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Q+A: What is this Legendary Creature from?
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Author:  preadatordetector [ Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Q+A: What is this Legendary Creature from?

Aside from legendary creatures with obvious origins (due to being in a plane-themed set) this thread is created for legendary creatures without very obvious origins.

If anyone has trouble understanding where a legendary creature came from, or has an answer to another user's inquiry, feel free to post that information on this thread.

Author:  preadatordetector [ Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Q+A: What is this Legendary Creature from?

I personally wonder where Riku of Two Reflections originated. My first guess is Kamigawa, but it's a long shot.

Author:  Barinellos [ Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Q+A: What is this Legendary Creature from?

I personally wonder where Riku of Two Reflections originated. My first guess is Kamigawa, but it's a long shot.

Shandalar actually.
We got that bit of info well after his introduction though.

Lemme run it down for you, though it might take a bit.


I think the clarification came from one of the Duels of The Planeswalkers games, but I can't say for certainty at a cursory glance.

Author:  Pavor Nocturnus [ Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Q+A: What is this Legendary Creature from?

On a somewhat related note, it's awesome that the flavour text on Command Beacon quotes Riku in that EDH meta kind of way. There must be a cooI story behind that beacon and whoever set it up. I want all the Shandalar...

Getting the two halves of Riku on separate cards with Partner would also be really cool if they ever find a place for that. :V

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