*shows up out of nowhere*
Sorry I'm late. It's a jungle out there, I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries...
I've definitely missed my window to pick up the Innistrad discussion, at least until the next set comes out, but considering how quiet this place has been lately, I might as well try to get some speculation for
Dominaria United off the ground. For starters, I've been wondering what places and cultures might be featured in the set, provided we are going to see a similar breakdown across colours as
Dominaria had.
Dominaria basically had two regions or cultures per colour, but I wouldn't mind seeing a less static approach this time. Then again, they still need to cover all five colours and have a roughly even distribution, so speculating along those lines is going to make
some degree of sense. Now, it's probably safe to say that
Dominaria has already plucked most of the low-hanging fruits when it comes to iconic cultures and places, so I guess anything could happen on the next visit.
Judging by the concept art, so far we have:
en-kor (presumably
and from the Balduvian Steppe in New Argive)
- humans from New Argive (judging by their fur capes and their association with kor and Yavimaya elves; probably mostly
- elves from Yavimaya (compare the depictions of elves in
Urza's Destiny in terms of outfits and distinctive ears and facial features; very likely
- dwarves (probably also from New Argive; hopefully will be
but I wouldn't put it beyond WotC to shove their "dwarves are
" nonsense into Dominaria, especially since I expect the kor and many of the humans in New Argive to be
as well...)
What's interesting about the art is that it seems to depict a sort of meeting between four factions that all have some stylised pointy symbol with them that vaguely resembles the Coalition symbol from the Phyrexian Invasion (the banner of the kor, the flag of the humans, the shields of the dwarves and elves, though I'm not entirely sure about the latter one). Considering Yavimaya didn't have any sapient life last time we saw it (except for the merfolk and the gorillas, if you want to count those), I could see this being the elves' farewell before they return to their forest, and I actually think we'll
revisit Yavimaya and see its sapient inhabitants move back in. I've gone on record saying I don't want future Dominaria sets to constantly revisit the same places, but I think this one could work. Having some small overlap between this and the last Dominaria set is probably a good idea, especially to give the normies something to latch onto.
Jenson Carthalion had better be involved as well! There's also an anthology story called 'Ereth the Mighty' from
The Monsters of Magic that's set in Yavimaya and that I really hope they'll acknowledge (the timeline references together with the status quo presented in that story imply that the short epilogue probably takes place some time after
Dominaria, which would fit right into
Dominaria United). And since we're probably going to see
New Argive, that could mean we'll get the local version of the
Church of Serra, too. Remember that
Clifftop Retreat shows Dominaria's oldest active Serran temple, which happens to be in Epityr. So that, too, would be similar to
Dominaria but not the same.
Urborg is another place that could probably stand to be revisited, both because they could show us how the defeat of Belzenlok has affected it and because it really lacked a lot of the things you'd expect in Urborg and replaced them with Cabalists and fat little spirits last time we saw it. Can we have actual people that aren't the Cabal? Grisly corporeal undead? More panther warriors? Pit fighting? Windgrace's acolytes? Phyrexian remnants? Vhelnish? The
il-kor? The Martyrs' Tomb being rebuilt?
Other than what we can extrapolate from the art, it's really hard to say. If the New Argive/Yavimaya hints are any indication, we might see a stronger focus on Terisiare as a whole. Would be cool to see a glimpse of Gulmany, though if that's the case I kinda hope they use it as a dumping ground for stuff from Rath. I pointed to some good evidence that the Rathi shadow races were originally from there in a thread I made about Rathi influences on Dominaria a while ago, and we know the
en-Vec settled on Dominaria after the Invasion (cf. 'Crucible' in
The Monsters of Magic), and I guess Gulmany doesn't have much else going on, so they might as well fill in the blanks with random Rathi fluff. There's probably also a ruined city from the time of the Primevals there somewhere, which may or may not have created the Niroso... but I digress
Then there is Almaaz, which has so much stuff crammed into it that they could make an entire set about it, so maybe they'll cherry pick some of that. Orcs? Fallaji? Sumifa and its song mages? Who knows. They'd probably be hesitant to put a major spotlight on places that haven't featured (much) on the cards, though, which is a pretty big issue in and off itself IMO...
I have a feeling we might visit
the Krosan Forest in Otaria, mostly because
Dominaria United is going to need another
region that isn't Llanowar or Yavimaya, and Krosa seems like a reasonably well-known pick that doesn't come with a lot of creative baggage.
Krosan Druid was in
Dominaria, and "doing big green beasts again" in Krosa was one of the possible resons to revisit Otaria Ethan mentioned a while ago, so who knows... Krosa also has nantuko, which I'd be dying to see again and which a lot of people like, I think. Other than that, you could do pretty much everything
likes to do in a very accessible and resonant way.
There are also a lot of cool cities on Dominaria, each of which you could probably build an entire set around in its own right, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any of them... There's Estark, of course, but also Coraleon (that's the one at Cape Tempest where they have a festival for every emotion), and, last but not least,
I'd argue there are certain parts of Dominaria that you can't just show one part of (e.g. for a certain colour) because you'd need to show the bigger picture for it to make sense. Sarpadia would be an example of that. People (myself included) seemed to warm up to the idea pretty quickly that maybe Sarpadia isn't all ruins and thrulls when Ethan chimed in and shared some of his views about the topic, but I think revisiting it would go against so many firmly entrenched expectations that you'd need to devote more space to it than just "Surprise! The dwarves of the Crimson Peaks are the random
faction in
Dominaria United! No, you can't see the rest of Sarpadia!". Zhalfir is another one that really deserves to be the main focus of the set and story it's in when it comes back, you can't just throw in the Mwonvuli Jungle and call it a day.
I'm not sure where on that spectrum Corondor would fall, though. Unlike Sarpadia and Zhalfir, it has never had its own set and has barely been featured outside of the old comics, but it probably doesn't have any particular status quo that would necessarily need an explanation (other than the outcome of the Planeswalker War, at least in broad strokes). In fact, starting small and feeding the normies little pieces in a regular Dominaria set would probably be the way to go. Getting a slice of Corondor in a colour or two would just be amazing...
At least MH2 was a step in the right direction when it comes to giving Corondor some exposure, and maybe they didn't do it for nothing.
Generally speaking, I'd argue it's important to make use of some less well-known aspects of Dominaria while they haven't run out of iconic ones to mix them with. If they don't start making room for some of the more out there stuff and keep filling their Dominaria sets with only the most well-known bits, they might eventually be stuck in a scenario where the general audience is tired of them but hasn't been properly introduced to the B- and C-tier ones in order to make them carry more sets. Like, once you've done your Benalias and your Llanowars enough times but made no effort to build up your Corondors and your Sukurvias, what are you going to do? Yeah, it might not be a pressing issue considering the glacial pace at which they feed us little snippets of Dominaria (one set every few years), but I'd like to see it approached with some sustainability in mind. Then again, I have both feet firmly in the "putting a substantial focus on Dominaria as Magic's homeplane again is the only thing that can save its creative identity" camp, so...