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Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)
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Author:  WotC_Ethan [ Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)

Does anyone know where this map came from? It's clearly a modified version of the Tom Wanerstrand map that appeared in the 1997 calendar.


Author:  HARBiNG3R [ Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. ... -of-magic/

From MTG Tactics apparently.

Author:  Hello World [ Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. ... rty?page=3 ... comment=62
Seems that the map below that one in the article comes from tactics judging by the video, the one linked in the OP apparently is from the duelist if KavuMonarch forum post is to be believed.

Author:  WotC_Ethan [ Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up.

Thanks folks. KavuPrimarch says it's from an issue of Top Decks. I assume we have them in the library at WotC. I'll take a look.


Author:  WotC_Ethan [ Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up.

Found it. TopDeck #7 had it. Thank you!

Author:  Ragnarokio [ Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)

gj everyone another mystery solved good teamwork

Author:  Pavor Nocturnus [ Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)

Editing the thread name to add "(Aerona map question)" was probably a good idea. "Okay, I give up." kinda sounded like "I finally realised you guys suck, not going to post here anymore, bye". :eek: :-P

Speaking of maps, I'm not a playmat person, but if WotC ever released a playmat with a good quality image of a map of Dominaria (or a part of it), I'd buy it. Just saying.

Author:  RavenoftheBlack [ Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)

Speaking of maps, I'm not a playmat person, but if WotC ever released a playmat with a good quality image of a map of Dominaria (or a part of it), I'd buy it. Just saying.

And if that playmat map allowed you to somehow remove parts of northern Jamuraa and Shiv, that would be one of the coolest things ever...

Author:  WotC_Ethan [ Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)

Editing the thread name to add "(Aerona map question)" was probably a good idea. "Okay, I give up." kinda sounded like "I finally realised you guys suck, not going to post here anymore, bye". :eek: :-P

Sometimes I find you guys' complaints tiresome, but then I remember that I'm still offended by Commodore Guff, and I remember that we're all fans in our own ways.

Speaking of maps, I'm not a playmat person, but if WotC ever released a playmat with a good quality image of a map of Dominaria (or a part of it), I'd buy it. Just saying.

I would frame that $%*@ and hang it on my wall!



Author:  Pavor Nocturnus [ Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Okay, I give up. (Aerona map question)

WotC_Ethan wrote:
Editing the thread name to add "(Aerona map question)" was probably a good idea. "Okay, I give up." kinda sounded like "I finally realised you guys suck, not going to post here anymore, bye". :eek: :-P

Sometimes I find you guys' complaints tiresome, but then I remember that I'm still offended by Commodore Guff, and I remember that we're all fans in our own ways.
Well said. And sure, it's understandable that you'd find that tiresome sometimes. But it's true, different people will have different sets of priorities as to what's most important to them in Magic and what they feel it should offer to them (I'm mostly talking about the creative aspect here).

I can only speak for my own complaints and my own priorities, but I've been with this game for more than 15 years, been following the storyline for almost as long and I'm still catching up with older material here and there. And sure, the game and the way in which it approaches storytelling and worldbuilding has always been in flux during that time. That's fine and not a problem per se, and by far not everything was gold, but a lot of things that I personally really loved about Magic (plus a few awesome things in older material that I fell in love with later) have gradually eroded over time - things like following Dominaria and its many locales and characters through the ages, a consistent and interesting portrayal of how magic works in the setting (once that had been hammered out), getting novels with enough space to develop their story properly, maps, timelines, easter eggs and nods to older continuity, stories that don't all have the same group of protagonists etc. The last few years in particular have felt very different from what I would expect Magic to be like. They really made me take a step back, look around and question what's actually still left for me to enjoy. It's hardly a surprise that everything feels different now, considering it's officially called the New Era of Storytelling. And yes, the Commodore Guff shenanigans were dreadful, but at least we'll never have to put up with Guff ever again. Sadly, the thing that I personally am the most offended by - you guessed it, it's Magic Origins - also happens to be the foundation on which this new era is built, so there is no escaping it.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I love Magic. I sincerely believe that the card game itself at its core is the best game in the world. Not only that, from all fictional universes that I'm familiar with, I find that of Magic the most intriguing, if not in execution, then at least in its basic premise. I gradually neglected being a Tolkien nerd in favour of becoming a more serious Magic storyline fan for crying out loud. I know guys who got into Magic (or back into Magic, in some cases) to play Standard or Modern and chase after fetchlands for two, maybe three years tops, and then quit again. Now, I'm not going to tell anyone how to have fun with the game, but it's clear to me that those guys never loved Magic. What they loved was winning tournaments and making profit off of their cards, and Magic was nothing but a vehicle to accomplish those things to them. The last time I talked to one of them, I wasn't surprised to learn that he had sold his entire collection "as long as he could still get cash for it" because "Modern sucks now" and "value is tanking hard", so he "plays Hearthstone now". I could never do that. Not with a gun to my head. The worst thing that could happen is that I give up on everything Wizards is doing with Magic, refuse to give them my money for ruining it and sustain myself on buying singles until something fundamentally improves. But as long as you see me complaining, that hasn't happened yet. As long as I'm around to praise the good things and complain about the bad things, I still care or at least I want to care. And boy, do I want to care. At least for the next 15 years.

I hope this (albeit way too short) love letter to the game you help to create was enough to make up for some of my/our tiresomeness. And you know what? I think Ixalan is looking great in both flavour and mechanics, and I can't wait to play with it. Maybe this block and Dominaria will help to fully draw me back in and make everything less doom and gloom. Oh, and I bought two of the new Commander decks, those and Conspiracy are consistently great. :thumbsup:

Speaking of maps, I'm not a playmat person, but if WotC ever released a playmat with a good quality image of a map of Dominaria (or a part of it), I'd buy it. Just saying.

WotC_Ethan wrote:
I would frame that $%*@ and hang it on my wall!


Okay, I'm sold, I'd buy TWO of them!

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