their hearts and everyone's opinion is heard by a single being, though the interpretation of this will is given by the speaker as their leader. The ascension ritual is performed when the Voice takes an ember of the flame of each Ophan into themselves causing the bearer to turn from an elemental into a higher state, an incarnation. Specifically forbidden by the rules of war of using the full extent of their power on populated areas because of the sheer devastation that they would be capable of.
Cherubim, The Green Flight
Called “the Strong Ones”, they possess the talons of a bird, hooves and horns of a bull, face and body of a human, and mane and fangs of a lion. Their four wings are striped with the plumage of a raptor, most often a falcon or hawk. The Cherubim were created to be hunters, used to slaughter the dragons and hydra as well as dealing with the Ogres and Trolls when the Seraph were besieged. In the modern day, the Cherubim are the keepers of The Green. They have taken to communing with nature and altering the landscape so that the energy of the land can flow with the most potential. As part of this, they support the Goliath and the humans of the forests, to establish a balance in the natural world with their actions. At times, this means transforming the terrain to support the towns in The Green better, at others it means limiting the impact the societies have on their surroundings. The cherubim are believed to have a closer relationship to Binah, the world's spirit, than any other race, and many of their philosophies and methods seem to indicate a closeness to nature. Their magics are a unique form of geomancy, believed to be bound by both the laws of the heavens and earth, as opposed to the simpler geomancy only concerned with the path of the land. Seraphim consider the Hashmalim to be lesser angels, while Hashmallim hold equal disdain for the haughty Seraphim. The only time their disagreements are put aside is in dealing with the Zabaniyahim, who have been the least active members in the war by far. This seeming quiet has driven the Seraphim and Hashmalim both to paranoia. Cherubim have an intense rivalry with the Seraphim. Very competitive amongst themselves, the Seraphim's martial nature causes many of the Cherubim to feel challenged, owing in part to their bestial nature. The Seraphim, for their part, seem somewhat oblivious to the combative nature a Cherub adopts when they interact. Ophan and Seraph share respect between each other, but all angels are wary of the Ophanim's fully realized power. That is why all angels agreed on specific laws by which they would conduct their war, so the Ophan would never utilize the destruction that they were forged for. The Cherubim, Hashmalim, and Ophanim are the most common allies in the war, though they rarely are allied to more than one faction at any given time and there have been times in the past when these alliances were broken, usually over concerns of one of the factions gaining too much influence. The Angels proper have the suffix “el” Rogue Angels take the suffix “on”
The Angelheim Fortresses
The Angelheims (Landtype Lair) are the center of the angel's world. Every angel travels to their angelheim at least once in their life. Cherubic Angelheim: The Tree of Life “Da’as”. Giant winding trees wrapping around a massive hollow space, multiple enormous redwoods growing together to form the Cherubim fortress. Gigantic leaves form lakes and large spaces in the branches provide light. Seraphic Angelheim: The Radiant Bastion “Ketheres”. A crystalline structure which floats within the sky. The construction is of magical quartz. It is decorated in the specially forged metal cloth that the seraphim are known for and is the seat of the Magnus. Wild Griffins often flock to the immense structure, and their presence is looked at with equal parts affection for the noble beasts and irritation for their infestation. Ophanic Angelheim: The Obsidian Cathedral. The Ophan hollowed out a mountain and reshaped it, creating an enormous fortress of obsidian carved by the very molten rock they channeled. It is home to the chamber of the Voice where their people connect to the heartweft and listen to the music of the flames. Hashmallim Angelheim: The Twilight Pools. The angelheim is an enormous artificial island, massive stone pillars and tiers built together, held together by bridges and aether itself. The walls and domes of the angelheim are made from solid water, drawn from the surrounding oceans. At the center is a gigantic courtyard where a magnificent whirlpool churns. When the Hashmallim call their congress, the whirlpool becomes the amphitheater in which they meet, the swirling waters calming. Zabaniahim Angelheim: The Gate of the Dominion “Malkuth”. An ethereal and dark place whose entrance is masked by the largest waterfall on Ellysium, the place where the rivers in the darkness pool. It is said that Malkuth is not entirely in this world, caught in some place between the void and the material plane. There are those who believe that Malkuth is beyond the reach of any but the dead, a space where time itself is meaningless.
Humans: Primarily white, though found in green also. Most live in towns and cities, except the green where they live in clans and develop a specific territory as theirs. No matter what angelic lord they bear allegiance to, Humanity does not see differences in themselves, therefore, despite the war, commerce and cultural exchange has not diminished in Humanity's quarters. Goliath (Giants): The Goliath revere the old ways as well as paying allegiance to the Cherubim. They live in the large redwoods forests present in the western lands but have been found on the distant islands as well, though they are far from common. The Goliath are thick browed and have even thicker muscles. They mark themselves with tribal tattooing, denoting their bloodline as well as their history. Goliath worship the old goddess Binah, the soul of the World and mother of history. She is not the creator of the world, but the source in the world from which all creation stems. She is the distaff counterpart to the old god Chokmah, whom the blue worship as the god of knowledge and the keeper of creation. The Goliath revere those with silver hair and though they are born rarely, they are considered to have been touched by Binah and are able to hear the voice of the forest. Not all druids have silver hair, but almost everyone with silver hair becomes a druid. Gorgon: the gorgons move away from the monstrous depiction that magic has tied them to. They have heavy ophidian features, but don't have the freaky tentacle heads. Ornate scaly patterns around their faces, fangs and snake tongues, dark black hair on all of them, yellow snake eyes, noses a bit flatter than normal and claws. Thicker scales turn up in other places on their body, but the scales are smaller on their faces. They have a very well developed sense of both taste and smell. Flamekin: They have flaming obsidian androgynine bodies of smooth stone with feminine faces. Atop their face is an ornate and unique outcropping of stone which they refer to as a “crown”. Golden orange flames flicker from their shoulders, necks, and heads and can cover the entirety of their bodies in moments of great stress. They are born beings, which is strange to many. Though most belong to the Ishim guilds, many have retreated to join with the Principalities. Moonfolk: The most striking physical feature of the Moonfolk is their eyes. Physically, the Moonfolk are slender, almost waiflike and their eyes are large, but not inhumanly so. They have no sclera and their eye colors generally come in either blue, green, or violet. Rarely, a moonfolk child will be born with gold eyes. This is unfortunate for the child, because only a life of hardship will await them. Golden eyes are amongst the most enduring taboos the moonfolk possess. Their skin is white, and they are born with marks on their bodies that resemble a cat’s spots, but along their hairline and down the sides of their bodies starting at the neck. This color matches the color of their eyes and bears no real significance. Some of the Moonfolk are secret worshipers of the black angels, a secret sect of assassins who believe their visions can only be realized through the darker paths.
There are several wastelands on the face of Ellysium. While wastelands are a natural part of many planes, these defy all explanations that scholars have tried to formulate. The most perplexing thing about these shared wastelands is the locations in which they appear, spread far far away from each other with no sign of tectonic activity or commonality other than the state they currently share. No natural event, such as drought or famine caused this condition, nor even the more fantastic events, such as astrological occurences, seem to explain the deadlands. Whatever terrible event in prehistory that caused the very death of these lands also caused the wastelands to be the most haunted areas on Ellysium. Wraiths infest the land, strange and twisted creatures that defy all living appearance.* Even while the spirits are not manifest, the event has left a dark stain on the psyche of the world. People avoid staying in these lands as much as possible and when the spirits manifest, they have known to become actively dangerous. The only reason, besides the academic curiosity posed by the mysteries of the land, is a type of rare glass/stone that only occurs in the boundaries of these wastelands. It is commonly believed the two are linked, but no explanations are forthcoming. The stone, popularly called wispstone, is a cloudy pearlescent dark crystal that becomes a clear chocolate color when cut or a pearlescent gold when polished. It gets its name from the numerous ghosts and mindless wisps that populate the deadlands. *Even the normally thorough angelic archives seem strangely silent on what might be the cause.
Extinct races
Leonin, Goblin, Ogre, Troll, Dragon, Demon, Hydra Additionally, if there is any aspect of a civilization you'd like expanded or would like to expand, go right ahead.
The Veldt Principalities
The Principalities are the largest occupied territory in the world and the primary source of developed agriculture.
Foundation of the Veldt
Some time ago, after years of autonomy following the rise of order, the kingdoms of the veldt fell to a reckoning. The largest and most powerful kingdom of the plains was sundered by a war of succession. Several of the surrounding kingdoms favored different members of the royal family for the inheritance of the throne and pledged the loyalty of their people. (Incidentally, I have no identities for these people, but I'm hoping it's vague enough people feel comfortable expanding on it. Seriously, this is something I want people to feel liberated enough to handle.) The candidates pushed, each with a claim to the crown and backed by the power of their neighbors. Armies were raised. Threats were made. With the lines drawn, and a precious few kingdoms trying desperately to stay neutral, the lands once again darkened under the banners of war. The enormous kingdom split and the nobility turned against one another. The skies wept and the land bled as battles tore the once peaceful and prosperous land. It was not the first war, but it was by far the greatest war that the plains had known since the ancient times. It did not go unnoticed. The Seraphim became aware of the conflict, and judged none demonstrated the qualities needed for sovereignty, and by their acts of violence, they forfeit their right to rule. The angels of the Bastion descended and in a swift and brutal coup, seized control of the veldt kingdoms. The aristocracy was stripped of their lands and angelic lords were installed in their place. The war came to an end, and their actions ensured no such war would ever take place again. The wounds of the principalities began to heal and with a unified hand guiding the veldt, they were led to a new era of prosperity. But not every kingdom supported the new regime, and with little recourse, many abandoned the veldt altogether, craving a freedom that the Seraphim denied them, no matter how much peace they promised. Those few kingdoms who did not become embroiled in the war left the idyllic hills for the shaded forests and a new life guided by the Goliath. Their way of life changed, but they found a peace different from the one they left.
