For clarity's sake, my strategy with the main index of the archive has been to add people to the main index and give them pages of their own if they A. occur in two or more stories and B. appear in works that otherwise would not be findable directly from the index except by way of "Other Stories" OR C. are Jackie OR D. have a dossier.
So, Raiker has a PAGE but not a DOSSIER because he fulfills both conditions A. and B. despite failing D. (And C. obviously.)
Yeah, I pretty much used the same logic in making my Archive map; using my 3-pound biological connection-making machine to predictively assess the importance of any given character or world when they do not have separate write-ups. More weight was obviously assigned to named planes and planeswalkers over unknowns or natives, respectively.
Not that it's serving me that well anymore -_-
I think plugging all the map information into a spreadsheet (as long as it's sortable and/or searchable) is the most logical step at this point. I can even plug in every lesser, dead, or planar-bound character or plane or artifact or whatever into the thing.