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Phyrexian Magic
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Author:  Heliosphoros [ Thu Aug 25, 2022 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Phyrexian Magic

Based on an old post for someone who currently resigned from the fandom I cannot find.

: Original and default of course. Stanard necromancy, infection and carnomancy, albeit so corrupt even normal necromancers like Liliana hate it.

: Not see a lot, but from Vorinclex's take it involves carnomancy, usually to assimilate creatures unto itself or gestate new things

: Mostly mind magic from what can be seen. Gin-Jitaxias surprisingly uses few combat spells.

: Mostly focused on porcelain shards and bones. Abundant use of photokinesis both in cards and in Norn's battle against Ashiok.

: Mostly fire, lava and metal magic. Probably the hint that its the least corrupt.

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