Cities and Regions
The human capital, Virhad, is the main merchant and travel hub for all the principalities, owing its prominence to the numerous crossroads that it was built upon. Resting in the central northeast of the western continent, it connects to virtually every other significant city on the continent. However, despite being the capital, it is not the military seat of power for the Principalities. The combination of the military and mercantile power, while making it substantially harder to assault, would also make it too tempting a target in a long scale campaign. The lack of a major military presence is reconciled by two primary factors. The first is the substantial company of the Cano Order, peacekeepers, that police the city. The second is the highest population of Seraphim outside Ketheres. They occupy the central fortress palace that was built in the name of the emperor prior to the seraphim coup. It has since been expanded upon greatly to accommodate its winged occupants. Within those walls, the Seraphim handle the logistics of making the Sarim’s proclamations a fact in an empire the size of the Principalities. Military Capital- Located on the Eastern continent, the enormous headquarters of the Legion stands as the daunting and imposing slab of civilization it is. Here, soldiers are trained in vast numbers, and the officers handle the immense work of running a military the size of the Legion. This city is the nerve center for the might of the army, but it also serves as the living quarters for many of the families of the high officers. Of course, such a high concentration of people requires an equally complex infrastructure and the city has a substantial civilian population to accommodate the military’s presence. The city isn’t as monolithic as it would first appear though, as it is in fact a multitude of smaller forts and barracks scattered throughout the city. Many refer to (insert name here) as the Eastern Capital. Port Albean- The single major port city in the Principalities is located on the eastern coast of the western continent along the Chayot Gulf. Other port towns exist, but none bar this one, can really compete with the monopoly of the Moonfolk Republic’s ports on each side of the gulf. Seats of the Sarim- Other cities of which the only note of real importance is the presence of the angelic lords that occupy their temple castles. More than half of them are located on the Western Continent.
Religion is an odd thing in the Principalities. While at one time, the occupants of the land worshiped the god Gevurah, the old god fell out of favor well before the Seraphim rose to become the aristocracy. Without a doubt though, the angelic nobility has had a profound effect on the practiced religion on the veldt. Organized worship has dropped away, while blessings of luck or guidance are asked of the specific provincial lord when needed. The former temples scattered throughout the principalities were restored and expanded to serve as the housing for the newly ascendant Sarim, who rule from their ancient castles. Invoking the Magnus is saved for the most dire of situations or serious of occasions.
The Green
The history of the Goliath can be tied to metal, and they believe that Copper is the most sacred metal. You see, while the Goliath use iron in their weapons, they have an ancient love for copper, a metal which shares much of their history. The reason why it is so revered, is the fact the metal has an affinity for green mana. This conductivity is important because when paired with their rune magic, it makes their copper works indestructible. Once they began experimenting with Iron, they found the most effective forges to smelt down and shape the iron ore were the volcanic areas near their original home. They called these volcanic pits, An Fuil de Binah, or "The Blood of Binah" and so they began a tradition of forging weapons in the heat of the earth. The largest city of the Goliath is Cathair de'an Sinsear, where the elders of each clan come to meet in the ancient halls. The city is the single largest mercantile center in all the Green, and what marks it as such is the numerous ancient pits where the art of metallurgy took its first strides. Indestructible copper vessels are used to hold the ore as it is melted in the heart of the magma and then poured into the casts where their weapons and such are made. It is nestled in the foothills of the Ishim mountains, butting right up against the flamekin territories. Much of the population of the city is transitory, as the Goliath are naturally prone to wanderlust. While some bands of druids and nomads exist, there are numerous stationary towns wherever there are fissures in the earth for them to forge with and rivers to slake the forests and their own thirsts. The Goliath do not believe in agriculture in the same way the humans do, tilling fields and scarring the natural world, but instead, they have developed a culture dedicated to stationary gathering. They take the fruits of the land, and promote the return growth of what they take. They do this with their magic, delivered to the ground in each enchanted raindrop called from the sky by the druids. Many of the fissures they build their towns around are not naturally occurring, but were actually called into being by the Cherubim for the Goliath who wished to settle rather than wander. The Cherubim have also been known to divert rivers, slowly but surely to better serve the town. The Cherubim look at this as a natural way to shape the world around them so that it does not destroy Binah's body. Much of the many towns and cities the goliath actually have are built in stone instead of wood.
The Sheo Lowlands
The gorgons occupy the Sheo Lowlands. As a group they are able to live underground, though it has been some years since they chose to do so, instead choosing the swamps and rice fields as their home. Their diet consists primarily of fungi, fish, and vegetables and fruit that grow in the shallow waters of their home. Most of the gorgons are farmers, broken up into small villages far removed from the capitals of their people located in those ancient caves of their origins. The gorgons are well known healers and sangromancers, and are known as Blood Alchemists. However, the alchemists are also known for the strong poisons they are capable of developing. Sangromancy is the most widely used magic in the lowlands, but it is not the only kind. The Necromancers, are a monastic sect that only a relative handful of gorgons pursue despite their major influence both in global politics and the defense of the race. It is the sect who deal with the catacombs of old and the Sentinels. Oddly enough though, they aren't part of the Zabaniyahim church, which doubles as the gorgon government, despite being a major military and social force for their people and living in closer proximity to the Zabahiyahim. In better times they would be searched out for their skills to create monuments from the fallen so that people can pay respect for all time, and this has given them a demand that is vital to their people. The Gorgon, meanwhile, turn all their dead into the very foundation of the caverns that acted as the cradle of their civilization. They animate the bodies using necromancy, tell the zombies to climb atop the existing walls of statues and form giant pillars/walls where they are then turned to stone. In times of emergency, they awaken the petrified dead to fight for them. These beings are known as the Sentinels. However, in the times since the war began, they have been animating the dead that once stood frozen. Zombie statues generated as the fighting force of the Zabaniyahim which spares the sparse gorgon population from the worst of the fighting. The Flamekin and Gorgon have a very close relationship. The Gorgon can't turn their own to stone, but every other race is vulnerable to their gaze which puts an enormous strain on what cultures can interact with them without taking appropriate measures (which usually means the gorgons have to be blindfolded) which is extremely demeaning. So, hence why they have such a flourishing relationship with the Flamekin.... because their bodies are already made of stone.
The Ishim Ranges
The Ishim ranges and the far reaching plateaus on the other side of the continents are the homes to the flamekin. It is from here that the guilds of the flamekin dictate that which the flamekin of the Ranges do, though their rule does not extend to those who have chosen to leave either the heart of their hegemony or the colonies that fringe it. The flamekin are formally ruled by whichever guild currently has the most power socially. The Martial guild has held sway for a long long time now. Other guilds include the Harper Guild, the Crystal Guild, the Iron Guild, and whichever other ones I can think up. Suggestions totally open. (The Harper Guild is half musicians half messengers). Ranks in the guild demonstrate social standing, but not every flamekin is in the guild as there are a lot that just function as service for the guilds. The flamekin are known for being artisans of Golems. They breathe the flame of life into the form. It helps keep the populace from having to go to war in the same numbers as the others since most of them are not members of the Martial Guild, no matter how much their membership has risen in the past years. (red artifact creature golem. Blaze counters.) Lastly, the flamekin are known for using crystalline weapons that are harder than steel and very very sharp. They forge excellent steel, but sell it to other cultures rather than make weapons of it. Flamekin families are nuclear rather than clan based. When Flamekin fall in love, they have a ritual that is the equivalent of making love. They embrace and their flames mingle, and the flames are the expression of their soul. When the flames combine, it forms a new "ember" if you will, within one of the two parents. This ember grows and the stone in the Flamekin's body begins to swell until it eventually reaches a sort of critical mass. At that point, the excess stone (and actually quite a lot of the parent's stone) slags off. It's a very painful and arduous process and probably the closest the flamekin ever get to illness. Eventually, the stone has to grow back. Anyways, the slag forms an ovoid geode and incubates for some time until at last the flamekin child breaks free. Brings a new meaning to "birthstone" huh? Flamekin biology is quite strange to the other races. For one, their diet is composed entirely of sand and minerals. Their torso has two primary cavities, a "stomach" where the sand is melted and spread to the rest of their bodies, and a heart/lung combo that is a very porous latticework where the "heart" of their flame exists. Flamekin see in both visible light and infrared at the same time. The heartweft, the flamekin believe, was a gift from the ancient god Chesed who, according to their doctrine, was the one who planted the seed of the Tree of Life in the dark times before the world. It was his last act before he departed from the world.
The Archipelago Republic
The distant islands of the east and their trading posts are ruled by the mercantile and marine power of the moonfolk sailors. They call the other races "sunfolk". The moonfolk are nocturnal and have extremely powerful eyesight which makes night like day to them, but daylight is so extreme they have to wear crystal shades to be able to stand the sunlight at all. The moonfolk can see stars that a regular human's eyes wouldn't be able to perceive; Imagine if you look at the night sky and it actually looks like pictures taken from the Hubble telescope, that is how they see. Their eyesight is so adroit that they can see deep into the waters of the ocean and are able to see the currents of the winds moving in the sky and seas moving beneath. This makes them some of the foremost sailors, as well as the incredibly detailed and accurate star charts they make. Moonfolk are not very adept hand to hand fighters, as their physical constitution is not as developed as others. However, they are absolutely unmatched as archers and are able to do minor divinations in the process of aiming to increase their accuracy. the golden eyed moonfolk should be tied to a prophecy. One made a long long time ago. People aren't even sure what the prophecy was at this point, but all that has come down through the ages is that they are poor fortune. Popular theories about what they are supposed to mean will of course range from just bad luck to the end of the moonfolk race. The major commonality in the taboo should always have something to do with change though, because there's nothing that scares a group secure in itself than change. So the goldsight moonfolk reap the fruits of some unknown destiny they never asked for. Their primary diet is of fruit, fish, seaweed, and birds native to the islands.
Notable Seraphim
In life, Vulsiel was Vulmach, a Flamekin artisan of unparalleled skill and renown. The weaponry s/he created was unequalled, its style as beautiful and varied as the landscape. But there was one problem. Vulmach could only create these masterpieces under one, very specific condition: immediately after battle. Battle whipped Vulmach's mind into a creative frenzy, and in the aftermath of combat, while others would withdraw to their tents or campfires, s/he would withdraw to the forge, and work without rest until another of legendary weapon was forged. This personality quirk extended even past ascension, and after angelic battles, the newly named Vulsiel flocks back to the forge, crafting weapons of heavenly beauty, and hellish power. At first, Vulsiel's angelic powers hampered his ability, as battles that once greatly threatened his mortal life now were comparably easy. And so, as much as he could within the realm of his duty to the Seraphim, Vulsiel sought out increasingly challenging battles, and the quality of his work improved with each one. Vulsiel quickly rose in the ranks, challenging higher and higher ranked angels and coming out victorious. It was not long before he rose to the ranks of the Sarim, and much to his frustration, was forced to take the power of a principality. This quickly caused a creative drought, as he was no longer allowed the freedom of combat he so desperately craved. Finally, however, a new chance arose. A coastal outpost under Seraphic jurisdiction sent a call for aid to Ketheres. It seemed a juvenile Leviathan decided it was unhappy in the depths, and broke upon the shore, killing several of the Angel Lord's charges. Vulsiel intercepted the message and, sensing his toughest challenge yet, decided to tackle the problem himself. Taking his most powerful weapon to date with him, he attacked the young sea monster head on, and was nearly killed. Is weapon was broken, his face and body scarred, but the Leviathan lay dead on the sand, and after he healed, Vulsiel's new weaponry obtained a whole new level of brilliance and mastery, though he will forever be the Scarred Angel.
