Tevish, I really enjoyed this one.
However, I have to start with my one and only beef. You preface this fine story by saying, and I quote:
And yeah, this is another slow-paced talky piece out of me like "Lost Things" or "Advent of a Planeswalker" or even "Carrying the Torch".
Almost as though you were implying that there was something *bad* about slow-paced talky pieces.
Well, sir, as a self-proclaimed authority on slow-paced talky pieces, I object. Because I like slow-paced talky pieces. And this is a fine, fine talky piece.
The interactions between Morgan and Larasa are wonderful. I'm afraid that I haven't read the story which comes before this one, so I was just learning about their histories as I went, but I really enjoyed getting to see their different perspectives on past places and events.
Also, I want to specifically tip my cap to this particular line, which is just a perfect little character moment:
She was also, of course, a girl
I'm with Ruwin in that the Morgan/Larasa conversations were far and away my favorite parts. I can see the character/world development purpose which the parts about the monastery serve, but I kind of shared Larasa's sentiment by the end, and I wished that the monastery wasn't keeping our heroes apart so much, because I just wanted to spend more time with them.
Which I very much look forward to doing in the next story, whenever it comes.
Thanks for posting!