Okay, I fortunately finally finished Phostus. Fantastically fascinating fiction, freely flowing fun.
For few fripperies fall forth from fearsome Phostus's foreboding foundries.
@The Ouroboros: This is an interesting take on snakefolk. I like it overall, although I find the connection with humans due to gender identities to be an odd one. Still, I think this makes a pretty interesting green tribe.
Honestly, it's something of a byproduct to offset the inclusion of the androgyne demons. I had to find some way to normalize it so that it didn't seem solely a demonic trait. Ultimately, I really wanted Luxenyx to be that, but if there was no baseline I was worried about what implications may be drawn from it.
I was worried it might stick out like this, but... well, needs must when the devil drives.
@Hydra: I personally like hydras, although I prefer the serpentine style as opposed to this more amalgam description, but I like the theme of self-devouring.
Yeah, between the ouroboros symbolism and the hydras, I wanted that to be kind of a subtheme to green on Phostus.
@The Regent Dragons: I really like the manipulated civil war angle. You would think dragons would hold a grudge, but I guess these dragons are more pragmatic. Cool stuff, though.
I think they were sufficiently cowed by what happened before. Speaking of cows....
@Minotaurs: Again, I really like the history here. I set up a similar situation to the shaman's tithe here on Helkavin, with the Devout, although that had only been going on for a hundred years or so. I like the diaspora aspect of them.
The minotaur were ultimately the hardest tribe to design a history for, partly because of the cultural cues I wanted to pull and the lack of resonant mythology I could build around, but I'm emboldened that you think I did a spiffy job. Though likely I didn't leave enough clear evidence for their cultural origin...
@The Hounds: I found the Hounds section to be a bit oddly written, compared with the other section. It was less historical and more scientific, more like the scholastic writings that described the artifacts in Maral's fault. Also, I'm hoping where we eventually get a story set on Phostus, we get to see a Foo Fighter...
Yeah... to some degree it was intentional, because I had to find some way to tie what I wanted to do across a spectrum of different subclassifications. It sort of tied my hands in there, since I didn't feel each of these subspecies warranted their own entry. (it was hellish to try to resist a Doge joke too....)
@The Bestiary: Like Keeper, I find the Spikes the most interesting inclusion here, although the direction you have chosen to take the Manticore is pretty interesting, as well.
Spikes were really sort of a place to just fill in some missing color pieces, and were honestly thrown in on a whim. The Manticore is something I had been struggling with for a while. Originally I was going to include Lamassu as well to act as a foil to them, but it felt contrived and I could never get a good angle on them.
So yeah, I like Phostus, more or less. I think between this and Helkavin, we have sort of made up for Serra's Realm being a thing, which is a win in my book!
Well, I designed Phostus as a Mirror Darkly of Ellysium in terms of themes and even history. There's a sort of inverted parallelism that appeals to me in a really sort of twisted way.
Plus, having finished this is pushing me to recompile and polish Ellysium too, which is an advantage. I've gotten to the point that what I need are locations to fill Ellysium out, but I might just turn people loose on that, make a new thread and see what falls out.
Then I'll finally move onto doing the new plane that's been rattling my brain.