The Magnus
Formerly an angel by the name of Votumal, he was remained in the lowest ranks for most of his existence. It seems it simply pleased him to remain as such. This preference was disrupted when the Sarim came under direct fire during the third campaign. Despite his menial position, his power distinguished him in battle beyond any of those of greater rank. He slew several prominent angels of the enemy armies. For his prowess, he immediately gained a seat on the diminished Sarim. During the next battle, the previous Magnus sacrificed himself to ensure the rest of his angelic cadre would survive, but rather than run, Votumal took up the Magnus’s sword and slew the four generals of the opposing army. By taking up the sword, he was committing heresy of the highest order, but even the other members of the Sarim were reluctant to press the matter. Votumal willingly gave up the sword and tried to turn his back on the war, but the other members of the Sarim denied him the luxury, offering both the sword and helm of the Magnus. Understanding that there were greater obligations than his own pursuits, Votumal relinquished his name and history and took up the powers and responsibilities of the Magnus.
The Exiled Cherub
Chabion is a Cherubim of Goliath stock, and is an angel of particularly violent disposition. At first, Chabion was simply a malcontent, grumbling about his misgivings about the Cherubim leadership, and getting into a few, minor fights with other angels, but nothing serious. Then, suddenly, something changed, and Chabion grew even more outspoken, even more violent. He began challenging other Cherubim to more serious fights. He was a fierce fighter, and demanded that the Cherubim take a much more active role in the war, particularly wanting to level the other Angelheim to the ground. While before his targets were more or less random, just angels he was arguing with, now they were more targeted, higher level angels who more dramatically disagreed with him. Worse yet, three of these fights ended in the death of his opponent, for which Chabion showed no remorse. He actually gloried in their deaths, and tried to use his might to convince others to join him. Finally, the Cherubim decided that Chabion was far too dangerous and was no longer an asset to them. They decided to take action, but when they went to find him, he had disappeared into the wilds. Metaknowledge:
In the pre-rapture days, the barbaric hordes dominated the landscape, but the demons were the most powerful of all. They were also the closest thing to "civilized" that the barbarian races got. They had a culture of infernal worship, a written language, and even an appreciation for art to salve their vanity, but make no mistake, this was no noble society. The Demons were brutal with their knowledge, and hoarded it jealously. While the other barbarians persecuted the fledgling societies for fun, for plunder, and simply because they could, the Demons did so to ensure they remained at the top of the cultural food chain. Beyond knowledge and intellect, the Demons had one other thing the other barbarians did not have. They had a city, a sprawling city dedicated to themselves. From this massive city, the Demons held their seat of tyranny, sending their own terrible forces, and many of the subjugated barbarian tribes of other races, too weak to oppose them. Until the Rapture. Whether the emerging angels attacked the Demons first or last is a question of histories which were never written. Their city was scourged from the world, buried from the light of day. Until one day…
The Rapture’s Anchor: The Sephirot
The physical manifestation of the Rapture spell and the source of its continued existence, these enormous gemstones are composed of pure crystalline magic. Their existence has been lost to time, if many ever knew of them to begin with. Precious few modern angels know anything of the sephirot at all, and even fewer suspect what they are. They are a closely guarded secret by those whose knowledge gives them some shape of these enchantments’ significance, and their known locations are hidden from but a handful of individuals in any glory. Most of them are lost, but there are records which suggest their possible locations, but few are brave enough to seek the lost anchors of angelic creation.
The Elder Angels
At the heart of the Sephirot are the beings known as the Elder Angels. They were the prototype creations that were meant to defend the world, but they were flawed and lacked what was needed to protect. They only understood destruction and the purging of what they saw as flaws in the world. So they were sealed inside the gems, and the spell was forged to transform the dead into the new race of angels using the Elders as a rudimentary blueprint. By transforming the dead with the Rapture, it gave the newly created angels a sense of what was missing. Humanity. (It also changed their form slightly to be more human, as opposed to the more bestial/eldritch Elder Angels.) And so the failed experiments were sealed away and they were incorporated into the future, still useful to their maker. But they are still alive. They are still aware. Background:
For thousands of years, Goliath society was built on a foundation of tradition. Stories were passed down through oral tradition, and the elders were the political power, although the Goliaths themselves were far from political. The elders served mostly as a backbone for tradition, as well as arbiters for any who might violate the conventions of tradition. The words of the Elders were not law, certainly not in the way humans would understand them, but rather more akin to a father's commands to a small child. Over countless centuries, the reasons behind certain behavioral traditions were lost, but the Elders carried on the teachings of these traditions with a zeal equal to that of their predecessors. To even question the words of an Elder was to be a disobedient child in the eyes of the Elders, and most of the Goliath society. Eventually, though, as the Elders lost their connection to the source of their traditions, certain members of Goliath society felt they were losing their connection with the Elders. The Elders had always been looked upon as father figures, and so society found it upsetting that they were losing that connection with them, almost like a child who ages to find his father's mind slipping away. So, in an effort to recapture the connection with the elders, certain fragments of society tried to delve into the depths of history, not to defy the Elders, but rather to rediscover the foundations of the traditions they clung to. The Elders, however, viewed this in quite a different light. To them, this was an act of defiance, perhaps even an attempt to circumvent the Elders entirely. Naturally, they didn't all feel that way, and some Elders praised and even participated in the journey of past discovery. The most stringent traditionalists amongst the Goliath also opposed this new movement, but quite frankly, most people didn't care one way or the other. Many didn't even feel the subtle disconnection of the Elders in the first place. Generations passed, and the division between the traditionalists and the historians grew increasingly, but slowly, greater. They were still one another's neighbors, friends, even brothers and sisters, but they were growing apart. Just as the Elders had eventually lost their connection with history, so too, ironically, did the historians lose their connection to their original mission. Their charge changed from discovering the origin of the Elder's tradition to discovering the origin of any tradition. Eventually, the historians became more. They became researchers, theorizers, scholars, perhaps, in a rudimentary way, academics. Goliath society had begun to change, shifting, ever so slightly, away from a nomadic lifestyle to a sort of occasional-sedentary one. Some Goliaths, especially the smiths or the stone-masons, settled in pretty much one place. Most of the others would wander for a while, settle in one place for a while, and then wander again when the wanderlust grabbed them. The historians were more or less the same in this regard, wandering when they felt the need to research or map or dig something up, and settling down for a few seasons when they didn't. Of course, for the historians, the more they found and the more they wrote, the harder it became to travel around. This led to the founding of the Great Library, which was part library, part museum, as it contained everything that had been written by the historians (that had survived traveling through rain and heat and so forth), as well as any physical relics they may have stumbled upon. The founding of the Library infuriated some of the Elders who believed it was a mockery of the oral tradition the Goliaths valued so highly. Others, however, felt it was an excellent way to keep tradition alive, and still more people, including a few more of the Elders, joined the historians. It was at this point that actual tension began to arise between the two factions of society, though initially, these problems were minor. Historians began actively trying to settle near the Library, and for longer periods of time, consequently (though unintentionally) monopolizing the local food supply, though no Goliath ever went hungry because of this. Slowly, over the course of two or three generations, the historians were firmly entrenched in the city. Traditionalists were still as welcome as always, but it didn't always feel that way. All of this movement away from tradition and toward history began to worry the Elders who held strongly to tradition. Finally, these Elders made a conscious decision to expand their own influence and exert more formal authority. The Goliath had many celebrations throughout the year, but had two which were considered major, held in Cathair de'an Sinsear. Both of these were festivals in honor of Binah and Chokmah together, and were celebrated at the Summer and Winter Solstices. The Elders had recognized that while both factions still worshipped both deities, the historians were beginning to identify with Chokmah in their search for wisdom and secrets, and the Elders wanted to use that to reign them in. Therefore, at an Elder's council, it was decided that the festivals would no longer be dedicated to both. Instead, the Summer festival would be dedicated to Binah, whereas the festival of the Winter Solstice, when travelling was made more difficult, would be dedicated to Chokmah. The Elders designed this to discourage the historians and their ilk, because they knew the Chokmah festival would have far fewer attendees than the Binah celebration. Unfortunately for them, their plan backfired, because although fewer Goliaths did attend, it began to foster the very division the Elders were trying to quell. It also provided a forum for the historians to educate and convert some of the traditionalists, who came just for the celebration, as they had done every year before anyway. After several years, as the division between the two festivals grew wider, the Chokmah festival was moved from Cathair de'an Sinsear to the Library city, and a few years later, the Library itself was rededicated to Chokmah. Event:
The bulk of Goliath society was caught in the middle of these increasing tensions. Most of the people still vehemently revered the Elders and the traditions they represented, but the Goliaths were also naturally curious people, and the historians offered much to sate that curiosity. Finally, an event occurred of such monumental significance that neither side could possibly ignore it. It was nightfall on the Festival of Chokmah, the Winter Solstice, when the sky burned with the path of a falling star, which crashed with sickening impact into the ground near the edge of the great forest. Trees and grass alike where charred in a wide trail to the spot the massive rock fell, and below it, the cavernous ruins of some long-forgotten city below the ground.
