So, starlight is associated with Blue mana in this world? Interesting, certainly helps to differentiate from the mystical White Aurora.
Well, astronomy is a leading aspect of the world, so it makes some sense for blue to become experts in its study since knowledge is such a primary aspect of blue'c philosophy.
In a greater sense too, the djinn are associated as lunar beings. Particularly with the number three as there are three moons..
So, I managed to hash out some of this at work.
The ManitouYeti beliefs claim that every part of the world possesses a soul. The greatest of their numbers, the beings who embody the elements of nature itself are known as the manitou and it is their manifestation upon the world that brings calamity and fortune alike. Each spirit is part of a greater whole, meaning that they are one and many at the same time, a fraction of the grand spirit that embodies the very concept of the element. These elemental spirits are the gods the yeti worship, a whole made from many spirits. Some shaman say that even those gods are but a fraction of the worldsoul itself, but regardless, the yeti revere the manitou and seek to channel their wisdom and power, as well as their protection. The lesser manitou, the smallest fractions of the gods, are generally seen as glowing spirits, roughly humanoid with great horns and intricate lines along their bodies. The four grand manitou that are worshiped as gods embody the spirits of fire, lightning, earth, and snow and there are many legends revolving around their history and interaction with each other.
... I really feel that I could say more about this, even without going into what and who each of the grand spirits are.