Thanks, all!
AzureShade wrote:
I happen to have just made a list recently of all of the MTG Novels:
<<snip list>>
Oooh, that'll come in handy - especially the little notes like read before X.
Mostly all of them are appropriate for young adults if you're okay with some instances of graphic violence in books where Phyrexians are concerned. There's very little in the way of explicit sex in MTG books as they were written for the young adult crowd. I'd highly recommend any of the Pre-Revisionist books, though you'll have an easier time getting your hands on the Post-Mending titles.
Some violence is OK. Fade-to-black, off screen sex is OK. He's read the whole Harry Potter series and a few others, so he's certainly had
some violence. My daughter has read more stuff - Hunger Games, Eregon trilogy, Twilight ( :rolleyes: ). So it's even less of a worry there.
Is there any particular era of the MTG books you'd like to know more about?
I... don't know how to answer that. I don't know what the era are.
I played Magic once years ago, and didn't touch it again until they wanted to learn at GenCon last summer. And then my exposure is just the starter decks we were given.
KeeperofManyNames wrote:
Hm, Agents of Artifice has some implied off-screen sex and some violence, but on the whole it's not bad, I don't think. Certainly no worse than, say, Song of the Lioness, and I had read those novels by the time I was twelve or so. Younger than that, probably.
AoA is a good choice because it's largely unconnected to larger continuity from before the Mending. Weatherlight/Artifacts has most of the really great novels, but they're all pretty interconnected and can get pretty horrifying what with the Phyrexians (although again, I was reading them by age 12/13 and I've turned out completely well adjusted in every possible way! Every possible way.
So AoA is a good stand alone book that doesn't require a lot of knowledge about the world etc? Basically, I'd like to find a good book to introduce him to the greater series - because that gives my wife and me more choices when trying to find a new book for him to do these assignments...
edit: fixed busted quote tags