The naturally curious Goliaths investigated, and the historians were quick to act. They sent nearly every researcher and digger they could to the site. On their first dig, they recovered a sizable piece of the star, as well as several artifacts from the mysterious, buried ruin. The ruin was only partially accessible to them, but they had recovered a few things, including three strange books made of stone, written in an unknown language. These relics they brought back to Chokmah's library to study them and try to decipher them. As for the piece of the star they recovered, they viewed it as a gift from Chokmah, an arrow sent to point them toward wisdom and discovery. When the Elders learned of this event, they knew it would cause massive problems. They did not know what the star was, or what the mysterious ruins were, but they believed no good could come from it. They immediately ordered that no Goliath could go near the area again, until the Cherubim could fix the damage that had been done. This upset many people, including the traditionalists, who were, once again, naturally curious and wanted to know the truth about the star and the ruins. But the Elders demanded it be left alone, and the traditionalists reluctantly obeyed. The historians obeyed as well, at least for the time being, since they had much to study before returning anyway. For a short time, they were contented with studying the relics they had claimed. Until, that is, the Elders came, in full force, to the Chokmah library and demanded the historians hand over everything they had found, especially the piece of the star. The historians told them that star was sacred to Chokmah and his followers, and they refused to give it up. The Elders argued with the metaphor: "If an arrow pierces the heart of your mother, do you gauge the arrow out and keep it as a trophy?" but the historians would not budge. Finally, the Elders offered a compromise. They said if the historians gave up the star willingly, they would not only be allowed to keep the other relics, but also they would be allowed another foray into the mysterious ruins. After much deliberation, the historians agreed, and handed over the star. The next day, they set out on their second dig, knowing that they could just take another piece upon their arrival. To their horror, when they arrived at the site, the landscape was almost completely different. In the short time they were gone, the Cherubim had already done their work, and the site was gone forever. Realizing that the Elders had likely known about this, they quickly returned to their city, but when they did, they found their library in shambles, the mysterious relics either smashed or gone. When the historians confronted the Elders back at Cathair de'an Sinsear, the Elders were unapologetic of their actions. They said it needed to be done, for the sake of tradition. This, of course, enraged the historians, and, surprisingly, many of the traditionalists, as well, who saw the deceit of the Elders to be far beneath their dignity. The historians, and those who shared their outrage, left the Green immediately, never to return. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:18 am ] |
Post subject: | Mirror World |
This would be the project I have dwelling in my headspace right now. I'm going to just dump everything oozing in my brain right now in a freeform information feed.
In the long distant past, two factions controlled the majority of the world. The Kings of Light and the Queen of Darkness (cliche go! It's prototypical at this point, deal with it.) Each faction was composed of a number of tribes who owed their allegiance to each of the monarchies, the tribes controlling their own lands, shared by other tribes, some allies, some who bowed to the other faction. As each tribe expanded, their influence grew, but this caused conflict to simmer upon their borders. Despite this, the land was ultimately peaceful, the people not willing to start a large scale conflict while they were alone. It was so for hundreds of years... until the monarchs themselves became involved. Regardless of the normal stresses of ruling their lands, they maintained an aloof ignorance of the other. It was not until a prophecy came arose that forced the royals to acknowledge their opposite faction. The prophecy stated "when the world fell to the flames of war, when the dark and light clashed, the monarchs would rise and break the world in twain." Concerned about the prophecy the monarchs agreed to consult the other. Unfortunately, the meeting did nothing to resolve the potential conflict. Some offense or another was given, the exact nature unknown, but when the groups parted, the factions had declared war. Not all tribes were involved in the fighting, but without question, each faction was completely committed to the fight. The only beings not involved were the neutral tribes, those who did not bow to either monarch. As the war escalated over months, the fighting became fiercer and the casualties grew. As the battles raged, it became more and more apparent that the war was inevitable. Conflicts long suppressed behind the idyllic facade were ignited as the savagery of war drove peace from the minds of the tribes. The veil of peace was torn asunder and none were as surprised as the monarchs whose own vanity or pride had begun the downward spiral of bloodlust. Several times, the monarchs met to discuss peace, but it was with a growing fervor that they spoke of ceasing the war.... largely because they were no longer sure if it was possible to rein in the violence their factions had thrown themselves into. There seemed to be only one recourse. The monarchs must fulfill the prophecy. So, like a bad 80's sitcom, they decided to divide the world in two... but knowing that the flames of hostility would never dull so long as they stayed in the same world, the monarchs pooled their powers and cast a spell that forever altered the world. They created a twin, dividing the world with itself. The tribes of the light faction suddenly became the sole occupants of one world while the tribes of the dark queen inherited their own world... Where once there was one world, now two occupied the same space, though at different frequencies. The world knew peace once more. but...
The world is more than two worlds. There is the veil between, the shadow cast by each.... the remnants of the spell and the world that once was. And those people who would not fight caught between.
Dawn Faction
The "Dawn Faction" is composed of allied colors. Elf- WG Merfolk- UW Faeries- UB Humans- BR Trolls- RG In the ages since the world was refracted, the day faction has developed fantastic magics unrivaled across much of the multiverse. They have even created living spells, illusions and powerful enchantments which act as creatures. (Yes, enchantment creature will be a thing here. I came up with this waaaaay before Theros was public.)
Dusk Faction
The Dusk Faction is composed of enemy colors. Soltari- WB Goblins- WR Imps- BG Vedalken- UG ??????- UR Profit! While the dawn faction and their people focused on developing magic, the dusk faction began to refine their ability to construct solutions to their needs. Constructs and Golems and other artifact creatures are servile to the needs of their people. All of this is just very basic worldbuilding, and dear god it is in its most basic form, so don't jump down my throat over not making it as unique as possible so far.
The Conflict
People have begun to vanish. They awake on the other side of the veil, terrified and lost. As they spend more and more time in their opposite world, they begin to change, their identities seeming to run as they are affected by the magic wavelength of the world. As more strangers begin to appear in their opposite world, scared individuals clinging to each other for something familiar, the native inhabitants become more concerned, unsure of what to make of these new appearances. None in the world know what has caused this to begin happening... but those responsible are not from the world. They are from the between. The shadow beings have begun to manifest in each world, those who have retained their sanity are learning to push into the worlds, and each time they do, natives are sucked across the veil. The last of the lost tribes have begun to appear in the courts of each monarch, wearing masks and cloaking themselves in mystery... ingratiating themselves to the current rulers. What they are planning is unknown, but their agenda is clearly their own.
Shadow Enchantment creatures Artifact creatures Transform and DFC So, those are the bones of the world. The muses accosted me in an alley and started working me over, I had to work with it. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:21 am ] |
Post subject: | Sri Hara's Homeworld (Janhapuhr) |
The World Janhapurh has four continents. Two of them are arctic and mostly uninhabitable. The other two support life and one is significantly larger than the other. At the south edge of the largest continent an archipelago of islands can be found. Plains are located to the west and north-central areas with heavy forestation dominating the southern coast and mid-eastern portions. Mountains crown the continent and top of the western coast. Most of the east is lowlands, glades, and deltas. The other continent is heavily forested and largely unexplored. The views about the mana of this world are very very distinctive, with the belief that a being possesses mana vortices contained within themselves, which influence their spiritual growth and destiny. It is thought that magic can be blocked by emotional instability, the flow of the mana within being impeded by a clouded mind. Many also believe that a being can become more powerful if they are capable of joining their mana with that of the universe, the energy that flows through the land all around them. Harnessing that flow offers not only greater strength, but a possibility to alter one’s existing fate. The Lotus is the most prolific symbol of these beliefs. While the common lotus is widespread, the potency of the greater Lotus’s power is legendary, and wars have been fought over the beauty and power of such flowers. The Lotus is so influential that it is central to nearly every culture in one way or another.
Humans: There are three major human empires, which collectively greatly outnumber the other races, but divided as they are, their populations do not overwhelm that of the other societies. They include:
Juggernaut – The juggernaut are immense temples, the center of higher pursuits and government wherever they can be found. The most shocking thing, though, is that these tremendous buildings are in fact, great living constructs dedicated to the peace of the realm, the last resort a city could call upon in times of great duress. Their architecture is extremely varied, no two juggernauts looking exactly alike, but nothing in the mortal realm is said to be capable of withstanding a juggernaut. Deva (Angels): The angels of Balance, work as agents of karma, supporting the good and punishing the wicked, strictly along the lines of a being’s karma. They lack the wings angels have on other worlds, having another set of arms sprouting from their backs instead. A halo of light glows around their bodies. Long lengths of ethereally white cloth surround their bodies, constantly flowing as if underwater. Aside from these they dress simple; white wraps around their hips and simple armored tops. They often carry rosaries that indicate their status in the divine hierarchy, with the highest of their numbers carrying rosaries so large that they wrap about their bodies. They are often associated with flowers. Loxodon: Loxodon live in herds that are protected by the yoddha, a sect of high warriors dedicated solely to the good of the herd. Their religious beliefs and government both revolve around elder worship, and many of the highest members, including the yoddha, have the mantras of their sect carved into their tusks. It is not a pleasant experience, but it shows their commitment to the way of their elders and people. Nomad is the most prevalent class type. Matsya (Merfolk): The merfolk believe that there was once more land upon which their ancestors walked with great cities that stretched high into the sky. Within these cities, the gods dwelled and taught man their secrets. However, all things flow in a great cycle, and the gods departed from the world. A great flood came to wash the world anew and to preserve their civilization, they were given knowledge by the divine to transform themselves into the beings they are now. The Matsya dive the oceans to try and find the secrets lost to the ages and the deep. The Matsya culture is one driven by a hierarchy of achievement, the greater a discovery, the higher a merfolk’s position in society will be. One of the earliest secrets they discovered was the secret of flight, allowing them to interact with the dry world once again. Ruins are discovered perhaps once a lifetime, but it takes several more to discern even a fraction of their secrets. Viashino: The Viashino of this world live at the mouth of a major river and deltas, a sunken civilization hidden in shadows in the waters of the swamps. Descended from the dragons, they have embraced the ideals of how their ancestors changed and worship the demons as the true masters of their own destiny, casting off the yoke of karma and rising to greater heights. They are assassins by trade, defined by their ambition and secrecy. Though utterly ruthless, they believe that the lives they take, offered to the demons, keep the Asura mollified and prevent the demons from trespassing into their world to collect their own, so it is in fact a service that they do for the world. Though they revere the demons, they are shrewd enough to understand the havoc they are capable of and have no desire to see the Asura unleashed upon the world. Their homes in the southern swamps are called the Dragon’s Teeth. Garuda: Garuda are Aven descendants of the legendary phoenix, Simurgh. Simurgh was the largest and oldest phoenix to have ever lived, using an entire mountain as its cradle and nest. During its last death, the explosion it generated cast its ashes to the four winds which snatched them away and spread them across the plane. Instead of the great bird rising and being reborn, each ash gave birth to an aven. And so the Garuda were born. They choose to live high up in the mountains, where the eddies and wind currents are strong, but without natural resources they are forced to fly down and raid lower settlements. Amongst their settlements are monasteries dedicated to spiritual enlightenment. This monastic sect is called the 88 paths of flame. These monks combine martial arts with pyromancy, believing that if they master all 88 paths, they’ll reincarnate as a phoenix upon their funeral pyre. The yogas of the 88 paths become increasingly mental and spiritual as one approaches the highest practices, focusing almost solely on the spiritualism of pyromancy. Phoenix Rhox: The Druidic Rhox of the world have long been victims. What remains of their culture has been split, forced into the deepest recesses of the forests and jungles. Those settlements that have not been well hidden have been enslaved by the darker human empire in order to perform heavy labor. Their slave masters have their horns cut, a symbol that they have lost their freedom as much as a pragmatic solution to the Rhox’s natural weapons. The last of the free Rhox were driven to the forests and some have made their way into the smaller continent. Some of the enslaved Rhox have formed an underground rebellion led by a charismatic leader. Asura (Demons): On this world, demons, called Asura, are formed when a being's karma becomes overwrought with sin. Each sin is aligned to a different color, which influences the birth of the demon. When a soul becomes utterly corrupt, and the weight of its karma is beyond what the wheel of life can bear, that being becomes a demon and their very form changes. This process takes a great deal of time, and no two demons look exactly alike, as they retain much of their former race. An asura is completely driven by sin, slaved to its whims and desires.
