Also, I'll argue that men are SUBSTANTIALLY more sexualized in magic these days than women.
For reference:
Enthralling Victor.
For what it's worth, I don't think that big-breasted women are exactly underrepresented in (fantasy) fiction. Magic has chosen deliberately to include a variety of body types and I don't think their artists are told they should shun drawing buxom women. What they
are told is that they should avoid sexualizing anyone's body on cards that have no business being sexualized. It would be rather weird to see, say, a
Knight of the Reliquary in a very sexualized pose because, well, there's nothing about the card or what it represents that requires it. On cards like
Enthralling Victor or
Rakish Heir, that sort of thing is perfectly okay (and would still be okay if they were women) because that's what the card represents. Especially Victor, who represents a person who is so
perfect and, well, enthralling, that you can't help but join their side. As much as it would please me for him to look like me, I don't think that would sell the card as much. You have to understand at a glance why someone would be stricken by their body.
And if we're talking representation of body types, I always find myself thinking about one of my brothers. He's short (1m65, which I think is about 5 foot 5) and has a tendency for chubbiness. Even when he was in really good shape, his muscles would mostly be hidden by fat. Now that'a body type that rarely gets shown as being awesome, attractive or competent. If it's included at all, it will generally be as comic relief. I mean, most of the time I bring this up, people tell me: "Well, we just got Dwarves in Kaladesh," which I find a bit annoying.
I think people are overestimating the amount of hatred well-endowed characters receive. It's a fairly vocal group of complainers, but not an overly large one. It's also important to note that it's not big boobs that draw ire (only in most cases of course), but their overprevalence. The well endowed are very well represented. Bosomy ladies squeeze other body types out of media representation. That's what people are mad about.
I don't even think it's mainly (or only) about the overprevalence. It's a combination of the overprevalence
and the fact that it gets needlessly sexualized. I remember seeing a discussing on Suicide Squad where they mentioned how the camera would constantly linger on the butt of Harley Quinn. That sort of thing is the problem, I think. To return to the original example of the anime, if the character
just had big breasts, that would probably have been fine, but reading and seeing the examples in this thread, it seems that the animators are going out of their way to draw attention to the breasts and I don't think the story calls for that. (I haven't watched the show, so correct me if I'm wrong.)