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Plane Shift: Ravnica
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Author:  Planechaser [ Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Plane Shift: Ravnica

If and when Ravnica gets a new set/block in the 2 Set Paradigm and thus an Art of Ravnica artbook and thus a Plane Shift: Ravnica, what races do you think will be available?

6 like on Zendikar?
Human, Loxodon, Vedalken, Vampire, Goblin, Elf?

Or more?
Human, Loxodon, Giant? Vedalken, Merfolk, Vampire, Ogre, Goblin, Viashino, Elf, Centaur?

I suppose the simpler the better, but no playable Loxodon, Vedalken, or Viashino?

Author:  TPmanW [ Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plane Shift: Ravnica

A lot of those races have already been covered, so it might be quick and easy for WOTC to include them. I think the focus will be on the guilds though. Maybe they'll act as a character background, granting proficiencies and whatnot, or as a class modifier. If we go that route, I don't think we'll see too many new classes. The other big potential focus is environs- Ravnica is tied to its geographical backdrop more than most MTG settings.

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