Misc. Rakshasa- Cat Vampire The true history of the Rakshasa is lost in the annals of history, but the Matsya believe that they were a race of catfolk known as the Narasimha that existed before the great flood that washed the world clean. They might have existed, but when the rains started, some of them turned from the gods, incensed that they were passing judgment upon the world. Most accepted the gods decision, but those that grew angry turned to the demons for their salvation. Hidden away in the demon’s realm, they weathered the flood outside and when the waters receded, the survivors emerged, unaware that they had been transformed by their time in the demon's lair. They were driven mad when they learned of the horrible thing they had become. They are so bestial now, that it is difficult to believe that they were ever more than horrible monsters. The Rakshasa love the taste of flesh, craving it almost incessantly, and that drives them to consume as much as they can, but there is none they savor more than the flesh of man and his equals. The Rakshasa are hairless and their skin is charcoal black, their limbs and claws disproportionately long, making them a disconcerting sight. Dragons: Most of the Dragons, if not all, have transformed into Asura of Wrath. Naga- Mortal enemies of the Garuda. Keepers of the natural secrets. Vanara- A relatively small culture of gorillas that live in the misty jungle foothills of the mountains, they are a secluded tribe who prefer to keep their own company and practice their traditions undisturbed. They are deeply spiritual society that follow the wisdom of their shamans, but fierce when roused, and there have often been times when they have gone to war over what could be considered very inconsequential matters. Minotaurs - The minotaurs of Janhapurh are an urban species renowned for their love of art and poetry. They are often found clustered around the Juggernauts in major cities, where they may serve in various roles in the temple, such as tending to the flower gardens and leading pilgrims in the study of meditation. Though they are revered by most, they have been slowly pushed from the eastern lands and even the traditionalists seem less inclined to welcome them to their temples these days. The minotaurs have built a culture around the act of creation, and are known for their unique form of poetry, which tends to favor long, looping, liturgical contemplation of the natural world and is intended to be recited aloud, often as a meditative aid. Minotaurs tend to dress in simple but brightly-colored robes and carry rosaries crafted from the horns of their ancestors. Their most notable choice of accessory is the choice to adorn their horns with garlands of flowers or caps of gold. They revere flowers, not only for their aesthetic beauty, but from the belief that the fragrances of certain aromatic blooms can have a calming effect on the mind. It is only natural that many of the finest incense and oils come from minotaur monasteries. Yeti-In the frozen peaks of the mountains, these terrible predators lurk. They are elusive, and if you are hunting it, sooner or later, it will begin to hunt you. Standing twice the size of a man, with long, thick limbs, the yeti are capable of terrible violence and they do not possess any empathy. They have horrible twisted claws and sharp fangs which have ended countless lives. Aspara- Aspara are Nymphs that dwell in the mists and seas. The Apsara are beautiful women who appear when the mists hang above the seas. They recline on rocks and entice sailors with their displays or their song. They tend to come in groups and act like floozies to get people close enough to them. Unlike sirens, the Apsara save people who crash and hold them prisoner. They are unable to leave because the Apsara crave attention and they'll lavish the prisoners with gifts and pleasures. The mists that form on the seas act as a gateway to the Apsara's palaces, far far up in the clouds. Naturally, this means that sailors 'ware the mists that blow in. Eventually they will let the men and women they take go home, but not before they learn something new from the outside world. Usually a new dance or new song that they've never seen before, but they have a darker impulse of plunder too. They hunger for art and have been known to crash boats to harvest the goods on the ship, or even the ship itself if it's nice enough. Apsara occasionally turn up where you wouldn't expect them. The imperial courts take huge pleasure in having an Apsara appear and they are drawn to festivals. The mists are the only things that dictate where an Apsara goes. They can turn up on land, but are most often associated with the sea.
Sri Hara
Sri Hara is a white/green loxodon planeswalker. Ancient beyond counting, Sri Hara has gathered a massive amount of magics at his command, but first and foremost is his ability to protect and nurture life. Sri Hara was the yoddha of his herd, the highest warrior caste and protector of his people. His life was one of placing himself in danger for his community, and he was honored greatly for it. Unfortunately for Sri Hara, the lands where his people lived came under attack from a foe that he could not defeat: the earth itself. A great quake struck his ancestral homelands and Sri Hara held the line while his people evacuated. He did all within his power to protect them, but he was just a man, and the forces of the world were so much larger than himself. Saving as many as he could meant his death, and it was a fate he was glad to pay so long as they were saved. Only... his life was fated for something far different than what he expected of anyone in his caste. Crushed in the quake, his spark ignited and suddenly his body seemed such a small thing. His consciousness expanded outward to perceive everything around him and it was the simplest thing for him to make an invincible body of pure light. He manifested before his people and calmed the earth, his muscular frame burning with radiance. He gathered his people together, and with his newfound and nigh limitless powers, he lifted the very bedrock into the air. He created a land for his people that would never suffer this fate again nestled within a floating island, a fertile valley that he named Moksha, after the ancient word for paradise. But that... that was long ago. Sri Hara has spent millenia wandering the multiverse, serving most often as a guardian god in times of need. He has accrued many titles across many planes and he is worshipped in even more kingdoms. Many lands and peoples have given thanks to Sri Hara, The Shining One. That was all before the Mending though. When the Mending came, Sri Hara was suddenly shorn of his power, dimmed of his brilliance, but... strangely at peace with it. He felt himself aging day by day and finally turned to the ascetism that befit a being of his age and wisdom. He came to peace with all that he had done and there was but one thing left to do in his long journey. To die. But... his mind was not what it had been. So many years of knowledge could not remain in a merely mortal mind and Sri Hara was faced with a dreadful conclusion. He would never return to his people, to die in his ancestral homelands as tradition demanded, as he desired, as instinct drove him to. So Sri Hara began to use his magic to extend his life, regenerating all that he could each day, and each day his life ebbs away a tiny bit more, magic or no. Millenia crash upon him and his bones ache, his body weakens and he questions if he will see the next sunrise as he backtracks through the Blind Eternities, returning to the lands of the Shining One hoping finally to find his genesis, so that he may share his knowledge of all there is with his people, and rest once and for all. Sri Hara knows there is a chance he may not return to his homeland, and though he long ago gave up the ways of the warrior for the ways of the mage, he remembers his yoddha vow. If he cannot make it home, then he will at least find a worthy death, a cause that is just so that he may lay down his life in its defense and hopefully find peace at last. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:27 am ] |
Post subject: | Ahden |
I've made mentions of this plane before, and Troll's involvement in helping me, but with troll's disappearance, I've let this stand in limbo for ages. On the one hand, I think it's helped me decide what's extraneous and on the other it's let me give more thought to what to do with it. For now, here is the work I have on Ahden.
Ahden stands as an oddity within the swirl of the Blind Eternities. The empires that dwell upon the plane have never seen the races so many other worlds take as granted. Humans do now walk this world. Elves have never been heard of. Merfolk do not swim these oceans. Somewhere within the ages past, the evolution of the world rejected the familiarity of humanity and its shape. In the ancient times, there was a race that controlled every aspect of Ahden. They carved great swathes from the interior of the earth, harvesting the rock and ore. They explored the darkest depths of the oceans. No answer was beyond them and they ruled the plane utterly. Then, they suddenly vanished, leaving behind only ruins and cryptic mysteries in their wake. An epoch passed and new races arose. Many found the ancient ruins, and in their own ways, they learned from the legacy of the vanished beings, harnessing the powers left behind. As the empires rose, the Leonin came into conflict with the Ogres for control of the Highlands. The Mountains and rolling plains became a battleground, and only one race would take the Highlands for their home. The Ogres possessed greater strength, but the Leonin had great numbers to rival anything the Ogres could do. The Ogres were driven from the highlands and all the way out of the fertile lands. Turned into exiles, the ogres had no choice but to settle under the tyranny of the draconic lands. The Leonin would unwittingly create the means for the Dragons to launch the greatest war Ahden had ever known. With the Ogres as their slaves, the dragons pushed to conquer the lands around them. The Viashino of the edgelands, where the deserts met the fertile lands, cast the Ogres back with their druidic magics. The dragons weren’t going to abandon their attacks and were forced to attempt to conquer the Fertile Lands. The Foxfolk of the lowlands and the Leonin allied and brought the war to a stalemate. It would appear that the war would continue, neither side gaining an advantage, but the Foxfolk and Leonin alliance appealed to the Avens of the distant islands off the coasts, and together the united force drove the Dragons back to their borders. In the Draconic homelands, the final battle of the war was waged. Fierce magics tore at the land, and in desperation, the dragons did the unthinkable. They allied with the demons that dwelled in the deepest mines. It would be their undoing. The powers the demons brought forth ripped at the land. The combined magics of the war were too much for the land and the leylines of the Draconic home swelled and buckled, destroying their kingdoms and triggering the constant mana storm that ravages the badlands to this day. With no other choice, the surviving dragons and ogres retreated to the underground. There, they enslaved the goblins, conquering their cities, and dealing with the alliance the demon lords that dwelt in the mines and caverns of the ancients forced upon them. The Alliance now controls the fertile lands and stands as the greatest power on the plane. But there are rising threats to their power. The twisted remnants of the dragons still lurk in the darkness, but the ancient enemies of the Avens threaten the coast. The Viashino face their own threat as the rising Bandit kingdom of the Ophidians gains power in the deep deserts and the thoughtweft Eumidian Queen builds her kingdom in the north. These are the Alliances of Ahden.
The North is composed of a frozen expanse where the Yeti dwell. The mountains towards the northeast become the frozen north and the start of the highlands. The highlands flow down to the rolling expanse of planes in the east, butting right against the coastlines where the aven keep their local aeries towers. Their original island homes are further east in the oceans that the Kraken control. To the north west, the Eumidians control the vast hardpacked wastelands, their insectile nature the only life that can regularly survive in the wastes. To the south of them, the great desert spreads out, twice the size of the fertile lands in the east. Upon the center of the continent stretches the scars of the badlands, stretching all the way to the north. The only way to circumvent passing through is the far south in the wetlands that make up the coasts and lowest portions of the fertile lands. On the western side of the badlands stand the edgelands, where the lands start to become the desert. Canyons and Isolated patches of forests and lakes make up the rocky edgelands.
"Underdeveloped Races"
Foxfolk- Healers, Diplomats, and Spies. Will take any means to avoid a power struggle. Aven- Sentinel warriors of the Islands and Plains. Knights and Lords keep the peace. Dragons- Exiled tyrants. Hold a deep vendetta against the Leonin specifically. Demons- Underworld scavengers. They hold the dragons in debt and enjoy temptation. Kraken- Ancient abominations. They use the cephalid as their tools. They are the only ones who still remember the ancients. Cephalid- Kraken worshipping dark dwellers Viscerid- Slave race of the Cephalid. Brutish but strong. Viashino- Druidic Shamans who seek to control the elementals that spawn from the draconic badlands. Ophidian- Bandit barons and thieves of the desert.
"Developed Races"
The Leonin are an arrogant, yet noble race whose history built upon a past of conquest and martial might. They are currently the most powerful nation in the world. Long ago the Leonin were a divided people. Upon the highlands and across the lowland plains, many prides gathered. Their mightiest warriors ruled and bowed to no other. That was, until the Kha known as Kolos rose. Coming from the foothills of the mountains, Kolos and his pride had discovered ruins of the ancients that had been carved into the face of the mountains. There, they discovered arcane secrets and many more mysteries that would go undeciphered. Kolos united the tribes, taking each of the leaders as his advisors and giving rise to a unified people. This new unified kingdom found themselves short of resources within a few generations. Weapons and armor needed ore to forge, and so they attempted to gain the unused minerals from the Ogres. When they would not respond to trade, the Leonin just took the ore. The Ogres, angry with the Leonins' encroachment on their territory raided the mines, killing any Leonin they could find. The Leonin responded with force. Despite their great strength, the Ogres proved to be no match for the Leonins' superior weapons and numbers, but the most telling difference were the keen minds of the Leonin tacticians. Driven farther and farther into the mountains, the Ogres had no choice but to admit their defeat and leave the Leonins' rightfully earned land. The Ogres, seeking vengeance, allied themselves with the Draconic tyrants of the edgelands. With the dragons leading their horde, the Leonin were quickly overwhelmed, barely able to repel the first skirmishes. Knowing their enemies would attack again, they realized they could not withstand this threat alone. So, they sought the aid of the foxfolk in the lowland forests. The magics of the foxfolk and the weaponry of the goblins broke gave them the might to withstand the invasion, but it did little else. The war ground to a standstill. The military strategies of the leonin, while routing the ogres repeatedly, could not handle the aerial mastery the dragons possessed. The allies sent emissaries to multiple nations, and it was the enigmatic Aven of the distant islands that answered their call. Together, they formed the Kolos Alliance, named for the Kha who united their people, and the three races pushed the invaders back to the draconic homelands, and even when they turned to demonic power, defeated the horde and banished them into the caverns below. The Leonin practice a form of spirit worship, believing that honoring the ghosts of their ancestors will bring fortune and protection. Particular heroes become cultural ancestors and are worshipped by the entire race, none more so than Kolos. Familial shrines can be found in every household, but great temples are built in honor of the Kings and saints of their people. A byproduct of this form of worship is an intimate knowledge of spirit binding. The Leonin wear loose flowing tunics and leather accoutrement. In battle, they wear sparse armor, preferring to let either their shields or their speed keep their defense. What armor they do wear is usually banded steel. The Leonin fur ranges in color and stripe from leopard, tiger, to lion. Green eyes are the most common in the empire, and there is a taboo regarding children born with blue eyes, as they are thought to be cursed. Strength, honor, and combat are the cornerstone of the Leonin culture. In many ways their government resembles a democracy, but there exist key differences. Citizenship, along with the right to vote, is earned only through gladiatorial combat or military service. Civilians, those who have no right to vote, are as common as citizens, but are looked upon as people who need protection. Men and women are treated as equals in this system, as all that matters in strength. The citizens decide on local matters directly, and vote for representatives to handle state matters in the Senate. The Senate is filled with Leonin from across the Empire and it meets in the capital city of Laris, which is built atop the ancestral village of Kolos. Aside from the seat of the Senate, it is also home to the Grand Coliseum, where the greatest warriors of the empire clash. The Senate can decide on most matters involving the state, but the true power lies in the king. The king is the absolute word on any decision made in the Senate and is in charge of the military. The King isn't decided by heredity, but rather is elected by merit of grand combat between the finest members of the Senate when the current monarch dies. In rare cases, when a Senate member has enough support from the rest of the Senate they can challenge the current ruler for the throne. When this happens, there can be only one outcome, the death of the king or death of the usurper. The symbol of the king is the Sword of Talias. Talias was the first gladiator to ascend from the ranks to become king. His rise to power was his mastery of both the red discipline of pyromancy and white heiromancy. The sword was forged by Talias himself, etched with the runes of every mystical discipline available to the Leonin. With this sword, he conquered the arena and then the senate. It is now the sign of the king, passed down in coronation to each new sovereign. Tensions are rising within the Empire as many Leonin began to question the need to continue the Kolos Alliance. The debate reached a climax when Lady Dimitria challenged her sister, the glorious Queen Arelia to single combat for the sword. But before the duel could commence, Dimitria’s motives were revealed. Jealousy had driven her to upset the senate, and as a result, she was convicted of treason and banished from empire. With no other options Leandra entered the underworld and allied herself with a powerful demon. Threatening destruction of the capital, Dimitria once again challenged the Queen. Arelia, rather than risking the lives of her people accepted her sister's challenge. She descended into the world below with sword in hand. Neither sister was heard from again. Weeks after, a band of Ogres approached the capital and returned the Sword of Talias to the senate. With neither sister declared victor, the debate rages on, and the new King can do little but struggle to hold the empire back from civil war as threats, both new and old, rise on every horizon.
The goblins originate from the ancient mines. They developed heavy claws capable of breaking stone early in their evolution and have excellently developed hearing. Their skin favored a green hue as they grew in the underforests, but it was poor camouflage in the luminescent fungal forests. They quickly moved away from the plant life of the underground forests, despite making food more difficult to acquire. With the removal of their place in the food chain, their numbers began to rapidly swell. Another advantage to this move was the discovery of the ancient technology left over from those that carved the mines. This gave them mechanical insights that quickly accelerated their development as well as making them masters of haphazard repair. Much of their equipment works, but it might not work well or for long. The goblins are the world's tinkerers and artificers, capable of creating powerful weaponry, and they don't really care who they sell them to, or who they make them for, as long they get paid. Despite their affinity for crafting weapons, they don't really care for conflict. They try to avoid fighting, and if they must fight, they like to have the numbers do the talking, whether with a mob of goblins, or even better hiding behind ogre bodyguards. A single goblin will almost always run, probably while blowing stuff up to distract everyone. It isn’t cowardice, it’s prudence. Their cities are metallic/jury-rigged wonders, and an outside observer might look at them and think they are likely to fall apart at any moment. Their capital city is simply a giant tower of buildings built upon an enormous stalactite in the caverns. Ogres are found living in these cities, often employed in physical tasks that the goblins don't want to do, and as bodyguards to discourage potential saboteurs. Those goblins who cannot hire ogres to do this work use disposable constructs to do their tasks, but none of them are particularly... bright. A syndicate of the most influential goblins rule based entirely upon their influence. At times, they tried a democratically elected council, but corruption always distorted the results, leading to a syndicate rules on their own authority. The syndicate now decides who joins their ranks, as opposed to a council, which would be voted by authority of the people. Younger but more intelligent goblins often outrace the older generation without having to squander and compete in the apprentice positions. The primary economy and trade has led to much of the goblin hierarchy being based on research labs run by older goblins, with a whole fleet of younger "apprentices". These younger goblins have a high mortality rate due to "accidents" in the lab, if one can manage to survive they might be promoted and allowed to their own lab. Individual apprentice goblins compete with each other for top position in the lab, while rival labs compete to sabotage the others. This has led to a great deal of underhanded tactics going around. Despite the social focus on research the entire race is not solely dedicated to that end. They have a multi-tiered society, meaning that a great deal of the population of goblins focus primarily on the mercantile aspect of their civilization while others work with R&D and yet others handle the massive amounts of paperwork involved with running everything. They also have a faction responsible for mining the materials and chemicals needed to operate their society. The mercantile aspect of their culture is well known, as is the infamous greed of said culture. Much of the failures involved with goblin equipment is one of cheap resources being used in their construction. Given this attitude and devious business practices, it has given rise to many cultures distrust of “a goblin’s deal,” which usually means a situation that is too good to be true. The Goblin diet is primarily composed of the giant insects and thallids that are common in the underdark. Their clothing is cut in emulation of the ancient remnants they found, frilled collars and loose sleeves with tight breeches and heavy aprons. The materials used in their clothing are a combination of rough hemp fabrics, insect shells, and scaled hides from various beings in the underforests. They didn't fight in the war, selling what weaponry they could to the Kolos Alliance of the Fertile Lands, however after the war the goblins were kicked out of their biggest city as the dragons moved in. That singular fact has motivated the goblins to forego their former customer’s sole business and starting to sell to the dragons and ogres as well. (Admittedly, they were also a little scared about if they DIDN'T sell to them.)
The ogres are a shattered people. Where once dwelled the pride and power of the ogres, now lays the bitter resignation of a thrice conquered people. The Ogres were originally inhabitants of the mountainous reaches of the fertile lands, but they possessed lands ripe with minerals and resources. The Ogres had mastered the use of bronze, but the rich iron ores of the lands where they dwelled were untouched. As the ogres expanded, they became acutely aware of the people they shared their mountains with. The Leonin. Though much of the Leonin prides found a home on the rolling plains of the lowlands, many of their numbers hailed from the mountainous highlands as well. When the pride turned its focus on harvesting the ores from the mountains, the native ogres were driven back, further into the harsh air of the northern mountains. A call went up as the leonin pushed further, and the ogres attacked. The villages where ogres once tread were aggressively taken back. These were the first battle of the Highland Wars. The Leonin possessed superior weaponry and numbers, but the ogres amazing strength and resilience made each fight close. Each side was brutal, and spared no mercy for their enemies. For each battle the ogres won, their civilization suffered fatal wounds. Their ancestral lands and sacred places were destroyed, and as often as not, it was by their own hands. Increasingly, the ogres became brutal towards those who wished to cease fighting. The Ogre leaders were too blinded by rage and hatred of their enemies to see the damage they were doing to their people. Discouraged and demoralized, the ogres realized the leonin had much more ground to fall back upon. That the ogre peoples could only flee higher up the mountains, but still, their chieftains pushed them. Finally, the war broke into a revolt. The lords were overthrown, and since their dishonor had blinded them, they were literally blinded and exiled from the tribe, doomed to wander the mountains. With little choice, the ogres surrendered. Much of their culture had been left in embers, and the only proof of their lost ways were those who remembered them. With no way to write, the ogres began their oral histories. Unlike other oral traditions though, these sagas were composed as ballads and dirges. The Ogres were driven out of the fertile lands, into the edgelands. The Viashino were hostile to the ogres’ brutish ways, offended at their violent customs. However, that violence attracted the attention of others. The Dragons. A conquered people found themselves enslaved by beasts far greater than their broken tribes. The dragons considered themselves beneficent in giving the ogres a purpose, a place already carved out for them within the draconic heirarchies. The great wyrms promoted the violence the ogres had and fostered strength and brutality within their ranks. However, when the dragons made their bid for power, the ogres had become too ingrained in the nation, and suffered the same fate as their draconic masters. The ogres hold a great deal of animosity for the Kolos Alliance, not on behalf of their masters, but for their shattered pride in battle and being forced to the skyless world beneath the plains. The Ogres are nomadic now, wandering the vast caverns, fungal forests, and underground volcanoes and lakes. They group together in bands, accepting only those who can fight their way into the gangs. They do not dismiss those who are beaten, for it is the courage and resilience needed to be beaten that they respect. These gangs are often relatively peaceful, as matters are solved through boisterous combat, might making right. While these roving nomadic mobs rarely settle anywhere, Ogres can commonly be found living in goblin cities, often employed in physical tasks that the goblins don't want to do, and as bodyguards to discourage potential goblin saboteurs, of which there are many. Ogres often vie for these positions, as the mercantile caravans of the goblins are one of the few ways they can travel the world they once knew. The ogres are impulsive, and given their vast strength, this tends to make them extraordinarily aggressive. Any brutality that they have tends to be a reaction of the forces that shaped their history, because a lot of time they were forced to do what they do just to survive. Unfortunately, this has shaped them into a somewhat anarchistic society, as much of the rules that governed them were continually discarded for the rule of survival. However, that same history has shaped much of their modern rituals and customs. To this day, when an ogre is dishonored, he must cut out an eye in humility, and only then will he be accepted again by his kin. Physically, the ogres are massive slabs of muscle and bone. They have wide shoulders that flow directly into their necks. Thick arms are knotted with muscle, their hands hanging near the ground, and short stubby legs. Ogres have thick, powerful jaws lined in sharp teeth. Their skin is often ranges from grayish green to a dark red and they have thick coarse black hair. The ogres have long practiced ritual scarring and tattooing, and it covers much of their bodies. Most of their armor comes secondhand and is hammered until it fits. Their diet is composed of whatever they can find, including the bodies of dead goblins in the cities.
Some say the draconic lineage stretches all the way back to the lost time of the ancient civilizations. In those times, if legends are to be believed, the dragons were beasts, majestic beasts, but no great world power. It was only after the fall of the lost peoples that the dragons rose. They were the first of the modern races to understand mana, to harness the ruins of the ancients and rise to prominence. In those times, there were three great nations ascendant. The Wurm, The Drake, and The Hellkite. Together, they ruled the land and sky, but a dark shadow spread from the seas. Their ancient enemies, the Kraken, were the only force that ruled on the same scale as those mighty beings, and they sought to extend their dread reach to the land as well. The greatest dragon of his time, Cadmus, sought to create a force to drive the kraken back. Using magic lost to the mists of time and conquest, the bones of fallen dragons were crafted into the eggs of the first Viashino. They rose, and with their dragon sovereigns, drove the kraken back beneath the waves. The Viashino, their purpose fulfilled, wandered into the deserts, far from the sight of their draconic masters. Time passed, and the dragons soared in a golden age of enlightenment. They saw the world around them, saw the first stirring of civilization across their world, and sought to guide the burgeoning races, folding them into the great draconic hierarchies. So, they sought to retrieve their tools, the viashino. However, in time, their progeny had grown distant and willful. The green nation of the Wurm sought to bring them back to the light, but this vision of a united world would ultimately be the downfall of the dragons. As the Drake and Wurm nations arrayed against the druidic power of the Viashino, the greatest masters of their kingdoms let loose a spell of such devastation, none have seen its like again. This worldspell struck the wurms and drakes and tore from them their limbs and minds. The dragons of the green and blue were once again reduced to beasts. The wurm fallen to mere serpents of the sand. The only nation to survive was the ferocious Hellkite. Without the wisdom of the wurm or the reason of the drake, the hellkite nation fell into barbarism. They turned upon each other, and their laws spoke of harsh punishment, death to those who would oppose them. Somewhere in the southern badlands, a remnant of this time is rumored to exist. The Antro Sangre, the cave of blood. This was the executioner’s cave, covered with the crystalline blood, the sangrite, of the dragons killed there. Much of their defeat has been forgotten, and their history lay in ruin. The Hellkite eventually recreated their nation, a shadow of what it once was, but a proud testament to their power. Even shorn of what they once were, they look upon the world and see their dominance. The dragons once again viewed themselves as the pinnacle of the world. It was during this time that the hubris of the Leonin created an opportunity. The Ogres driven out of their lands were quickly subsumed as a work force and army for the dragons. The dragons considered themselve beneficent in giving the ogres a purpose, a place already carved out for them within the draconic hierarchies. With this army, they set their sights upon conquering the world once again, proving their might and dominance over the tiny skittering powers that dare think themselves masters of the world. However, this crusade did not go as planned. The forces arrayed against them proved their equal, and with little other choice, the dragons sought assistance in the last place they felt they would ever turn. The Demons. It would not prove enough. After their failed coup, the strongest of the dragons confronted the strongest of the demons and leveled an ultimatum: "You can serve as my second in command and command my army, or we can go to war right here and now, and you might, MIGHT, win against me, but whatever dregs are left of both your army and mine will leave you ripe for conquest. Or the alternate outcome is I eat you right now.” When the dragons moved into the caverns of the underworld, they rearranged things to suit their own needs. They seized the largest goblin city and converted it for their use. They settled a fair amount of their populace near the underground volcanoes in the mines to relax near the magma's heat. They still use the former goblin city as their primary public addressing area, and even improved upon it by constructing an enormous gladitorial colliseum, which has turned it into quite the cultural mosaic of a metropolis. The only major issue they have is their hate for the Kolos Alliance and the Viashino that defied them. The Ophids, Eumedians, and everything else are welcome in their territories. Though they rule with intimidation and cunning, they aren't incapable of kindness and honor. Foremost though, they try and rule wisely and fiercely, and show absolutely no mercy to any traitorous elements.
The Eumidians are a unique and chilling culture, almost completely focally centered, as a people, on the queen’s wishes. There are two distinct subsets of the race, the females who are thin and wasplike with wings, and the males who are heavier and beetle-like. While the females resemble wasps, the males resemble a beetles. The females have more or less vestigial secondary arms, but the males have four fully functional arms. Their backs are heavily armored unlike the females who have delicate wings. The males make up the soldier classes and craftsmen while the females make up the political aspect of the colony and interpret the will of the Queen. Despite their political clout, they are not the rulers of the colony and the males aren't inferior to the females despite their low standing. Unlike insects in the common world, The Queen doesn't give birth to all members of the race. Propagation is done by impregnation. Specifically, the females possess a stinger like tubule on their fore-arm that deposits eggs into a body, often times a still living body. There, the eggs grow and hatch before they burst out of the host. The eggs have a tendency to adopt some trait of the host race. The newborns must fend for themselves, but the colony does try and provide an easy environment for them to develop in. The males also possess this tubule, but their stinger delivers only venom and not eggs. When a female lays her eggs, the unfertilized eggs become males, but to give birth to females the eggs must first be fertilized (a little barry white, some champagne, mood lighting. Ooooh yeah.) The females do not lay separate eggs though, and will deposit mixed egg groups. The males are heavier than the females. The Queen produces only males throughout much of her life, those of her children who become her elite bodyguards, sired from birth to protect their mother and the mother of their culture. These males are specially bred, with the strength of the male soldiery and the agility and flight of the females. As the queen grows older, she will eventually undergo a frenzy of mating which leads to a ritual that prepares the colony for their new ruler. The passing of the torch between queens is an enormous and historic event, a public one no less. The queen’s newest offsprings, the only females she ever births, must battle to the death for the right to become the queen from all the possible candidates, as there's a second aspect to becoming queen. The consumption of royal jelly, a mana rich honey like substance that triggers biological changes in the newly crowned princess. But there can only be one Queen at a time. Since the young take on some traits of the host, the colony put a lot of consideration on who or what incubates the next queen. To that point that they're often looking for a suitible host to capture and present to the Queen. What traits they look for would depend on the whims of the current queen, maybe a strong and powerful cat warrior, or an enlightened Viashino shaman. The conception would be a public spectacle, many would watch as the host is presented to the current queen and injected with the eggs. The colony then pampers the host, treating them to many luxuries. The Eumidian definition of "comfort" is a bit foreign in comparison to the other races. Insect sensibilities create different social mores and definitions of pleasure. Eumidian weaponry is usually organic, made from the scavenged dead, and their armor their own exoskeletons that have been tempered directly upon their body by a special chemical process combined with more traditional smithing techniques of heating and quenching, an arduous process to undergo. The ornamentation that goes onto the exoskeletons can be quite elaborate and impressive, metallic filigree and gems a common theme, and is often used as a status symbol within the colony, simulating the role that clothing plays in many other nations. As far as non-armor clothing goes, they prefer loose flowing garments. Things like stoles, sashes, veils, and the like. They don't have any real desire or need for tight fitting clothing. Their hivemind, called the Thoughtweft, is less of a communal consiousness, and more akin to a connection between all members of the race with one being, the queen, as the focal point of their communication. All Eumidians have a hive mind fed directly into the queen, but this does not prevent them from developing individualism as so often a hive minded species fails to. In this way, the eumidians are incredibly effective as a fighting force, able to coordinate extremely easily by interfacing with the queen. The individual Eumidian, despite all the physical and cultural differences, is not that different from the members of any other race. Artistry is respected, and many members of their race become artists. The goals and dreams of individuals is as varied as any you might expect. One of the notable aspects of their magical practice, as well as the study of magic is the lack of knowledge a mage possesses. The Queen is the only full fledged magical power in the colony, and all spells are drawn from her vast store of knowledge when required. As can be expected, much of their most practical magical practices are involved in geomancy, allowing them to build their colony with ease. The home colony of the Eumidians is an artificial mountain constructed from the base up in the wasteland, existing both above and below the sandline. Unlike other races though, all Eumidians live in the same area, expanding their colony as required rather than forging new colonies in other areas, never wishing to be far from their queen. They are quickly rising in power as their numbers increase unchallenged. It's only a matter of time before it becomes clear if they will ally themselves well with their neighbors or if a new war will break out over land and resources.
The Yeti are a reclusive race that live in the high high mountains and frozen plains of the far north, where ice has destroyed the fertile lands and the oceans beyond the mountains have frozen into a solid vast plain of brilliant shimmering crystals. Here, in the high mountains and chasms, the yeti keep their secrets from the rest of the world. Hidden beneath the ice and in the shadows of the chasms, the most well preserved ruins of the lost empire lay undisturbed. The yeti consider these places shrines of the lost gods from the Usachi-yu, the Ancient Age. Nominally, the Yeti are allied with the Leonin, but they keep well apart from them. This has led to some suspicions from the catfolk that the Yeti have something to hide, and those suspicions are well founded, as the ruins of the north are the most complete in the world. As the ruins are whole, so too are their secrets, and they are secrets the Yeti have no desire to see disturbed. The Yeti revere the ruins as a shrine to a forgotten time where more powerful beings ruled the world. They worship the lost empire, who they believe left the world, gifting the power of their life essence to the planet itself. During winter, the Yeti trek southward to the Chasms of the Glacier Range, where the tough evergreen plantlife shield them from the constant winds of the north. They hunt the behemoths that make these mountains their homes and trade with the Leonin Empire that flourishes to the south of the mountain range. When spring rises, they return to the open plains of ice, making their way to the great shrine, a nearly completely preserved city. Very little of it is above the ice, but even that is enough to house the entire yeti nation. Much of the frozen north is solid ice, dotted through with mountainous outcroppings that are in fact islands trapped far to the north in the glacial sea. Physically, the Yeti are tall, roughly the size of the ogres, but are covered with a thick luxurious fur. That fur ranges from a steely gray to a silvery white. They possess large hands and feet, each tipped with claws, and their faces are thick boned and heavily browed. Their noses resemble a Leonin’s nose, but they do not have the same snout as their neighbor’s to the south. They dress primarily in armor composed of leather and overlayed with layered bone tiles woven together with thick cords of treated wood fibers. What is most striking about their dress, is the ceremonial masks carved from the enormous tusks and bones of their prey, masks carved in exaggerated fierce visages meant to represent another identity that the yeti assumes when going into combat. Their weaponry is primarily carved from bone and lacquered for strength. In addition to the mask, carved when a yeti reaches adolescence, the yeti have a long tradition of totem amulets, meant to be a guardian spirit passed down the family lines. These amulets most often take the form of the ice, stone, fire, or lightning elementals that can manifest in the mountains or upon the frozen plains. The yeti are led by a high priestess, known as the Yuta, who protects the secrets of the shrines. The Nora are the shamans who are responsible for leading the worship of the elementals, which they view as nature spirits imbued with Mabui, or life essence. The Yeti revere the elementals, unlike the Viashino, who seek to conquer them with their druidic magic. This conflict has made the Yeti fierce enemies of the Viashino, only compounded by the fact that the Viashino are one of the few races who venture so far north. Yeti have domesticated a fierce companion known as the Shisa, an evolutionary divergent of the catfolk. The Shisa, or Lion Dogs, are fiercely loyal. Furthermore, they can sense the Mabui of the Elementals. The Shisa are considered good fortune and protectors.
Elementals and Weird
Elementals manifest across the entire world, but oddly, they seem to mainly come to life outside the fertile lands. Many races have speculated why this is, but most have no answers. The elementals predate every modern civilization on the face of Ahden. Elementals take vaguely bestial forms similar to the indigenous sapient populations, the exact cause for this is unknown, but it seems to denote some guiding intelligence shaping them as they manifest. There have been a great number of studies by every race to find if there is some greater power at work, but not even the Viashino, with their extensive knowledge have come any closer to learning the truth of the matter. Elementals seem drawn to the ruins of the Ancients, leading many to believe there is some connection between the powerful spirits and the lost civilization. The Yeti, in particular, see this as a sign of their beliefs, and worship them as the earthly manifestations of the spiritual dregs of the Ancients. The elementals energies of the mana manifest in many different forms: wind, ice, lightning, earth, water, fire, and so on and so forth. It seems as if any magic that can be summoned by a mage’s power finds a manifestation upon Ahden. The manifestations tend to group in localized areas, and are not seen often outside those borders. Like much about the elementals, this too is an enigma. Within the badlands, the former lands of the dragons, horrible mana storms stir the winds, the rains, and even the earth itself. The Leylines were horribly damaged by the last battle in the Draconic Invasion, and the crippled life energies of the plane still swell and clash, stirring maelstroms of mana and heaving the earth regularly. Within these lands, nothing escapes distortion, most especially the elementals. These beings that crawl forth out of the turmoil are clashing powers trapped in the form of one being. They are called the Weird. Weirds are the essence of two or more elementals bound as one being. Far more destructive than a normal elemental, they rarely survive long outside the badlands, as their nature tears them apart. There is only one race upon Ahden that knows them well enough to keep them stable beyond the edges of the badlands. The Viashino are the only race willing to enter the badlands to empower themselves and learn the secrets of the worldsoul. The weirds are an enticing objects of mystery for them. Thallid- The only prolific plantlife in the underground. Large scale fungal forests are populated by the Thallids. Some speculate they were grown rather than naturally occuring. Hydra- What twisted forests grow in the underground are hunted by the hydra, but they too are hunted by the dragons. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:31 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
I still have the Pale World and Szinada, but both of them have major formatting issues that hate the forum over here for some reason. It'll be a while before I have the energy to redo those. |
Author: | Lord LunaEquie is me [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:38 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Barinellos wrote: I still have the Pale World and Szinada, but both of them have major formatting issues that hate the forum over here for some reason. It'll be a while before I have the energy to redo those. Toss 'me my way if you have formatting issues. I assume they're in a raw .txt or .doc format, so I can definitely work with that. Ideally, I'd rather just have a link to the original pages on the mothership, though; I would hunt them down anyway to cross-reference my formatting before sending them back to you. |
Author: | KeeperofManyNames [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
The pale world was interesting! I'd like to see that again. Also holy thread necromancy, Batman! |
Author: | Lord LunaEquie is me [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
KeeperofManyNames wrote: Also holy thread necromancy, Batman! I'm just reaching the point where I'm thinking "screw it, I'll read what I wanna read instead of trying to categorically play by date", and one of the things I want to do is see what I never visited even when I did have the time. |
Author: | KeeperofManyNames [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
That's not a bad idea actually. We've certainly amassed quite a bit of content, much of which has probably drifted downward... |
Author: | Tevish Szat [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Just to let you know, I still have all the messages pertaining to [spoilers] and dreams of compiling them, cross-referencing what was bandied about and what was decided on, into the "PWG so far" |
Author: | Barinellos [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Lord LunaEquie is me wrote: Barinellos wrote: I still have the Pale World and Szinada, but both of them have major formatting issues that hate the forum over here for some reason. It'll be a while before I have the energy to redo those. Toss 'me my way if you have formatting issues. I assume they're in a raw .txt or .doc format, so I can definitely work with that. Ideally, I'd rather just have a link to the original pages on the mothership, though; I would hunt them down anyway to cross-reference my formatting before sending them back to you. The problem all arises from the break that happens with subject and non-subject spoiler lines. Now that I know what the issue is, I can take care of it. Eventually. KeeperofManyNames wrote: The pale world was interesting! I'd like to see that again. I've been sitting thinking to myself "I think there is enough to work with here without having to kill myself to do more." Tevish Szat wrote: Just to let you know, I still have all the messages pertaining to [spoilers] and dreams of compiling them, cross-referencing what was bandied about and what was decided on, into the "PWG so far" It's very much an "if it happens" at this point.
Author: | Fakeartist [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
This place seems fun. I wonder if this will ever be Barinellos's Finished Atlas? |
Author: | Barinellos [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Fakeartist wrote: This place seems fun. I wonder if this will ever be Barinellos's Finished Atlas? Well, in fairness, it's several places. And I would pretty much love to declare this finished, but there's so much information that I'd need help compiling everything and that is, in itself a bit of a hefty task. |
Author: | Fakeartist [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Is there anything I can do? |
Author: | Barinellos [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:20 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Fakeartist wrote: Is there anything I can do? Possibly. I'll have to go through and review what notes I still have on one or two of the worlds and see how much more needs to be parsed. Some of the info is on data, but some is still just in my head. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
So, just as a status update, I've just overhauled Sri Hara's Homeworld in a massive update that I actually had sitting around a while ago. I didn't realize I'd never changed what was here. It's still not complete, but... I feel like it's in a much more interesting and holistic place now. If there's still an offer out there somewhere, I still have two worlds, at least, that need to be formatted so that they actually work. I do know what the issue is now though, it's those damned spoiler tags split between titled sblocks and untitled sblocks. In other news, as I've been working with Empyrean, I've... sort of fallen out of love with the concept of the moonfolk on Elysium. I'm sort of hazy on a resolution to change the moonfolk to vedalken. |
Author: | Barinellos [ Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Just for the sake of index and quick travel: Ice World Eldrahai: Commander World |
Author: | Cateran [ Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
I love your plane's lore. It has a ragged, worn feel to it. Like the setting from an old pulp. Really, it reminds me of some of the older Magic novels and comics that predated the Weatherlight story. Have you written any stories set on Ellysium? |
Author: | Barinellos [ Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Barinellos Unfinished Atlas |
Cateran wrote: I love your plane's lore. It has a ragged, worn feel to it. Like the setting from an old pulp. Really, it reminds me of some of the older Magic novels and comics that predated the Weatherlight story. Have you written any stories set on Ellysium? Totally appreciative of all those compliments. As to Ellysium... The answer is more or less yes. Two of the walkers I've made are natives to Ellysium, and Raef's story does feature Ellysium. viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2218 Specifically part 2, but it isn't comprehensive. |
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